Exporting Electronic Scrap from UK to Europe since Brexit

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Oct 24, 2015
Hi All,

I have a query in relation to exporting material into Europe from the UK since Brexit. I am aware that most members on here are based in the US but I thought I would give it a try.

This will be my first shipment since Brexit, as things slowed down considerably for me during the various lockdowns. I would be interested to hear if any one has any experience in the above, how has the process gone, what additional requirements there are?

From what I understand, the following is required:
- Annex VII (this is fine nothing new there)
- An EORI number (this seems fine)
- An invoice, how does this work if its a reverse charge, previously I have invoiced after the breakdown has been sent across to me. Does the value of the invoice, affect anything if there are no customs charges?
- Packing List (that's fine)

I appreciate that some of the above relates to generally exporting goods to Europe, but I am wondering if the fact the goods are electronic waste, adds a considerable extra layer of complexity.

Any help/advice would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
