Average percentage of iridium in iron ore...

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There really isn't iridium ore per se, there's just iridium as a byproduct of NiS separation from chromium during the matting process with Transvaal ores in S. Africa. By the time it's in the NiS it's already quite concentrated relative to in the original ore body. After removing the NiS it's very high grade. This is what's done at Lonmin, Anglo, Impala, etc.

We primarily process Ir from solids (i.e. spark plugs, crucibles), catalysts, chloralkali, and mostly refinery intermediates (i.e. pH 6 cake, or hydrolysis cake) from the primary producers and refiners of other PGMs.

How it is solubilized is entirely dependent on which impurities are in it, form etc.

No smelting is used at all.
Can you outline different methods of solubilization, with out breaking any rules?

AR is a terrible method that hardly work, according to what I have read so far.
Of course there are different excotic ways with pressure and so on, but it is usually quite shrouded from us mere mortals.

It is always nice to peek behind the curtain of the magic room, from time to time 🤓
I'm curious to know what kind of materials are made of Ir alloys:)
Recently, I processed various old relays with PtIr10 contact points. Very rare material, not common, USSR made in the 60s - late80s. Honestly, aside of "common" sources like various wild PGM/BM/strange metals like Re, Hf or Nb/Ta mixtures used as catalytic beds for whatever purpose in industry, this is the first time I get my hands on some Ir material.
And knowing from the beginning, that I won't be paid for it makes that feeling even worse :D one of the rarest metals on Earth... I should keep that, too precious for me to sell :D
Yes, i agree. I would buy a 1/2 gram Iridium nugget just to have a look to the rarest metal on the earth (or at least not in the nucleus) .
You could try to use commas, periods and line breaks.
Now it is hard to read.

Even if you are right, without an assay you do not know how to process your ore.
Well that's mighty presumptuous of you. You're right I had no idea how to do what I'm trying to do prior to me having to teach myself through the internet. But it's pretty cool YouTube little videos that I was able to gather enough information to do just what you said I can't do or not don't know how to do. Yes he really is one of the hardest probably the hardest the most challenging elements on the planet to process from iron ore. That hasn't stopped me I like a good challenge anyway.
Palladium will dissolve in Nitric alone, there should not be Pd left after a proper AR digest.
Much of the Rh and some of the Ir will be dissolved too.
Other word nothing left but Noble metal crystals at the bottom of the jar. There wasn't nothing left but what I wanted. Iridium crystals to melt...
What kind if contraption is this?
If you hope to dissolve any refractory metal, it needs to be exposed to the heat not hidden inside something.

With an oxy acetylene torch and proper heat management you should be able to melt small amounts if Ir and Rh.
Well said, about the only way to go about it till I get an induction forge.
Other word nothing left but Noble metal crystals at the bottom of the jar. There wasn't nothing left but what I wanted. Iridium crystals to melt...
And Base metal Oxides, Silver Oxide and more.
All which is orders of magnitude more common than Ir metal.
Well that's mighty presumptuous of you. You're right I had no idea how to do what I'm trying to do prior to me having to teach myself through the internet. But it's pretty cool YouTube little videos that I was able to gather enough information to do just what you said I can't do or not don't know how to do. Yes he really is one of the hardest probably the hardest the most challenging elements on the planet to process from iron ore. That hasn't stopped me I like a good challenge anyway.
Can you tell me what is presumptuous here?
And Base metal Oxides, Silver Oxide and more.
All which is orders of magnitude more common than Ir metal.
1. You're basing your assumptions on findings you're familiar with from wherever you are in the world. 2. What I'm working with here where I am isn't your garden variety content of iridium in the ore. So for you to come to your bias, one-sided and not to mention jealously loaded conclusions, a body has to wonder what's driving your negative aspect on anything I'm doing and what if any good is your alleged professional opinion?
I asked if you are using a leaching process or a smelting process - you answer --- No - I've broken down the noble metal atoms with agua regia.

AR (agua regia) is a leaching process !!! --- therefore your answer should be --- YES - I am using an AR leaching process --- & for you information AR will NOT dissolve iridium (break iridium down into it's noble metal atoms) --- NOT GOING TO HAPPEN !!!

Per the bold print - the internet - can & often is one of the worst places you can go to for finding information about refining - the internet is LOADED with "backyard hacks" playing with chemicals & have NO clue about what they are really doing & as result MUCH of what you find on the internet is LOADED with mis-information - incomplete information & even OFTEN out right wrong information

This forum was originally put together by some of the worlds very best LARGE scale refiners in the world

Refiners that ether consulted for LARGE world class refineries - ran LARGE world class refineries &/or owned their own LARGE world class refineries

As a result of the knowledge these LARGE WORLD CLASS refiners have shared on this forum we have had a GOOD MANY other members achieve the knowledge to start - run & own their own small - mid size & even large refineries - I happen to be just one of those MANY (though I am now retired) These are professional refiners that make their living EVERDAY refining PMs (Precious Metals)

We have even MANY more members that only work at a hobby level & though they only work at a hobby level - they are every bit as good at refining as the LARGE scale refiners because of the information provided on this forum

My point flashfossilized is that you have just joined the worlds VERY BEST source of information about refining PMs - you will find no better source of information anywhere else other then here

EVERYDAY we get new members (like you) that come here with problems & often times BIG messes - that we need to help fix - as a result of the information they find on the internet BEFORE coming here

In other words flashfossilized this forum is not just bunch of "backyard hacks" - playing with chemicals & calling themselves refiners --- rather - we are actual refiners discussing actual refining & as well we help "backyard hacks" with the problems they come here with AFTER they finally find this forum

As a new member here - don't you think you should be listening to the advice being given to you - by some of the worlds best refiners --- instead of assuming - thinking - that we are just a bunch of backyard hacks --- & therefore also assuming that you can tell us how much we don't know & how much more you do know

Taking on that kind of attitude - will sooner or later result in your being banned from this forum - which will in turn result in you loosing the very best source of information about refining you can ever hope to find

So your path forward is now up to you - you can start listening & learning - or ???? & see how long you last here

My next post will be an example of just how much good advice you are being given - good advice that you are currently ignoring

Funny, I know nothing about anything yet somehow managed to learn enough to concoct io with little bit more nitric than hydrochloric and Bam wouldn't you know I was able to break down the iridium atoms into crystals so you may know everything about anything and I may know nothing about what I'm saying but apparently I did something but nobody else did and now I have what I wanted and I'm going to melt it so there it is there big shot thanks for your advice hasn't helped yet you understand I don't play by the book sometimes you got to just do your own thing to get the job done good day sir...
Your attitude...
To continue in the spirit of your rant here, you know nothing about me and you still manage to understand my drive???
You really want to be banned permanently do you?

Please behave and keep a civil language without biting at everyone that try to help you, at least if you want to continue being a member here.
Funny, I know nothing about anything yet somehow managed to learn enough to concoct io with little bit more nitric than hydrochloric and Bam wouldn't you know I was able to break down the iridium atoms into crystals so you may know everything about anything and I may know nothing about what I'm saying but apparently I did something but nobody else did and now I have what I wanted and I'm going to melt it so there it is there big shot thanks for your advice hasn't helped yet you understand I don't play by the book sometimes you got to just do your own thing to get the job done good day sir...
No one in here can break down any atoms into anything. For that you need a nuclear bomb or a large collider.
You know, the expression feeding the troll comes to mind.

At first I just thought it was somebody who legitimately thought that they had iridium. Y'know...someone who dug around and found some shiny rocks and thought they'd be worth something. I was that person when I was a kid. Got me interested in metals digging around in a bunch of marble and finding pyrite pieces. I figure this person goes to a "we buy shiny rocks" store where someone with an expensive (and useless for shiny rocks) shiny analyzer analyzed the rocks and said they can't buy them but they have eerydayum. That someone then got on google, researched up the actual element "iridium", realized it comes from meteorites (hence flashfossilizebd) and became convinced shiny rocks would make them rich.

Now I realize it's someone who legitimately is having fun with us.

Remember, the most dangerous person to fool is yourself.
Funny, I know nothing about anything yet somehow managed to learn enough to concoct io with little bit more nitric than hydrochloric and Bam wouldn't you know I was able to break down the iridium atoms into crystals so you may know everything about anything and I may know nothing about what I'm saying but apparently I did something but nobody else did and now I have what I wanted and I'm going to melt it so there it is there big shot thanks for your advice hasn't helped yet you understand I don't play by the book sometimes you got to just do your own thing to get the job done good day sir...
It is very rare to find practically any PGMs in ordinary iron ores. Most of the PGMs are found in Ni-Co deposits, where they occupy places in the crystal lattice of sulfides.

Geology isn´t favourable in way of deposition of PGMs into the iron ores. And that said, look for the minerals which are associated with PGM metals. Very rarely they are something other than sulfides, tellurides or arsenides, or associated with bismuth, selenium etc. Also, formation of these deposits is vastly different in comparison with typical iron ore deposits. In terms of they physical formation, precipitation from hydrotherms, zonation etc... Very complicated stuff. All in all, I do not know about any deposit of PGMs, apart from placer mining, that isn´t associated with sulfides.

We believe in science, scientific analysis and actual results. So I regularly work in my job as researcher according to the actual facts. New ideas are very welcome, you can get on them, proceed further and IF YOU GAIN EVIDENCE that it actually is something, then you proceed further. Rather than wasting your career on something that actually isn´t real.
1. You're basing your assumptions on findings you're familiar with from wherever you are in the world. 2. What I'm working with here where I am isn't your garden variety content of iridium in the ore. So for you to come to your bias, one-sided and not to mention jealously loaded conclusions, a body has to wonder what's driving your negative aspect on anything I'm doing and what if any good is your alleged professional opinion?
I´ll broke it up a little bit.

Assuming you have 3% of Ir in your rocks. That is great. Now you need to sell it to the refinery. Otherwise you cannot liquidate it for money. They will demant analysis, or propose their own analysis for quite a fee :) without proper fire assay, there will be no purchase anyway.

So if your belief is so hard that you were destined to have iridium, and it is a gift as you say... Do an assay of it. Go ahead. If there is iridium in any form, assay would reveal it. Or you are afraid that they will intentionally tell you that there is no Ir in the sample ? They want to make profit, there is no point for them in doing that. You cannot assay for Ir at home, you cannot melt it, you cannot analyze it. Even in induction furnance, it would be very tough...

That is the way you must undergo (if you are happy or not about it), if you want to proceed somewhere in this situation. Believing is good for you, refineries work on evidence. If you want to cross that border, you will need to go the traditional way :)

By the way, the jeweller you mentioned in the beginning of this mile long thread probably never seen iridium in his whole life :) Practically speaking, if I place Fe, Ni, Co and whole 6 PGMs as foils in front of you, your chance of picking up Ir would be 1/9 :)
To continue in the spirit of your rant here, you know nothing about me and you still manage to understand my drive???
You really want to be banned permanently do you?

Please behave and keep a civil language without biting at everyone that try to help you, at least if you want to continue being a member here.
Why don't you come down up your high horse and stop pretending like you're trying to help people when you're just throwing out negative, baseless opinions...

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