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New member
May 22, 2016
Dear members & new members,

This is Todd. I just wanted to drop a note telling everyone I'm still getting over being sick. I wanted to apologize for being quick tempered when members were warning me to slow down. As you know when I first became a member on the forum I had 20 different things going on at the same time and a lot of post before I checked the threads really well. I think a lot of new members make that mistake and when older members give advice or precautions on saftey it because they know either by experience. I made a comment about "tasting gold" on a thread I posted with just water and scrap in a jar but I got upset when members told me that wasn't a good comment. For that I'm sorry. The older members know from experiance and being new I should have respected that. I also should have checked the thread because I could have stopped it before it got out of hand. I meant it in a joking way, also metiforically like "I can taste the gold now, or "I can smell the money!" when members said someone could take that as a step in the process I thought it was far fetched but maybe not. I will tell you why.
When I first came to the forum it was through a search engine asking a question on how to process silver ore. I saw a answer for that question and a kid was going to use the parks process on some ore from his grandfathers mine. Someone answered him and stated first crush it then roast it. He also said if it turns yellow watch out you will be glowing in the morning. I thought it was a joke glowing. So alI week I was crushing and roasting when people told me wait, get a assay so we know what's in it first. By the time I got any information on the ore it was too late and got arsenic poisoning. I heated the ore while looking over it, up close for 45 minutes sometimes with no mask. Even worse I did it late at night in the dark and couldn't see the wind or fumes. The next morning I couldn't open my eyes up, the light was so intense it made me dizzy. My stomach was upset, my muscles cramping and lethargic. I knew I had to go to the hospital. I did and I was told it was arsenic poising after they ran some test and I told them it might be from that. I was on dialysis, multiple other treatments and I still don't feel like getting out of bed and it's been over a month.
When I do go back to mining (if ever now) I learned to take it slow! I will listen to others and saftey. It's not a joke and using these acids and methods in here you will get injured if not done correctly. I may never go back to mining now and not by choice! I hope my body kicks back in soon. So if your new slow down, learn it right and don't argue, but ask for clarification if you don't agree or understand why. I saw a question on Mercury here tonight and someone kept going on about it for days after members said don't use it. So I felt halfway good enough and the need to write a letter tonight about my experience hoping it will prevent the same mistake by a new member wanting to experiment without proper stuff.
Thanks, Todd.
My father always told me that it takes a real man to acknowledge their mistakes and say sorry.

You get my vote simply for that.

spaceships said:
My father always told me that it takes a real man to acknowledge their mistakes and say sorry.

You get my vote simply for that.


Just what I thought when I read his post.

Didn't we have a thread where people posted their first hand experiences about safety? This one would be another pearl in that collection.
Well thanks for accepting my apology. I didn't know if you would. I can step back and see how rediculios I must have sounded. Yeah gold fever is real. Never thought in as many years with placer gold I would get it. I'm still hanging on everyday hoping this won't last much longer, it's horrible. I read a thread about a experianced member named iron side from a thread and something along the lines of you guys haven't seen him. I think Harold said he got sick from same thing. Thank you for letting me back in the forum moderators, because I do like the reading. However everything is on complete hold, I can't stress enough saftey for new people and using proper glassware, chemicals and fume hoods when you say things are toxic. Ok that's about all I can write for a while. I get winded just walking to the truck right now. Happy refining guys. Todd
Neither Barren or myself have any say in whether your apology is accepted by the forum moderation team. We are merely members expressing our opinions my friend.

I'm glad you have learned from your mistakes both in the mine/lab and on the forum for what it's worth.

Well done Todd for manning up.
I'm sorry to hear that you are ill as its not the intention of any of the members here to encourage people to hurt themselves but sometimes people won't listen, we all deal with and use some very very dangerous chemicals and with ores you never know what's in the mix until a full assay has been done which is why we try to encourage members to use caution until the assay confirms which elements are present.
As I stated earlier I'm sorry your ill but perhaps this will be a salutary lesson for those that follow you and save others from making the same mistakes, I hope you recover and make that mining dream come true, keep us updated if you decide to continue.
Sorry to hear it. Wish you the best of luck.

Working with a lot of old timers here in Cripple Creek and Victor in the mines. There used to be an old wives tale about cyanide and and arsenic poisoning up here in the mountains. Not a lot of newer people ever heard of it but the older generation always laughed and joked about it. Pickled pigs feet.
Your situation is obviously by far funny. Hope you get well soon friend.

maynman1751 said:
:cry: Wishing you the best and hoping that you gain full recovery from your 'mishap'. Thank You for your honest omission.

Did you perhaps mean "admission?" 8)

I'm impressed,

It's not often that someone expresses themselves in such an honorable way. Very rare in this day and age it seems. Posting this could not have been easy, to be sure it must have been very difficult. But I hope you see this as some of us do, not as depreciating but instead as you standing up after falling down, and being in what my estimation a good example of what it means to be a man, or if it was a woman the same.

Your story is concerning, as the world needs more men, and women like yourself I hope you pull through and make a full recovery. This experience, while very dangerous and hopefully those who follow will avoid the same mistakes, will change your own life forever. You are fortunate in both that you seem to be making a recovery, and to have learned this lesson even though you learned it through a mistake. You have effectively turned your bad experience into knowledge and have then chosen to express it publicly. I can only hope you regain your health, but as well that if something similar happens with me that I will have the same strong constitution and choose to stand up in the honorable way that you have.

It does my heart well to know that there still exists people who can make mistakes, grow and become a better person for them. I congratulate you sir on this point. I hope health returns to you soon, and wish you the very best that lady luck might offer.

Without checking the logs and that old thread I think it was me that said we don't joke about tasting solutions.
With more than 36000 members and right now anonymous guests outnumbers registered readers by more than 3 to 1 we have a lot of people that reads the threads. If one in 10.000 persons think it is okay to taste solutions (it is not!) then a simple joke can turn into an accident really easy.

One example of that is the guy reading about urea removing nitric acid and started to pee in the beaker. :shock:

Never underestimate the stupidity of people!

Todd, I accept your apology and I hope you get well soon. Don't give up on refining as it could be both a rewarding hobby and a profitable occupation. But I hope you will get an assay before any more experimenting with ores.

I might have been the one pushing the ban button, don't remember if I did. I'm not going to do it now unless you step out of line again.

As for me, your apology is accepted! Welcome back!

Happy reading!

Faced with adversity such as this, you'll be a better man for it. After you heal of course. Good luck in the future.
I am on board with what the other members have said --- so very VERY sorry to hear of your miss hap - but THANK you for coming forward to tell of it for in doing so who knows how many you may have just saved from the same kind of fate

This (IMO) took a real man to own up to & my hat is of to you (as a salute)

I really do hope that you come through this & that your health improves to a point that you are able to again enjoy a normal life

We are all in this together. Something that effects one of us effects us all. Without honest discourse, we would be an island unto ourselves. I appreciate you coming forward with your warning.

I hope you mend and get well soon.
Geo said:
We are all in this together. Something that effects one of us effects us all. Without honest discourse, we would be an island unto ourselves. I appreciate you coming forward with your warning.

I hope you mend and get well soon.

Truer words could not be spoken. They say that pride comes before the fall.. and that it takes a big man to swallow his pride and admit his err's.

I hope you get well soon. This is a great hobby/discipline/field of study. But, everything we do and use in the trade, must be treated with respect.

I don't pray, but I am wishing you well.

Topher_osAUrus said:
I don't pray, but I am wishing you well.


Haha me neither. I gave up with imaginary friends when I was but a mere boy. 8) 8)
Well, I do pray. Often and with passion. I will pray for you Todd. God speed on your recovery.

Please. Lets not slide into insulting others beliefs. My God is far from imaginary to me.

I was making an observation, and I don't recall you commenting on this thread Rick until now unless I'm mistaken? You're entitled to you opinions as am I. Let's leave it at that.
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