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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2024
Hello all,
What should a pound of gold fingers run in today's market? As in, what should we be paying average?

Also gold plated RF material per pound and Cer. EPROMS? Plastic EPROMS?

Hello all,
What should a pound of gold fingers run in today's market? As in, what should we be paying average?

Also gold plated RF material per pound and Cer. EPROMS? Plastic EPROMS?

Please do not use all bold text.
It is considered shouting and thus impolite.
Please do not use all bold text.
It is considered shouting and thus impolite.
You're kidding me right? The only letters emphasized are EPROMS because they are uppercased spelled. CHEERS as well because it should be emphasized when wishing folks well.
If you're offended by this, politely keep it moving. Judging by my display name, you can assume im not much into the theatrics of things.
You're kidding me right? The only letters emphasized are EPROMS because they are uppercased spelled. CHEERS as well because it should be emphasized when wishing folks well.
If you're offended by this, politely keep it moving. Judging by my display name, you can assume im not much into the theatrics of things.
Check your post again!!!
Devildog, there's no need to be confrontational. Yggdrasil is correct in saying that posting in all capital letters or all bold is generally considered shouting. I'm an old man, and I don't need anyone yelling at me.

I can appreciate your difficulty in seeing your own posts before you make them due to your visual challenge. Looking back at your past posts, I see some have been made in normal text. Perhaps you can create your posts in bold so you can see them as you compose them, then prior to hitting the Post reply button, you can select all the text and turn off the bold attribute.

It's up to you. But if you get offended by someone making a suggestion about your posts, or you choose to continue shouting at us, you may not get as much help as you hope.

I use bold text for my benefit and no one elses as i am blind in one eye and it is easier for me to see. Not to appear angry or disrupt sensitive people.
This is a problem for you?
I made a gentle advice to you, and I do not have a massive problem by the bold text per se.
But I have issues with the content of your text.
Drop your attitude a few notches, and your stay will be much more fruitful.
I made a gentle advice to you, and I do not have a massive problem by the bold text per se.
But I have issues with the content of your text.
Drop your attitude a few notches, and your stay will be much more fruitful.
I read the posts again. In no where that I can see is there all caps. It is in bold text but im unaware that someone can interpret that as yelling. Usually all caps would define an aggressive position and or yelling. So that is new to me.
Second, you simply state I have an attitude towards you which is not the case. I simply replied my thoughts as well which is what two adults do when clarifying an issue directly.
My intention was not to upset anyone or have anyone assume I am aggressively making a statement... Which I am still confused how anyone could gather that from my post? Why anyone would be aggressively asking for aid in current pricing on something is outlandish at best.
Devildog, there's no need to be confrontational. Yggdrasil is correct in saying that posting in all capital letters or all bold is generally considered shouting. I'm an old man, and I don't need anyone yelling at me.

I can appreciate your difficulty in seeing your own posts before you make them due to your visual challenge. Looking back at your past posts, I see some have been made in normal text. Perhaps you can create your posts in bold so you can see them as you compose them, then prior to hitting the Post reply button, you can select all the text and turn off the bold attribute.

It's up to you. But if you get offended by someone making a suggestion about your posts, or you choose to continue shouting at us, you may not get as much help as you hope.

I respectfully accept your position and point Sir and have detailed my perspective with the fella below.
Devildog, please relax.

Like I said, I can appreciate your visual problem. I have a form of dyslexia. It's not the classic form where I switch letters around in words. It's a more subtle type. I didn't even know about it until I was an adult. When I read something for a while, whether it's a printed book, or something on my laptop screen, the words and letters start "vibrating". It made it a "devil" to read homework assignments as a kid. The longer I read, the more the words vibrated on the page. I came to dread reading assignments. So, when I read the forum, when people post in all caps or all bold, it makes it difficult for my 69 year old eyes to read. I'm sure it's not as bad as losing sight in one eye, but it has plagued me all my life. I know other members of the forum share the affliction.

I agree, you did not post in all caps, just all bold, but Yggdrasil didn't say anything in his post about all caps.. For some of us, it's an equal problem. I made the comment about all caps, because to me, it creates similar problems.

To put things in perspective, you made a couple of posts that could be seen as aggressive, especially since they were made in bold after Yggdrasil asked you not to post in all bold;
If you're offended by this, politely keep it moving. Judging by my display name, you can assume im not much into the theatrics of things.
This is a problem for you?

I appreciate that you've made your last two posts in normal text.

Stick around. Accept people's suggestions. There is much to learn here. We really are all here to help each other.

Devildog, please relax.

Like I said, I can appreciate your visual problem. I have a form of dyslexia. It's not the classic form where I switch letters around in words. It's a more subtle type. I didn't even know about it until I was an adult. When I read something for a while, whether it's a printed book, or something on my laptop screen, the words and letters start "vibrating". It made it a "devil" to read homework assignments as a kid. The longer I read, the more the words vibrated on the page. I came to dread reading assignments. So, when I read the forum, when people post in all caps or all bold, it makes it difficult for my 69 year old eyes to read. I'm sure it's not as bad as losing sight in one eye, but it has plagued me all my life. I know other members of the forum share the affliction.

I agree, you did not post in all caps, just all bold, but Yggdrasil didn't say anything in his post about all caps.. For some of us, it's an equal problem. I made the comment about all caps, because to me, it creates similar problems.

To put things in perspective, you made a couple of posts that could be seen as aggressive, especially since they were made in bold after Yggdrasil asked you not to post in all bold;
If you're offended by this, politely keep it moving. Judging by my display name, you can assume im not much into the theatrics of things.
This is a problem for you?

I appreciate that you've made your last two posts in normal text.

Stick around. Accept people's suggestions. There is much to learn here. We really are all here to help each other.

Roger that and understood Sir. I'll delete the post and redo one so it isn't projected incorrectly.
I do appreciate your condition as well. My second oldest is the same way and I do see her struggle. It's very difficult.
My apologies to the men and women on the forum who were troubled by my post.
Roger that and understood Sir. I'll delete the post and redo one so it isn't projected incorrectly.
I do appreciate your condition as well. My second oldest is the same way and I do see her struggle. It's very difficult.
My apologies to the men and women on the forum who were troubled by my post.
No we do not allow deleting posts that has been replied to.
It will make all subsequent posts invalid.
Additionally it may be a learning point for others.
As Yggdrasil said, please don't delete or edit your posts unless it's to correct errors, and then, make a note at the bottom of the post indicating the edit you've made.

I think we're all good. It's so easy to misunderstand posts made on a forum. It's not at all like talking to someone face to face, where you can see things like a smile or a wink that helps put things in perspective.

For what it's worth, I also have problems with that. I have Aspergers syndrome, a form of autism. I don't do well at picking up those social cues that help others navigate interactions with others. I guess that's why I found a home here. There are many of us here who have our little difficulties. But we share an interest, and when we take the time to understand one another, we all benefit.

80% of human communication is non verbal.
We all have our moments.
I have my bad days giving cranky replies but generally i give people the benefit of the doubt.
Ever since the stroke, I have had mild dislexia with numbers. We all have issues.

Verbal communication has so many nuances, they seem impossible to quantify. Written communications are equally problematic due to the lack of nuance. Additionally, it seems that every other forum or blog has different standards.

If I remember right, and I sometimes do not, I did a few things that irritated a few of the moderators when I joined the Forum several years ago.

Enjoy your stay. It could prove informative, entertaining, and profitable.

Time for more coffee.
I do appreciate your condition as well. My second oldest is the same way and I do see her struggle. It's very difficult.
My apologies to the men and women on the forum who were troubled by my post.
If it helps at all, I figured out many years later that when reading a printed page, the brightness of the light seems to play a part. For me, at least, brighter light seemed to get the letters vibrating faster. My parents always insisted on reading under bright light so I "wouldn't ruin my eyes".

So, several decades later, I finally started to understand that my normal wasn't quite normal. I also turn my screen brightness way down. Hope any of that helps get her in a better direction.

As Yggdrasil said, please don't delete or edit your posts unless it's to correct errors, and then, make a note at the bottom of the post indicating the edit you've made.

I think we're all good. It's so easy to misunderstand posts made on a forum. It's not at all like talking to someone face to face, where you can see things like a smile or a wink that helps put things in perspective.

For what it's worth, I also have problems with that. I have Aspergers syndrome, a form of autism. I don't do well at picking up those social cues that help others navigate interactions with others. I guess that's why I found a home here. There are many of us here who have our little difficulties. But we share an interest, and when we take the time to understand one another, we all benefit.

I agree 100 percent with everything said here. I do appreciate you taking the time and the other fella too. I'm new still learning how this works and everyone. I believe honestly that every day is another day to learn. The day you stop learning, you may as well become shut of the world.
Thank you again very much for all the time and explanation Sir.
Ever since the stroke, I have had mild dislexia with numbers. We all have issues.

Verbal communication has so many nuances, they seem impossible to quantify. Written communications are equally problematic due to the lack of nuance. Additionally, it seems that every other forum or blog has different standards.

If I remember right, and I sometimes do not, I did a few things that irritated a few of the moderators when I joined the Forum several years ago.

Enjoy your stay. It could prove informative, entertaining, and profitable.

Time for more coffee.
I agree as well. 100 percent. Everything is a learning process. Always in life you take the good with the bad.
I am sorry to hear about your stroke. Before the eye and other career choices haha I was a Firefighter/Paramedic. I gave 12 years before the unfortunate happened. I've seen a lot of what can happen to someone at the hands of a stroke. It's devastating and the trail of havoc they leave is extremely traumatic.
I do note this though, I am glad you're still here and able to do what you can still do today.

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