wanting to rent a machine

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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2024
Creswell Oregon
I live in Creswell Oregon and was wondering if there is anyone in the area with a hammer/ball mill and a shaker table I could rent out yo process about 2 tons of mid yo high grade boards and many switches containing precious metals, use the equipment to process the materials for a percentage of the yield. where thinking with everything we have possibly 4 pounds of gold possibly a little more and all the other precious metals that come along, let me know if anyone would be interested.
I live in Creswell Oregon and was wondering if there is anyone in the area with a hammer/ball mill and a shaker table I could rent out yo process about 2 tons of mid yo high grade boards and many switches containing precious metals, use the equipment to process the materials for a percentage of the yield. where thinking with everything we have possibly 4 pounds of gold possibly a little more and all the other precious metals that come along, let me know if anyone would be interested.

Per the things I highlighted in bold print (in the above quote) - there is absolutely no way you have anywhere near as much gold in you 2 tons of boards as you think

4 pounds of gold in 2 tons would mean (about) 29 troy ounces of gold per ton

And I am sorry but with average run of the mill modern day consumer circuit boards you are only going to see at the low end of recovery about 3.5 troy ounces gold per ton to at best about 5.5 - 6.5 troy ounces gold per ton

By modern day I mean CBs made between 2015 - to current day --- by consumer I mean CBs that come from electronic equipment that the average person buys for personal use (which includes banks & other day to day business operations) LARGE corporate servers are a "bit" of a different story

Older CBs from electronics made between 1995 - 2015 "may" (or not) run as high as 7 - 9 troy ounces gold per ton --- but most certainly not anywhere near 29 troy ounces of gold per ton

The ONLY way you are going to see anything close to 29 troy ounces of gold per ton is if you have a ton of boards where ALL of the boards look like the boards in the pictures posted here

Click on the thumb nails to enlarge the pictures



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Per the things I highlighted in bold print (in the above quote) - there is absolutely no way you have anywhere near as much gold in you 2 tons of boards as you think

4 pounds of gold in 2 tons would mean (about) 29 troy ounces of gold per ton

And I am sorry but with average run of the mill modern day consumer circuit boards you are only going to see at the low end of recovery about 3.5 troy ounces gold per ton to at best about 5.5 - 6.5 troy ounces gold per ton

By modern day I mean CBs made between 2015 - to current day --- by consumer I mean CBs that come from electronic equipment that the average person buys for personal use (which includes banks & other day to day business operations) LARGE corporate servers are a "bit" of a different story

Older CBs from electronics made between 1995 - 2015 "may" (or not) run as high as 7 - 9 troy ounces gold per ton --- but most certainly not anywhere near 29 troy ounces of gold per ton

The ONLY way you are going to see anything close to 29 troy ounces of gold per ton is if you have a ton of boards where ALL of the boards look like the boards in the pictures posted here

Click on the thumb nails to enlarge the pictures

thanks for the reply, most of what I have is from machines from the 50's to the 80's mostly 60s and 70s not just average machines and they have so many different switches that have lots of gold in them lots old contacts
See if Jason from MBMM will run it on a commission.
actually funny you should mention it I talked to Raphael from MBMM today Jason is on vacation until next week he said they probably would be interested or would know someone who would but thanks though
I live in Creswell Oregon and was wondering if there is anyone in the area with a hammer/ball mill and a shaker table I could rent out yo process about 2 tons of mid yo high grade boards and many switches containing precious metals, use the equipment to process the materials for a percentage of the yield. where thinking with everything we have possibly 4 pounds of gold possibly a little more and all the other precious metals that come along, let me know if anyone would be interested.

actually funny you should mention it I talked to Raphael from MBMM today Jason is on vacation until next week he said they probably would be interested or would know someone who would but thanks though

Moses - Before you do anything we should discuss what you intend to do once you have had your CBs milled &/or run on a shaker table

It does no good to have them milled &/or run on a shaker table if you don't have a good & viable plan on what to do after that step

As well - we should probably get some pics of your stash of CBs - not all boards are worth processing & it makes no sense to run boards that have little or no value - doing so is a waste of time & money

For what it is worth - I used to handle anywhere from 2 - 4 tons of CBs per month & did so for about 10 years so I certainly know a little bit about the handling &/or processing of CBs

So - first - lets talk about what you plan to do once you have milled &/or run your boards on a shaker table

As well - lets see some pics of your stash of boards so we can help sort out which boards have real value & which boards have little or no value - &/or for that matter what is the best process for different boards

actually funny you should mention it I talked to Raphael from MBMM today Jason is on vacation until next week he said they probably would be interested or would know someone who would but thanks though

Also - I can point you to a couple other companies that process CBs that may (or not) be a better option then MBMM

But first lets see some pics of your board stash

Lets try to find the best option for what you have

Also - I can point you to a couple other companies that process CBs that may (or not) be a better option then MBMM

But first lets see some pics of your board stash

Lets try to find the best option for what you have


Also - I can point you to a couple other companies that process CBs that may (or not) be a better option then MBMM

But first lets see some pics of your board stash

Lets try to find the best option for what you have

here is some pictures Kurt we are about to get together a few of us and take apart all of the machines that are left, which is most of them, it's a variation of different machines and computers and some equipment I've never heard of. It was a 27' Penske truck loaded full,very many old Hewlett Packard computers from the 60s


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this is what filled the 27' Penske truck


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Moses, please keep your posts that deal with a particular subject together in one thread. The forum already has over 30,000 threads. Creating more threads when they're about the same subjects just clutters things up more. I've moved your post of pictures to this thread.

Hi Moses. Whilst there are some nice bits in there, a lot of it is standard fare. As Kurt pointed out you're not going to be seeing anything like the numbers someone has told you you will. The skill here would be to pick out the good bits to process and sell the rest.
Moses - thank you for the pics - in your first post you said -----------
I live in Creswell Oregon and was wondering if there is anyone in the area with a hammer/ball mill and a shaker table I could rent out yo process about 2 tons of mid yo high grade boards and many switches containing precious metals

However - looking at you pics I do not see 2 tons of actual boards - what I see is more likely several hundred pounds of boards - the rest of it is complete electronic equipment that has boards in it - so the VAST majority of what you have is scrap iron, copper, aluminum & plastic - with "some " boards in the electronic equipment

To put that somewhat in perspective - on "average" - a complete computer will weigh (plus/minus) about 20 pounds --- when you tear that computer down to get the boards out of it you will get about (plus/minus) 3 pounds of boards (which is where the PM value is) the other (plus/minus) 17 pounds is nothing more the scrap iron, copper, aluminum & plastic

So - working on "averages" - when you tear that 2 tons of equipment down you are only going to get about (plus/minus) 600 pounds of actual boards - plus the "maybe" couple hundred pounds of boards that have already been taken out of equipment - IF (the BIG IF) those boards where already taken out of the equipment when you got the load of stuff

So at best - when you are all done tearing everything down you may end up with around 800 pounds of boards --- if you are lucky maybe 1,000 pounds of boards

BUT (going with the 1,000 pound number) - 30% of the boards are going to be LOW grade boards like power supply boards & other LOW grade boards which run between 15 cent a pound to $1.20 - so about 300 pounds of LOW value boards

Then "about" 40% of the remaining 700 pound is going to be in the mid grade range of board values so worth between $1.90 to $2.50 a pound - so "about" 280 pound of mid grade boards

Then - out of the remaining 420 pounds (& only because the equipment you have is "older" equipment) you are likely to see 300 - 350 pounds of higher grade boards which will run between $3.50 to $6.00 per pound

So - you now have somewhere between 70 to 120 pound of boards that are going to be in the very high value category of boards worth between $6.25 - $14.00 per pound

Because the equipment you have is "older" equipment you are likely going to pull out a fair number of ceramic CPUs - like 10 - 15 pounds "maybe" 20 pounds (if you are really luck) & ceramic CPUs run between $28.00 to as high as $185.00 a pound

Because your equipment is older equipment you are going to see two types of RAM - gold fingered RAM which is worth $28.00 per pound & the silver/tin RAM which is worth $10.50 per pound --- the older the equipment the more likely it will be the silver/tin fingered RAM & out of the equipment I am seeing you will likely pull 20 - 30 pounds of RAM (maybe 40 pounds) but it will certainly be a mix of both kinds

From what I can see - very few - if any of the equipment you have is going to have the EXTREMELY high grade CBs in it like the pics of the CBs I posted pics of

My point is this - in looking at your pics - out of the 2 tons (4,000 pounds) of equipment you have you will be lucky to pull 1,000 pounds of actual boards - out of which only about 70% is going to be worth sending in for processing for their PMs

But lets be optimistic & say you actually get 1,000 pounds of boards ranging from the mid grade to higher grade & even a fair amount of very high grade (& maybe a small amount of extremely high grade) & you send that 1,000 pound in for actual processing - that 1,000 pounds of boards is only going to pay you about 4.5 - 5 troy ounces of gold - MAYBE if you are REALLY lucky 6 troy ounces of gold

Because your equipment is older equipment you will also see "about" 12 - 15 troy ounces of silver & "about" 1.5 - 2.5 troy ounces of palladium along with 60 - 70 pounds of copper from processing that 1,000 pounds of boards

As a side note - with newer boards you will see MUCH less palladium

And how do I know all of this ?

Because when I was doing this for a living (for 10 years) I bought MANY truck loads of OLD equipment just like what you show in your pics from scrap yards --- when I say truck loads a small load was "at least" 2 tons & up to 5 tons & I had 3 scrap yards I bought from so I was buying 1 or 2 sometimes as many as 3 truck loads per month

I had 2 full time employees & 1 part time employee for tearing all that equipment down & they where WELL trained in how to sort the boards in to their "value grades" (so I knew the value of what I was shipping & where to ship it to get the best value)

Side note here - knowing the grades of boards & "sorting" them into there different grade is VERY important in making money in this business --- you MUST know the value of what you have - you can NOT just throw everything in one big load & send it for processing - doing so will most certainly result in getting screwed

I sent all the low grade & mid grade stuff - buy the ton - off to bigger board "buyers"

I sent all the higher grade to very high grade stuff off to 2 different actual processors

The extremely high grade stuff I processed myself --- & for what it is worth - with all the tons of boards I handled this extremely high grade stuff only made up a "small" but "fair" amount of what I handled - the VAST MAJORITY of the boards went to buyers &/or actual processors

To put that in perspective - I had to handle MANY TONS of boards to get a few hundred pounds of the extremely high grade stuff

So Moses - I hope you did not pay a lot of money for that truck load of equipment - based on the guy that sold it to you telling you it had 4 pounds of gold in it - because as a matter of fact - you will NOT see anywhere even close to 4 pounds of gold out of that truck load

For what it is worth - when I bought truck loads of equipment like that I paid between 25 cents & 35 cents a pound for it (depending on the price of metals at the time of buying)

And I can tell you this --- between paying for the stuff - cost of hauling it home - paying employees to tear down & sort - cost of shipping to board buyers &/or processors - & all the other cost associated with doing business I only made a "fair" living doing this for 10 years (10 -12 hours a day) --- I most certainly did NOT get rich !!!

To put that in perspective - I have worked at regular 8 hour a day jobs where I made more money then I made scraping TONS of electronics --- Like I said - I made a "fair living but most certainly did not get rich

To get rich at this you have to handle several simi truck loads (40 tons per simi truck load) per month - you will NOT get rich handling a few tons (2 - 4 tons) per month - at best - you can make a "fair" living IF (the BIG IF) you handle at least a few tons per month --- & you most certainly are not going to get rich on one 2 ton load - you will be lucky to cover your cost - & that is only if you paid little or nothing for that load

So I hope you did not pay a lot of money for that 2 ton load Moses because by the time you are done with all the cost to tear down & process that 2 tons to the point where you get paid on the PMs in that 2 tons - you will be lucky if you see a $1,000 "profit" on it & VERY LUCKY to see a $2,000 "profit"

I do not mean to be the bad bearer of bad news - but I have 10 years of actual experience in this "business" of handling scrap electronics & you absolutely do not have 4 pounds of gold in that load - you will be LUCKY if you have 4 troy ounces

there is a few tons of boards I have more than in the photos but would be willing to give someone 25% to run the material if and I'd bring to them ready to go.
I'd first get rid of iron and plastic, all of it, then i'd have a second look at what's left maybe even get it on a scale.