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Gold Refining Forum

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  1. 4metals

    Aqua regia gold stuck in solution electrolysis

    ...anode in the first video was gold, when you added additional Nitric Acid you should have seen a red fume. It is quite obvious and if you are not working in a hood even more obvious. If the original precipitate was gold you would have generated NOx as it re-dissolved. Did you see the red cloud?
  2. F

    Does AR dissolve copper, iron, lead, organics? What can dissolve gold and gold alone?

    ...the safety warnings. I will be careful and take full responsibility of any results from my actions, everything is done outdoors or under a fume hood. To answer you, no Assays were done. I am just walking around and collecting rocks that look promising that i'd like to experiment with and see...
  3. 4metals

    Where in Canada or the States can you get Aqua Regia training ?

    ...Silver will end up in the slimes for future recovery. The catch is the quantity of gold needed to maintain the electrolyte runs in the neighborhood of 60 grams per liter and the tanks I've used start out with a capacity of 75 liters. So at todays prices you will invest $330,000+ USD in...
  4. 4metals

    Nitric Acid - cold temps commit to a nitric leach. This process is best at 80-90º F. And it will take days, 2 or 3 at best. Read about it. For an inexpensive hood, considering your rural location, I have seen a large plywood box, with a box fan pulling air out from one end. Facing downwind, this may suffice...
  5. anachronism

    Fume hood design plans

    That's both interesting and practical, I like it. Take another IBC HDPE casing and make a baffle from it (will take a bit of design work) and you might be onto the basics of an ongoing design for members!
  6. Yggdrasil

    Beginners mistakes

    You do not make much sense here. Explain your understanding on neutralization please. Urea has been used in the past, not because it was the best option not even a good option, but mostly because it was the option they had available. Today Urea has its best use as a fertilizer. You will not...
  7. Yggdrasil

    Aqua regia process post sulfuric stripping

    PCBs has no business in a Sulfuric stripping cell. But HCl on solder has always a place.
  8. B

    Precipitating gold from cianides solutions with zinc or aluminium

    Thank you 4metals this post is very informative. I have had a Hobby of inorganic chemistry since I was 10 years old when I received a chemistry set as a gift I am now 78 years old and I still keep working at it, It is now called Hydrometallurgy . I have never been bored in my life. My library...
  9. Ian S

    I know its expensive but

    for example here with the platinum, for every 100g platinum scrap I refine I have to pay about 594usd! For 100g gold scrap its about 180usd...That adds up every week
  10. bleachsicle

    E-waste scrap in chemical to be processed

    It’s definitely a learning curve and the biggest part is to make sure we are safe!! I actually made my fume hood using a liquid IBC container and cut some plastic out of the middle and plastic welded it back together… it’s sort of a box shape but also very uneven walls (if you look it up on...
  11. giahylxag

    Aqua Regia method with 12-13% Ag _inquart_

    Given the test was a success I will stop my project for several months and redesign everything to scale up and steamline my business. I am looking to buy a flask with a flask heater. Is a 3 heads flask like this model sufficent for refining larger lot? size range from 5000ml to 12000ml. the idea...
  12. James Ball

    Measuring cupric nitrate in solution in a silver nitrate/silver electolysis cell

    ...would have a kerosine odor associated with it. I do this in my garage and would not want the smell. On the other hand some type of vented hood above the cell would eliminate this problem. It seems to me one could monitor the progress of this extraction by measuring the curpic nitrate in the...
  13. Yggdrasil

    SO2 gas reduction

    I'm not entirely sure what you mean. The SO2 is what drops the Gold. It is released when the SMB hits a sufficient acidic condition. Nitric or no Nitric. Of course over using it will create more of it. If you make a saturated solution of SMB and water, you can pour it into the pregnant solution...
  14. R

    Can help me for reduce PD dmg...

    I think it is convenient to mention that the gases produced by the calcination of dimethylglyoxime produce some highly toxic HCN (hydrocyanic acid). Take precautions to do so under an extraction hood or in ventilated areas.
  15. Amol Gupta

    Siphoning boiling nitric using a pump.

    ...will integrate in the design. I am not sure what you mean by the inquarted gold "behaves" well. Assuming the pump being difficult to find or a wildly expensive one if we do so, a solution I can think of is one you suggested year back for the fume hood, can I use a venturi to siphon off the...
  16. Yggdrasil

    Does copper only knock out gold or does it also knock out silver?

    ...its, not. None of your bottles has a cap and they are not air-tight. They will not hold up any vacuum. You seems to have built a kind of fume hood like contraption. The design I made a sketch of is to bypass the need for a full fledged fume hood when doing AR leaches. It is usually held in...
  17. W

    Such thing as a fume hood out the box ready to go?

    Very funny. I will be modding the fan unit with 5“ ducting so any exhaust gasses are removed from my workshop.
  18. A

    gas scrubbing solutions and concentrations

    ...peroxide should be cheap. Position 2/3 will be a 5L flask with a lye solution, bottle 4 is empty to allow for condensation and issues I was having with fluid reaching my pump. My pump is a cheap rotary vane from ebay. $50. Look at my setup in the fume hood thread and ask me if you have questions.
  19. B

    Help,Evaporation of excess nitric issues

    ...isn’t always necessary when proper precautions are taken but as a tool in the belt for new and upcoming students. I have been working in a fume hood and I have around 5-7 gallons stored in drums with lids that from what I’ve read can be addressed after I understood the process. do not take...
  20. D

    E-waste scrap in chemical to be processed

    ...bottom, I did another smoke test, and found the rotation of the air on mine is right to left. If only the right door is open, it will escape the hood. If only the left door is open, the smoke tries to escape but gets sucked back in. I will be redesigning the ventilation, and try a venturi...
  21. Yggdrasil

    Recovering Palladium

    ...the black too. Or redissolved and run through an Formate reduction at which point it will be in metal form. I really hope you have proper fume hoods and PPE for this. PGM salts are exceedingly toxic. The best would be to avoid them all together or drop them by Cementing on Copper. Maybe the...
  22. R

    Help! Getting married and trying to refine sentimental family jewellery into weddings bands

    ...careful. Do not breath the nitric fumes etc. To say they're bad for you is a extreme understatement do it outside and stay up wind or in a fume hood. I always let the solution cool completely in the fume hood till no fumes were going off before decanting the solution and filtering the gold out.
  23. B

    Silver Chloride conversion success!

    Ok. The safety I do take seriously. That’s probably the one I pay attention to the most. Everything waste wise is all neutralized and disposed of properly. I always wear gloves and masks. Also I use fume hoods
  24. Ó

    Does copper only knock out gold or does it also knock out silver?

    I looked at the hoods and I would like to ask how much AR can usually be put in?
  25. 4metals


    This sentence makes me think you are using an enclosed hood with filtration but no outside air exhaust. Is this true? If this is the case I would not recommend any scrubber or in line filter pad for this application. Sentry air systems are great for particulates which the fine particulate...
  26. G

    HCL Zinc reactions

    You may start vaporizing the Zinc, which is fairly toxic.Fume hood, or outdoors is highly recommended.
  27. Shark

    A video posted by a member for refining DIP's Let's discuss this!

    I sure can. In fact I still play with that same tiny furnace, and very often a one gallon cell, or larger at times. I did have to remake the lid and add a puck to hold the crucible but it still works. It amazes me how many people want to run a silver cell but ignore a copper cell.