What kind of boards are these? Good deal or bad deal?

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Oct 11, 2011

I was just browsing on ebay trying to find out what kind of good deals people get there. I stumbled on this http://www.ebay.ca/itm/321080804846?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649

What do you guys think? Was this a good deal or bad deal? And what kind of boards are those? They look like they contain good amount of gold traces.

Thanks for your comments!
Wow! I have a hard time believing somebody paid $155 for that lot. I'm willing to bet there will be 1/4 of that in precious metals on those boards. I see a lot of solder on those traces that were covered with a varnish which would explain why the traces look golden. I feel sorry for the buyer for purchasing a lot of copper, tin and lead. :shock:
GOLDbuyerCA said:
it is better than most of us think better than 1/4 oz recoverable there . imo.

I've been reading for quiet sometime and from the looks of it there might be some silver and some other pm's in those diodes. They look like good boards at a quick glance. I thought whoever bought it got lucky. However I can be wrong.

So far I've been getting familiar with AP and gold fingers. I hope to venture myself a bit more into sulfuric cell for pins this summer. Boards will be later on...maybe way way later. I just don't know how to determine yield on circuit boards. lol!

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