Which HCL to use, green 30% or colorless 18-20%...

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Jun 9, 2011
Hi everyone,

I would like to make a stannous test solution, but I have a dilemma which HCL to use: 30% HCL which has a light yellow-green color, or to use colorless 18-20 % HCL and to apply some heat on it when I put tin?

And how will this effect test results later.. ?

35% colorless pure HCL I can not find in small amounts, I need to buy a 50 lit barrel... :(

I didn't know that they put dye in HCl. I understand that it's to differentiate it from water, but how can you mistaken it when it's smoking white fumes :!:

Anyway, I wouldn't be too concerned about the dye, but 20% HCl will certainly dissolve your tin. Just heat it a little longer.
OK.. thanx.. I will then go with the 20% colorless...

This 30% was originally 35 % (as the salesman speaks), wut with time it got weaker... so I am little afraid that it is contaminated with some salts... I hope it will not mess with my refining since I plan to use it as my primary HCL for refining ceramic cpus...
SasaK said:
OK.. thanx.. I will then go with the 20% colorless...

This 30% was originally 35 % (as the salesman speaks), wut with time it got weaker... so I am little afraid that it is contaminated with some salts... I hope it will not mess with my refining since I plan to use it as my primary HCL for refining ceramic cpus...
It may contain a trace of iron--or not. Likely not going to be a problem, assuming you don't expect 4n's quality. For a first precipitation, guaranteed---acid such as you described won't be the problem with resulting purity.

Thanx Harold... 0/

This kind of advice realy helps a lot.. Now I can focus on other things, and not waste time worrying about purity of my chemicals...

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