What and how to do this?

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Active member
Aug 7, 2011
North Carolina
I have spent hours trying to figure out on how to get the gold off of ewaste. I own a good size ewaste company and want to figure this out. It seems to be really cool 8) i don't know where to start or what to buy to do this. Could i get some ideas please.
This is too broad question. Simplest answer will be to have look here on forum. This whole place is dedicated to refining ewaste. Take few days and browse through this place. Only this way you will find if this (refining) is what you want to do.
The only reason i asked because i have alot of different types of scrap. I have a lot of CPU scrap, memory and motherboard. I do have some other boards that are heavily traced with gold. I just dont know which way would be the best.
It isn't a matter of "which way is best". It's a matter of using the proper procedure for each type of scrap.

You will be very best served to read the forum and begin to understand what these guys go through to recover and refine values. It would also serve you well to read Hoke's book, so you'll have at least a fundamental idea of what is involved in refining precious metals.

It is unreasonable of you to expect all of this to make sense by asking a couple questions. As you learn more, you'll come to understand what I mean. Many of us here have invested years of our lives learning to refine. It isn't something you get in a day.

I understand, I just found this place tonight. So I have a lot of reading to do. I am glad I found this place. I have been in the ewaste for a while and I have just always sold all my scrap in bulk. But I just love the idea of pouring my own block. And really what does recovery more than other scrap. But I thank all of you for your future help and teaching.
i agreed to refine a large amount of Escrap for a friend of mine without the slightest clue about how to go about it, FOUR MONTHS AGO! and just refined my first ounce yesterday.i havent been slacking or dragging my feet it just takes time first of all to get materials in a workable form (pins pulled, fingers trimmed) .then safety first. then safety again.no amount of gold is worth your health.never breathe fumes.always wear safety gear.ask advise when needed but search for answers first for yourself.learn the chemicals you will be dealing with and how they work.learn about the equipment you will be working with and how it works.experiment to see first hand on a small scale and take notes.chemicals usually react the same whether its a cup full or a train load.be aware of your surroundings and what or who may be effected by your processes.never try a process unless you have a fundamental understanding about what you are doing and a reasonable expectancy of the outcome. ok, enough of that.
welcome to the forum. good luck and good refining. Geo
Geo said:
i agreed to refine a large amount of Escrap for a friend of mine without the slightest clue about how to go about it, FOUR MONTHS AGO! and just refined my first ounce yesterday.i havent been slacking or dragging my feet it just takes time first of all to get materials in a workable form (pins pulled, fingers trimmed) .then safety first. then safety again.no amount of gold is worth your health.never breathe fumes.always wear safety gear.ask advise when needed but search for answers first for yourself.learn the chemicals you will be dealing with and how they work.learn about the equipment you will be working with and how it works.experiment to see first hand on a small scale and take notes.chemicals usually react the same whether its a cup full or a train load.be aware of your surroundings and what or who may be effected by your processes.never try a process unless you have a fundamental understanding about what you are doing and a reasonable expectancy of the outcome. ok, enough of that.
welcome to the forum. good luck and good refining. Geo
Very well put Geo
I thanks everyone for the help. I know this is going to take me a while to get this going. I am totally new to the refining side of this. I have played in the creek with a dredge, but I like this idea a lot more. And before I have just been selling all my gold bearing materials in weight. And if I can help anyone out in anyway just let me know. My background is asset management and founder of powerhouse recycling. I am in NC.
Honestly. I think you will find that the way you are currently handling your scrap is best. We recently had a discussion with a guy that wanted to know if it would make sense to refine his scrap that he acquired from his pawn shop. We basically came to the conclusion that he would be best served not to refine it himself. This was karated scrap. Take the difficulty of refining karated scrap, compare it to processing ewaste and multiply by 20. This is not meant to discourage but an opinion based on information you will find here.

That being said you may end up meeting somewhere in the middle by refining your "fingers" and processors and continuing to send out everything else. Buy you never know. Welcome.
I was really thinking about that. Because I go through a lot of motherboard scrap usually 3-5k by weekly. But the ram and processors takes a while to get up good weight. I have a good bit of processor scrap right now and almost a half of Gaylord of ram. I know just the processors would keep me busy.
I would learn to refine working on choice material and resale the rest, money if fine but melting the gold you refined is priceless. the education would help you in your business as well. what do you like doing on your weekends?

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