artart47 said:
Hi my Friends!
In my opinion, If Harold makes a decision and takes an action like this, one knows that he has all the facts and has thoroughly thought thru his decision. His action is only for what's best for our forum.
Thanks for your support, guys.
Yes, in spite of appearances, my actions were based on what's best for the board.
I don't mind stating that I've taken considerable flack for my actions---and not just from readers. Some of the moderators have voiced their disapproval---which leads me to question their motive. Needless to say, in some cases, I now have a completely different opinion of them. Nothing will destroy the integrity of a board faster than select readers failing to observe the rules, with little to no action being taken by those who should be in charge. It leads to the appearance of a "good ol' boy" network, which is certainly not the case, nor is it going to be.
Once a reader has been put on notice in regards to behavior, there should not be second, third and fourth chances, nor should ANY reader be granted slack because of their contributions. We have a large number of readers who contribute nicely, and observe our rules. To allow a few to not do so is a disservice to those individuals. I personally won't tolerate that kind of behavior, and fully expect moderators to react in kind. If they do not, why are they here?
My opinion. If a moderator fails to uphold the board rules, taking what ever action may be required to do so, he should be relieved of his position. A moderator should NEVER be a part of the problem.