What ph minerals drop out of solution and become precipitate

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New member
Apr 4, 2014
I am looking for a table which shows the pH at which minerals drop out of solution and become precipitate.
This is for both acidic and alkaline solutions.

It should clearly list the specific mineral and the specific pH.

I have spent several months looking online so I have genuinely been searching yet seem unable to find this valuable info.
Can anyone please assist with a chart which shows this info.

Pls do not post useless rubbish comments unless you know of a specific reference for this. PLEASE DO NOT SEND ME MINDLESS GOOGLE SEARCH STRINGS.

Thank you
Probably this is what you are searching for: https://www.google.de/search?q=hydr....0.msedr...0...1c..64.serp..0.0.0.M_6oQ9MIzPk

The actual pH range when a hydroxide will precipitate depends on concentration and other factors like complexes. So using a chart will not always work as you might expect. Calculating the ranges is quite not trivial and with many different ions involved like in waste solutions you will need to experiment.

To learn more about this, you can start here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solubility_equilibrium
MarcoP, you obviously did NOT read the sentence about useless stupid INANE replies. (Basis for being banned)
I have been searching for months and I have "OBVIOUSLY" tried google, bing and multiple other sources.

Bjorn, You are correct, cold, warm or hot water (or solution) will affect the outcome and volume of chemicals required depending upon the matrix media.

I have read almost all of the waste water reports, they generally deal with "several" specific metals, plus arsenic, mercury etc.

I have even emailed the author of one of these reports (still waiting for a response) Prof. PIERO M. ARMENANTE

BTW, I am not working with "wastewater" (AKA sludge AKA sewage)
bondigold said:
MarcoP, you obviously did NOT read the sentence about useless stupid INANE replies.
I have been searching for months and I have "OBVIOUSLY" tried google, bing and multiple other sources.

Sorry for sincerely trying to help you. I have lot of things to say about how you formulated your question, and keywords used, but I'd rather prefer wishing you good luck with your work and let others help you.

bondigold, you've been a member here for a year now. You should know by now that if another member replies to a question you ask, the preferred reaction is to say thank you, even if you don't like their reply. You might want to reconsider your attitude when asking for help. If you insult those who try to respond, you may find that others will ignore your posts in the future.

What I need is for my question to be filled up by useless responses so that I waste my time AND the time of everyone else who is interested in my post looking through useless and absolutely UNHELPFUL replies.

I already stated that I have been looking for months and then I get a response to do a NON SPECIFIC search on google.

Meanwhile, this page fills up with time wasting replies and myself and ALL of the other people interested in this subject are peeved off because ALL we see is inane vapid responses YET AGAIN.

If you do NOT know, then do not say.
If you have NOT L@@KED UP your own search term and seen that it was completely useless, do not expect others to do that for you.
WHY do "we the people" have to put up with mindless replies when the person posting just wants posting cred?

I came here (also 1 year ago) looking for intelligent people and intelligent info which could not be sourced elsewhere (as easily).
For the most part, this forum is brilliant and is only let down by those who have no friends and want to see their name on posts.

A response such as this isn't acceptable on this board. ANY reader who displays a blatant disregard for the feelings of another can be expected to be banned.
Looks like your attitude hasn't improved much at all. Good luck with your time sensitive research.
Pretty good article on the subject, although it's not complete as to the various metals.


  • Hydroxide pption..pdf
    77.1 KB · Views: 42
You don't want information, you want confrontation!
I know exactly what your looking for, but you can chalk it up with that attitude.

Being a jerk is one of the things that people get banned for. Nobody wants to be around a jerk. As far as I'm concerned, you now have 2 strikes. One more and you're out.

you may find that others will ignore your posts in the future.

and even those, who already answered - bondigold, I will not waste your precious time anymore.

Never seen any similar behaviour!
One more isn't required. He's banned, and there is no need for discussion. He should have been banned with his first less than polite response. That isn't permitted on this board, something he should have known having been a registered reader for a year.

Thank you, Harold.

If someone posts they have been studying something in depth but have not found an answer to a specific problem, most people would be quite willing, even eager to help. When they say they essentially don't want repetition of what they have already done, how are we to know what they have already studied?

We all look at things differently and that's one of the greatest assets of this board. Maybe, just maybe, I have overlooked something that is readily obvious to someone else. I am not too proud to admit my mistakes and shortcomings and make the necessary apologies when needed.
Raven turmoil said:
Thanks Solar and Marco, those links may not have helped him, But they really helped me.
Try to have a look at
4metals http://goldrefiningforum.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=1300&p=40800#p40800
g_axelsson http://goldrefiningforum.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=21273#p219523 (links to Harold_V)
butcher http://goldrefiningforum.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=49&t=21638&p=224764#p224764 and http://goldrefiningforum.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=49&t=17308&p=175389#p175389
kurtak http://goldrefiningforum.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=21273&p=228100#p228099

Hopefully those will give you a better idea, I'm sorry I can't find a thread where I believe butcher helped me with this same question providing links to google searches or pdf ... bad memory or overload of information :lol:
;) I Read Butcher,Harold,Kadiver,Geo,Sam,4Metals,Steve and many More as much as i read Hoke. :lol: I love this place. Sometimes I have to reread several times and then it clicks. By then the copper worked.

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