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Supporting Member
Apr 13, 2021
I stumbled acros this gem when watching some org chem videos :) It still reminds me, that even when you read some theory from chem textbooks, you should stay humble. And not assume it will all turn great only because you have a degree.
I found it very common that organic chemists somehow tend to look down on inorganic chemistry, calling it trivial and simple. And there you go - mostly organic chemist (judging by his content) try to accomplish that trivial inorganic synthesis, losing half of the product in very laughable and simultaneously dangerous way :)

I laughed well when he started to load that AgCl into the crucible, knowing well what would happen next :) That smoke from AgCl was that thick, despite fumehood running, that it was clearly visible on the camera. And when he dumped that crucible straight to the floor... Man :D


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