Issues with GEO

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Well-known member
Oct 29, 2011
I entrusted GEO to toll refine the following materials
125 pounds of computer memory rams 60% , Laptops rams 40%
28 pounds of hard drive boards
18 pounds of cell phones boards
2 pounds of cpu mixed
26 pounds of laptops and computers boards

Edit from Moderator:
I have deleted the last part of this post.
We do not condone “Character Murder”

We can understand the frustration when something goes wrong in a deal, this is not the way to do it!
Please Poudouche, take it through proper channels, which may be the justice system.
Last edited by a moderator:
I am surprised of your reaction
i am sorry if i i have posted the post twice but it was in 2 different situations
you are almost condoning this type of behavior because in all messages I always Copy GEO
also i am not the first to name him
Check this post
there as not that kind of position you are taking
This matter lasts more than 8 months and other administrator and moderators are aware of it
They asked first to include and copy GEO in all communications , what i did , second they say the forum does not have too many options except to ban the member That what i am waiting for
3- I gave my versions of the fact , you can contact him or he should provide any contrary facts

Having an issue with Ralph Mathes AKA 'Palladium' / Aquilla Refining
I am surprised of your reaction
i am sorry if i i have posted the post twice but it was in 2 different situations
you are almost condoning this type of behavior because in all messages I always Copy GEO
also i am not the first to name him
Check this post
there as not that kind of position you are taking
This matter lasts more than 8 months and other administrator and moderators are aware of it
They asked first to include and copy GEO in all communications , what i did , second they say the forum does not have too many options except to ban the member That what i am waiting for
3- I gave my versions of the fact , you can contact him or he should provide any contrary facts

Having an issue with Ralph Mathes AKA 'Palladium' / Aquilla Refining
I have deleted parts of your open posts.
Specially the parts inflaming him. Leaving a comment after in blue.

What you say in PMs and posts to the moderators are not open and not subject to the limitations that the open forum has.
I have deleted parts of your open posts.
Specially the parts inflaming him. Leaving a comment after in blue.

What you say in PMs and posts to the moderators are not open and not subject to the limitations that the open forum has.
Hmmm - really ?

We have had issue like this before

To the best of my knowledge - when a member feels he has been screwed by another member we have allowed the member to post his grievance which then allows the other member to respond in their defense

This has been allowed so that all members can be made aware of being scammed

To the best of my knowledge it only becomes an issue of "inflaming" if the accused member has been ban &/or no longer a member here in order to defend him self

To the best of my knowledge - GEO is still a member here - so certainly has the opportunity to post a reply in his defense

Maybe I am wrong here ?

I Know one thing for sure - if a member is being screwed over by another member --- I want to know about it so that I know better then doing business with a member that is conducting shady business

As i wrote in the other post:

Multiple forum rule violations.
sorry for violations of the rules
you can act on them but not to edit part of a thread
please reinstate the whole thread
did you contact Geo to get his version
he had plenty of opportunities to present his defense
the last contact we had .was on July 16 ;2023
did you see i was not the first to name someone by name
Hmmm - really ?

We have had issue like this before

To the best of my knowledge - when a member feels he has been screwed by another member we have allowed the member to post his grievance which then allows the other member to respond in their defense

This has been allowed so that all members can be made aware of being scammed

To the best of my knowledge it only becomes an issue of "inflaming" if the accused member has been ban &/or no longer a member here in order to defend him self

To the best of my knowledge - GEO is still a member here - so certainly has the opportunity to post a reply in his defense

Maybe I am wrong here ?

I Know one thing for sure - if a member is being screwed over by another member --- I want to know about it so that I know better then doing business with a member that is conducting shady business

Hi Kurt
You are right on the point
the forum is a family , we have to protect one another
Geo had plenty of opportunities to present his version of the case
I copied him in all communications
I had great respect for Geo , it is sad what happened
He could have proposed some corrective actions
If he needed help , the forum members are very generous we could try to help
Once again thanks ; Kurt
I have deleted parts of your open posts.
Specially the parts inflaming him. Leaving a comment after in blue.

What you say in PMs and posts to the moderators are not open and not subject to the limitations that the open forum has.
I did not inflame anything i call him for what he is by lying times after time
Please can you call my attention on the blue comment
Hmmm - really ?

We have had issue like this before

To the best of my knowledge - when a member feels he has been screwed by another member we have allowed the member to post his grievance which then allows the other member to respond in their defense

This has been allowed so that all members can be made aware of being scammed

To the best of my knowledge it only becomes an issue of "inflaming" if the accused member has been ban &/or no longer a member here in order to defend him self

To the best of my knowledge - GEO is still a member here - so certainly has the opportunity to post a reply in his defense

Maybe I am wrong here ?

I Know one thing for sure - if a member is being screwed over by another member --- I want to know about it so that I know better then doing business with a member that is conducting shady business

I agree and may have acted a bit too quickly.
But I also agree with Martijn who reacted to the language used.
I’m on a cell phone now and that makes it a bit difficult to keep the oversight of the situation.
The one true thing is that it is an unfortunate and undesirable situation for Poudouche in the first place and the forum including Geo next.
Personally I have no definite solution to this.
I am surprised of your reaction
i am sorry if i i have posted the post twice but it was in 2 different situations
you are almost condoning this type of behavior because in all messages I always Copy GEO
also i am not the first to name him
Check this post
there as not that kind of position you are taking
This matter lasts more than 8 months and other administrator and moderators are aware of it
They asked first to include and copy GEO in all communications , what i did , second they say the forum does not have too many options except to ban the member That what i am waiting for
3- I gave my versions of the fact , you can contact him or he should provide any contrary facts

Having an issue with Ralph Mathes AKA 'Palladium' / Aquilla Refining
I most certainly am not.
My point is, we don't know. And this is your side of the story. I would not want my first and last name to be mentioned here. I also don't know if he has mentioned it on the forum before. so i don't know if he's fine with it or not.
Now you can say that's the only way to make him reply, fine, call him Geo, not his full name.
The situation is unfortunate and needs a solution. I can understand you are angry and want him exposed to warn us, but stick to facts. with respect for privacy.
When statements are made on the scientific level, we ask for proof. Can you prove these statements as a fact without breaking any privacy legislation that could cause harm to this forum?
This is in the realm of personal experience, you may have missed a critical point Geo mentioned to you or you may have done something to make him unwilling to proceed. He may be buying time, he might truly be dishonest. Good and clear communication is hard. Misunderstandings can become monsters.
We don't know. You can write anything you like here to draw him out, but please do so without the name calling, character murder and disclosing of private information. It can be done.

The post you shared is also pretty recent. Maybe these matters have the same reason of being stuck.
I did not catch his name being mentioned there, you can't catch them all.
Again, I hope Geo is alive and kicking and will respond in good time, you need your pm's yesterday.

That said, i Agree with Kurt; if you have proof, share it here to warn other members of bad business deals with members or companies to prevent the rest of us from making the mistake to deal with such people.

Banning the member will not help you in resolving the issue, only make it harder.
And for a ban the forum needs some proof. Share it with the mod's and admins or filter it to share it publicly.

When we have a problem like that in the Netherlands and we have proof, which you should have since you're doing business with him, we go to an official that can shut his business and freeze all assets to force him to pay or deliver.
If he does not, his company will be dismantled and sold to pay for said debts.
Okay, did a fact check. He disclosed his own name in a post before, so that is not a point anymore, but anyone should be wary of this.

Then what's left is the bad language and character murder.

My Ethics alert kicked in and I did not check it first.
Hi Martijn
I really appreciated you taking your time to cover this issue deeply
I am not angry
I have great respect for Geo ,i did not like him to lie when trying to get a way out
We are talking 8 months
I did not do anything to him
I always agreed with all his proposals
He could have offered some corrective action
But he keeps ignoring calls , messages
The state attorney office in Decatur Alabama asked me to file a complaint with the Police department
I think this is extreme
I am reluctant to do that
It looks like he has family problems he could ask some help and support from the forum Members of this forum are very generous He is very known and respected members . I will be the first to help
Everything is exposed in the message
I regret to use the derogatory word
The forum can delete it
I have deleted parts of your open posts.
Specially the parts inflaming him. Leaving a comment after in blue.

What you say in PMs and posts to the moderators are not open and not subject to the limitations that the open forum has.
Please, we all understand how bad it feels when a business arrangement is not fulfilled and another party tries to abscond with potentially valuable materials and or money. Stick to the facts, refrain from posting emotional language which can get you (and perhaps the forum) in trouble for business libel or slander. Legalities can be confusing, don't make a bad situation worse than necessary.
Please, we all understand how bad it feels when a business arrangement is not fulfilled and another party tries to abscond with potentially valuable materials and or money. Stick to the facts, refrain from posting emotional language which can get you (and perhaps the forum) in trouble for business libel or slander. Legalities can be confusing, don't make a bad situation worse than necessary.
Hmm, you pointed this to me?
Nobody wants to assassinate his character
just explain what happened he can not keep changing the situation
either he processed the lot or not in both cases he has to return either the materials or the processed products
Whatever the amount may be he can not keep it
I hesitate to jump in here, but this forum appears too lenient to the party that has apparently defaulted. In this case and the other case of Binshou.
People I know of, work hard to make a living and purchasing or accumulation of escrap is not easy.
If we take the responsibility to toll refine, at least some provisions should be made to make the other party whole in the event of an unforeseen circumstance (no matter what it is), of which the least would be a return of what was entrusted. Creating hardships for someone who put their trust in you is unacceptable at every level..
The minimum in this regards should be open communication. Lack of communication is a serious breach when one is in possession of another person's material and trust.
I hope these sagas end well for all parties involved.
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