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Fingers wanted

Gold Refining Forum

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Well-known member
May 27, 2010
Hey Folks.
My partner and I are looking for 30 to 100 lbs of fingers.
If you have some to sell, please contact with your price.

Thank you,
Well, that's a hard one for me. Like everyone else, I don't want to pay much. No,
I don't want to come off as cheap and offend anyone by starting too low. I want those that have some to let me know
what they have so we can then enter into an agreement. Does that make sense?

We were looking at paying $1500 for 30 lbs. (that's $5 a pound) I hope this helps.
If this is too low, make me an offer !!
You should try to avoid editing your post so much, I was going to say going rate is around $50 00 lb and if your truly looking for 30-100 lbs maybe think of increasing the value for larger quantities. Anyone with that much trimmed fingers ready to be processed put a bit of work in to get to that point. Good luck with your endeavor.
$50.00 a pound? Not hardly! I would suggest you wander on over to E-bay and take a look at what some of those one pound lots are bringing! Some of the better trimmed lots are getting $120.00 a pound.

Man, look at this! It sold!!!!

Not trying to knock you on trying to buy them, but why would anyone want to sell them here when they will bring that over there? I'm betting the speculators are buying them up.
Really. ....the ad dosn't even say how much it weighs and it sold for that. Looks like 1/4 lb......Geez I'm in the wrong business. Sorry didn't mean to high jack the thread. How long have these kind of sales been going on for?
silversaddle1 said:
$50.00 a pound? Not hardly! I would suggest you wander on over to E-bay and take a look at what some of those one pound lots are bringing! Some of the better trimmed lots are getting $120.00 a pound.
While technically true, have we become a den of scammers on par with eBay?

Hey, I have nothing against anyone who, with full disclosure of what they have for sale, still gets someone to pay way, way too much for it. Around here, however, we have a pretty good idea of what clean fingers will yield.

Good neatly-chopped high-density two-sided fingers can give 1-2% gold. The eBay crap rarely comes out to half that. So at $20/100g, a pound of fingers would conceivably net you a bit under $100. Minus chemicals, minus processing time, minus the extremely high risk of getting scammed and getting nothing but a package full of dead squirrels; if you pay $120/lb for fingers on eBay, you deserve what you get.

I'd put a 50% markup as just about the right risk:benefit price - You breakeven if you get conned every other buy, which realistically you might manage to only get conned every third buy.<BR>

Just buy local, and inspect the merch before handing over the cash. 8)
Wow, maybe I'll put some of my fingers on ebay. Now if I can just find a yellow light...(some people think they're slick using that type of light).

edited for grammar
I was talking with another GRF member and he suggested to stay away from ebay, because the prices are
so outrageous. He suggested I post a buying post here. Well this had the reverse effect, it turned people on to ebay.
Now my chances of finding and buying from a fellow GRF member are dwindling.
Ebay sucks eggs !!! But, in these days you have to go where the money is.
Smack said:
Wow, maybe I'll put some of my fingers on ebay. Now if I can just find a yellow light...(some people think their slick using that type of light).

Hey why don't you just strip the fingers and paint them gold and ask for $140.00 lb At least then your being creative,.....seriously though $120.00 sounds on par or a tad bit under for gold content minus the labor etc.... I think the speculator comment makes a bit of sense. Buy low and wait a few years for the return. I personally would rather have tangible assets as opposed to paper gold.
Plus, I am willing to pay $50 per pound for 30 to 100 pounds. That's still good money no matter what, plus
no ebay fees and no waiting. So how bout it, anyone want to make some money?
eaglewings35 said:
Plus, I am willing to pay $50 per pound for 30 to 100 pounds. That's still good money no matter what, plus
no ebay fees and no waiting. So how bout it, anyone want to make some money?

Keep your offer on the table, a lot of members visit the site at different times so you may have to be patient. Check back periodically and give your thread a boost,don't expect anything to happen over night,
eaglewings35 said:
I was talking with another GRF member and he suggested to stay away from ebay, because the prices are
so outrageous. He suggested I post a buying post here. Well this had the reverse effect, it turned people on to ebay.
Now my chances of finding and buying from a fellow GRF member are dwindling.
Ebay sucks eggs !!! But, in these days you have to go where the money is.

Don't be discouraged, ebay has been like that with gold scrap for a while now, nothing new there. I was going to process my fingers but hey, work smart not hard right?
chlaurite said:
silversaddle1 said:
$50.00 a pound? Not hardly! I would suggest you wander on over to E-bay and take a look at what some of those one pound lots are bringing! Some of the better trimmed lots are getting $120.00 a pound.
While technically true, have we become a den of scammers on par with eBay?

Hey, I have nothing against anyone who, with full disclosure of what they have for sale, still gets someone to pay way, way too much for it. Around here, however, we have a pretty good idea of what clean fingers will yield.

Good neatly-chopped high-density two-sided fingers can give 1-2% gold. The eBay crap rarely comes out to half that. So at $20/100g, a pound of fingers would conceivably net you a bit under $100. Minus chemicals, minus processing time, minus the extremely high risk of getting scammed and getting nothing but a package full of dead squirrels; if you pay $120/lb for fingers on eBay, you deserve what you get.

I'd put a 50% markup as just about the right risk:benefit price - You breakeven if you get conned every other buy, which realistically you might manage to only get conned every third buy.<BR>

Just buy local, and inspect the merch before handing over the cash. 8)

First off, free market will set the price on auctions. Scammers? Why, because you think someone has overpaid? People on E-bay are not as stupid as you may think. I have sold gold bearing scrap to more than one speculator on E_bay. These guys buy all this stuff up when gold is low and sit on it until it (gold) spikes again, then re-sell at a profit. Yes, there may be some that overpay because they have no clue, but so what? People overpay for things on auctions all the time, every day. And not just gold bearing scrap, but on all kinds of different things. As long as you represent your items truthfully and provide accurate weights/photos, then buyer beware. That's not "scamming", that's free market!

So how much stuff have you bought on e-bay? You write "Good neatly-chopped high-density two-sided fingers can give 1-2% gold. The eBay crap rarely comes out to half that." Where do you get this info?

I love this line! And I quote "minus the extremely high risk of getting scammed and getting nothing but a package full of dead squirrels;" Really? It's pretty hard to rip someone off on E-bay these days. That's why you use Pay-Pal. You get scammed, you get your money back. Pretty much how it works these days. How many times have you been scammed? In 14 years of buying and selling on e-bay, I have only got ripped by a seller once, and e-bay took care of it and refunded all my money back.

I would say the the facts prove about everything in your post about e-bay to be wrong.

So what it comes down to is this. If you want to sell your fingers here on the board for $50.00 a pound, by all means go for it! They are yours to sell as you see fit. If you want to refine them yourself, well that's fine too, afterall, that is what this forum is all about. But, if you are like me and have no desire to refine them myself, then I must choose the best avenue to sell for the most profit. E-bay.
Actually there are scammers on ebay! I personally have never been scammed but I have heard horror stories. Such as stuff being totally stripped and then spray painted and I have heard of some guys getting really creative and cyanide leaching of escrap that can remove almost 80% of the surface exposed Au and no one could tell the difference until you process it and get hardly nothing.

As far as paypal giving you your money back on something that has been put to chemicals is not going to happen and that is the only way you would be able to tell sometimes. Also almost every gold recovery auction is sold "as is no returns" so no way of getting your money back if you don't get anything once you process it.

So yes there are scammers but as far as selling on ebay if you have it to sell I totally understand because 8 out of 10 times it sells for way more than the Au content. I would personally do it as well if I had my own scrap coming in and didn't refine


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