X-Ray Targets Bearing Rare Earth Metal On The Surface/Best Extraction Process Questions

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old fart
May 28, 2014
Hello would a seasoned veteran please tell me, what they feel, is the best process to extract the Rh from the face of certain x-ray targets? Lou, if your out there anywhere, please.
By the way I’m not a new member, like my header describes me, for some reason. I just don’t post anything ever but I’m around now and then. I’ve been a member for probably over twenty years! My header Aglooper was given to me by SGP twenty years or so before he passed, so there you go! I need a big shot here to change my header from new member to old fart!
You asked, I showed up.

Changing your descriptor requires Nugget or FrugalRefiner.

Now, x-ray targets? Some are indeed Rh (I think they call them exit windows), but those are usually a foil and usually in the vac tubes of Nitons, Olympus and other portable handhelds. Then there's some copper and other stuff to filter out lower energies. I've only seen that once, and to be honest, I think I just busted the vacuum and plucked the foil. I can't even remember what it was worth. Given that we have like 5 or 6 handhelds, and over the years people have dropped them, you would think my lazy butt would've harvested the Rh. Nope. Just shelled out the 7200 bucks or whatever it was for a new tube.

The big spinning puck things are made of Ni 200 (pure nickel), some have some gold braze, and as I recall, 5% Re 95% W (at least the GE/Siemens ones from medical) for a few mm over top of a CP molybdenum backing plate.
Back like in 2010 I once got a load of all of the turnings from that from the manufacturer. What a drag to process that was. It ended up sucking terribly to make ammonium perrhenate out of that. Oddly enough, goldsilverpro might have been with me for some of that fun which would explain why I don't recall (damn Cutty Sark!). RIP Chris, you were one hell of a lot of fun!
RIP Chris, you were one hell of a lot of fun!
(y) (y) (y) (y) (y) In deed - I owe much of my success in refining to Chris (not just Chris but he certainly played a roll in my success) beside discussion on the forum I had many privet discussions with him --- I sure miss him !!!!

Lou, I think you, Chris and I were together at the old Diebold #1 plant.l, If memory serves me correctly. I had a pretty good slew of the medical tubes we tore down. The was a metallurgist that Stan “the man” brought in to meet us. He bought what we had back then (20) years ago for $300 each! He took all we had. I have a few more now & was thinking about trying my hand at stripping the Rh/Re off the front of the molly target. You just helped me make my mind up to forget that idea! Thanks for getting back to me so quickly, hope to see you soon, brother!

Anybody that knew Chris misses him! What an intelligent wonderfully fun interesting friend we lost. I think about him often! I have you to thank for introducing him to me, he spent a total of twenty some weeks living with me during my GSP education! He’s gone and they broke the mold!

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