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Well-known member
Jan 16, 2010
As some here know, my wife and I moved to Central Texas last summer. After purchasing a home, things started to get interesting.

Through the summer, I began to begin to feel tired easily. Also other aches and pains customary to a man in his mid-sixties.

Long story short, I am currently recovering from open heart surgery and will, when sufficiently recovered, will have cancer surgery on one kidney.

In the not too distant future I will be giving away some silver and gold recovery projects I have yet to get to, and likely never will.

Personal to Frugalrefiner, if there is still interest in my becoming a moderator, contact me in about a year. If recovered sufficiently, I will reconsider the offer I turned down a few years ago.

My hobbies are already changing. Still searching coins, and selling to collectors. Cooking and preserving more often (a non-negotiable item to entice me to move was a freeze dryer. True to her word, my wife bought one for me). Learning soap making and candle making (on this one I already have my wife’s vote of confidence). Also planning on volunteering with two local food banks.

Life brings changes. It is up to each of us to adapt to those changes.

Time for more coffee.
Doing things is not the issue. Doing things right is. The hazards in recovery and refining leave no significant margin for error of any kind. Something I will be avoiding for the immediate future.
Life is not very nice sometimes unfortunately.
I have had two spinal surgeries on my neck and will need another one or two in the very near future, as rough as it is not only from the nerve damage but the recovery from the surgeries and having to learn different ways to do things because of some fingers and thumb not working on the hand I use most I also have to get shots directly into my spinal cord lol. However with me, you and everyone else, you can always look around and realize that there's people who have it way worse and would love to have our problems instead of their own.
Good luck with everything and hope to still see you posting.
I send love to all in this world. Life is very short, make every day count, the best you can. I lost my best friend on Friday. She battled cancer for 6 years. The finest, most caring, giving women you would ever meet in your lifetime. Those are just a small fraction of her admirable qualities. Any day above ground, is better then one below. Things could always be worse. I wish all the best to all.
Sad to hear about your challenges mate, I wish you a speedy recovery.
And as long as our will and spirit is still fit to fight, one can overcome some mighty hurdles.
Looking forward to hear more from your new home and life whenever it suits you.
As some here know, my wife and I moved to Central Texas last summer. After purchasing a home, things started to get interesting.

Through the summer, I began to begin to feel tired easily. Also other aches and pains customary to a man in his mid-sixties.

Long story short, I am currently recovering from open heart surgery and will, when sufficiently recovered, will have cancer surgery on one kidney.

In the not too distant future I will be giving away some silver and gold recovery projects I have yet to get to, and likely never will.

Personal to Frugalrefiner, if there is still interest in my becoming a moderator, contact me in about a year. If recovered sufficiently, I will reconsider the offer I turned down a few years ago.

My hobbies are already changing. Still searching coins, and selling to collectors. Cooking and preserving more often (a non-negotiable item to entice me to move was a freeze dryer. True to her word, my wife bought one for me). Learning soap making and candle making (on this one I already have my wife’s vote of confidence). Also planning on volunteering with two local food banks.

Life brings changes. It is up to each of us to adapt to those changes.

Time for more coffee.
“Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change”. Stephen Hawking

Best wishes…
Well, as a guy who has had his aorta valve replaced three times, I can tell you it will take about a year to fully recover from that. I know nothing about the cancer part. Stick with your rehab and walk as much as you can, you'll get to feeling better.
I send love to all in this world. Life is very short, make every day count, the best you can. I lost my best friend on Friday. She battled cancer for 6 years. The finest, most caring, giving women you would ever meet in your lifetime. Those are just a small fraction of her admirable qualities. Any day above ground, is better then one below. Things could always be worse. I wish all the best to all.
I wish each day above brings you memories of your friend more joyful than the day before.

I would like to wish you a speedy recovery as well. Going under the scalpel is never something someone wants, but you'll come out for the better because of it. I look forward to more advice from you in the future and appreciate all that you have given thus far. I'm glad to hear you enjoy the new projects, they sound interesting. Looking forward to hearing more about them here.

Get Well Soon,

Best wishes to you. You got this!!! I pray that your procedure goes well and that you have a speedy recovery.
As some here know, my wife and I moved to Central Texas last summer. After purchasing a home, things started to get interesting.

Through the summer, I began to begin to feel tired easily. Also other aches and pains customary to a man in his mid-sixties.

Long story short, I am currently recovering from open heart surgery and will, when sufficiently recovered, will have cancer surgery on one kidney.

In the not too distant future I will be giving away some silver and gold recovery projects I have yet to get to, and likely never will.

Personal to Frugalrefiner, if there is still interest in my becoming a moderator, contact me in about a year. If recovered sufficiently, I will reconsider the offer I turned down a few years ago.

My hobbies are already changing. Still searching coins, and selling to collectors. Cooking and preserving more often (a non-negotiable item to entice me to move was a freeze dryer. True to her word, my wife bought one for me). Learning soap making and candle making (on this one I already have my wife’s vote of confidence). Also planning on volunteering with two local food banks.

Life brings changes. It is up to each of us to adapt to those changes.

Time for more coffee.
Be well, enjoy what cosmos can give you
My friend, it is my sincere hope and belief that you'll be fine. Not good to hear this news, but just take it one day at a time.

I grew up in a family of doctors and nurses. The stuff I heard people surviving (and later thriving after), was nothing short of impressive/mind-blowing. My mom (40+ years in the ICU) is convinced it is 1 part attitude 1 part genetics and 1 part having extensive tattoos. Those tat'd up people seem to be diehards.

I watched my dad fight, grow tired and lose the war, as have several of my forum friends--as we all do--so my advice is get a second and third opinion and don't be afraid to lose your **** on the insurance company. If you need support, go out there and get it. It's there for you.

Good luck on the battle, and if you need anything at all, reach out to us! We appreciate your presence here.