Selling Boards Western Oregon

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Well-known member
Jan 16, 2010
The question of where to sell computer and server boards in Western Oregon came up a few days ago. Quite frankly, I did not have an answer. Any help would be appreciated and passed along.

Thanks a bunch
Thanks for the PM reply, Dwayne. I really do not have answers to all of your questions, so let me explain a bit. While in hospital recovering from surgery, one of my walking partners in the halls mentioned he tore down computers and was looking for a local (Roseburg to Longview) business to sell boards to. Most that I knew of a few years ago have closed up shop or changed business model away from buying anything, so I was of little help to him. He did leave a phone number, but I was not given express permission to share.

I am pretty sure he wanted a business he could regularly drop stuff with. Perhaps something with part of their business resembling Boardsort, or something like it. I may have told him to take his questions to GRF, but honestly do not remember. Because I was under the influence of IV administered opiates, I can not be certain of my memory the first few days post-op.
Thanks for your reply galenrog... I'm going to have to pass on this as it is to far for me to travel there. Best of luck to you and the person wanting to sell. They might try selling on Ebay or other venues.
Well, he is on his own now. Either he gave me a wrong number, or I wrote it wrong. In defense of either scenario, we were both a day or so post surgery, and I, at least, was a bit drugged up.

Thanks for the replies.

Time for more coffee. Tomorrow, the drain tubes come out.