Destroyer an inside look..........

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Active member
Jun 4, 2007
Hello all,
My name is Gary I am 42 years old 5'10' 260 strait acting...oppsss wrong message board. I love to mess around and joke is what you should know first so if you see some crazy post here just know it is me thinking I am funny. I have a wife and seven Dwarfs three of which are off to school or other higher learning. The other four are here at home they are 4,9,10,13,17,18,20 they are a mix of yours, mine and who the heck are you. I am retired from ExxonMobil after 15 years of service. I was an I$E tech and an operator and Mechanic. My wife is a Police dispatcher.
I am interested in Gold recovery but still have a lot to learn as proved by my melted crucible and lack of Gold. I hope my years of Oil processing may help me as well as those here refining Gold. I am now disabled and need something to fill my time. I would like to hear anything that anyone has to offer about Circuit boards and Gold recovery. I am using the Sub Zero method and have about 50 pounds of boards and memory chips to mine from as it were. I live in Bakersield California but hope to move to Alaska in the next few years.
The other four are here at home they are 4,9,10,13,17,18,20 :shock: :shock: :shock: Dam !!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Welcome onboard Gary.

Sounds like the dwarfs may come in handy when it's time to harvest a truckload of scrap... do they work cheap?! :lol:

lazersteve said:

Sounds like the dwarfs may come in handy when it's time to harvest a truckload of scrap... do they work cheap?! :lol:

Yes they do, you know "what is Daddy doin?let's do it to"