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  1. Matt “Ducky”

    Constructing Fume Hood

    ...the items I get after I depopulate, so I have plenty of gold to extract and silver. But I was not even going to do any of it without that fume hood I know how bad can be and the chlorine gas in the other ones that it releases. Answer the question about THE is it more like a bathroom fart...
  2. M

    New member, review bar melt process please?

    ...a tabletop cupelling furnace either, but I'm easing into this. and of course once I get pin samples I'll need a rolling mill as well :D Then someday I'll break down and want to do some refining work and will ahve to buy lab glass and a vaccum pump and a fume hood and ... lol ya it...
  3. D

    E-waste scrap in chemical to be processed

    ...I'm not sure where I am not getting the result I need. The flow does feel good, something is just not right. I set a wad of paper towels on fire, and eventually I smell smoke with my hood door open. I tried a few different cups, moving them back and forth. I guess I'm off to bed and sleep on it.
  4. O

    Best methods of gold concentrate analysis

    ...minds that can combine multiple fields of research to one, connect the dots on the screen and see the consequences. Story of "IBC container hood" was something similar. Bunch of knowledged poor guys discussing options and opinions. This came out, we thought about it, tested it, worked it...
  5. S

    Buying a fume hood

    The motor is isolated in a good quality commercial hood so corroding the thing is almost impossible. I have only seen them fail if the installer covers the vents for the separate space the motor sits in. Then you get overheating and i dont believe any motor handles that really well. I put a pic...
  6. Ad discere debemus docere

    FIRST REFINING help me not make some rookie mistakes

    He didnt ask for instructions, how to, nor an attitude... He layed out a plan which will get him somewhere close to the end result he desires...HE SIMPLY ASKED IF THERE WAS ANYTHING YOU WOULD TELL HIM THAT YOU WISHED YOU KNEW AT THE START OF YOUR PM RECOVERY/REFINING ADVENURE e.g know your...
  7. Yggdrasil

    Looking for info on cyanide leaching for plated items.

    In your setup I would not even consider it. You NEED a proper ventilated controlled area like a fume hood. Or like if you are doing heap/vat leaching a area that are controlled with respect to who is present at all times. Edit for spelling.
  8. Yggdrasil

    Fume hood venturi.

    Done now. Frankly I did not see that it was a new thread.
  9. Yggdrasil

    what did I do?

    Several things: It can be extremely dangerous if you do not know what is in your ore. If there ia other metallic components the PMs will cement out and can't not be recovered. If it is clean it is way to expensive for the amount of Gold you can get out. Professionals use ThioCyanate, Cyanide...
  10. R

    First fume hood with scrubber

    I love the tray for drainage? I'm incorporating that into my fume hood when I finally make one.
  11. S

    First fume hood with scrubber

    I have about $250.00 in the fume hood including the exhaust fan. The plywood I already had and glass panes from an old window I took out of my garage.
  12. N

    Sodium Chlorate /HCl for mixed PGMs

    ...low on Nitric and live in the middle of nowhere to get more. I'm running the Sodium Chlorate adds slowly otherwise the Chlorine fumes are runaway. Doing this outside as the fume hood just can't handle the volume. I thought I saw Sreetips do the NaClO3 /HCl on Pt but can't find that video now.
  13. 4metals

    A video posted by a member for refining DIP's Let's discuss this!

    ...relatively little acid. The only real processing that generates acid waste from aqua regia is the cleaning up and refining the slimes. Surprisingly this can be accomplished with a small gas furnace, a small copper cell, and a hood for the aqua regia work. I believe Shark can attest to that...
  14. J

    Fumehood help and questions

    I want to start my journey with refining gold and silver from jewelry using the inquartation method, and I know a fume hood is going to be probably my biggest expense, so I want to start here for safety equipment to gather, so a lil information before I ask for a recommendation, I only plan on...
  15. A

    Palladium jackpot?

    there is another way, without chemicals Requires 9-27 volt power supply I use 12V for LEDs - on a stick dipped in salt water + supplied to the part being examined palladium alloy will give orange color
  16. O

    First fume hood with scrubber

    4metals not so long ago posted a nice pic of little fume hood made from 55gallon plastic drum. I imagined something very similar could be made from 1m3 plastic vats for water storage or chemicals transport. On the top, there already is a discharge/charge hole of very nice diameter, ready to be...
  17. W

    Just wanted to share

    ...very unfortunate accidents, I'm glad you all share them so others like myself can hope to avoid them by learning from your situations. The fume hood is holding up great. I've made some really good nitric acid with it twice now. Both times I moved it outside, but brought it back inside when I...
  18. 4metals

    extracting palladium from silver chloride is to take your insolubles from the stone removal and dissolve them in heated Ammonium hydroxide. This is a high fume reaction so a good hood is required. The Silver Chloride will dissolve back into solution and any bits of platinum that didn't dissolve from the aqua regia process will...
  19. A

    Poor Man's Aqua Regia

    Best to try Aquaregia ( HCL: HNO3 in the proportion of 3 : 1 ) in a fuming hood with an outlet for N2O fumes to a scrubber with Soda Ash solution. Remember, Aquaregia works well only if silver content is less than 10% and the reaction pot is having a stirring arrangement. Filtering of solution...
  20. T

    yellow palladium from ammonia, what is next.

    what loss in the conversion do you mean? and by metal ions in solution should not be rolled rubbed licked or splashed in the eyes or poured on your lab partner , yes i learned this years ago. fortunately my lab has a nice fume hood to do all the unrecognized procedures in.
  21. K

    Palladium jackpot?

    ...when they cool back down if they look just like they did before heating with the touch (no change/discoloration of the metal) there is a likely hood they are Pd (or Pt) acid dissolve (small piece) & test with stannous &/or DMG to confirm --- but if they change/discolor after cooling down...
  22. J

    First fume hood with scrubber

    Didn't think to use a washer, great idea; flip it upside down and you have your vent hole as well.
  23. K

    Fume hood venturi.

    First of DJPGold - could you please keep ALL of your questions concerning building a fume hood in ONE thread Mods - could one of you please combine ether this thread with his other thread - or - the other thread with this one the other thread is ------------...
  24. Yggdrasil

    Interested in this Scrubber Design or a Simple Scrubber for Small Scale Refining

    This one is slightly more evolved than my simple sketch, you can disconnect and reroute a flask at a time to either swap the liquid or do other jobs. It sucks the gases through a train of flasks by vacuum.
  25. U

    Wanted to check my thoughts

    ...smelt. Does the math and thought process work out? I will clearly do a test run but want to make sure it looks good before I use my works vent hood (my boss is awesome) Questions: in step one should I have the scrap in water already? Assumptions all water used will be deionized. I look...
  26. Yggdrasil

    HCL Zinc reactions

    Yes, forgot about that, but as long as you don't breathe it directly it should be ok. So maybe better to go directly to dissolve it in HCl/Bleach or HCl/ Peroxide and drop as usual with SMB. If you do, test it with Stannous so you know the Gold is there.
  27. MvK

    Gold stripping cell ideas

    ...multiple open bowls or cooldown time. I would like to cool down by running glass pipes trough the cell. I could suspend the basket in the fume hood, with a vibrator motor somewhere attached with an interval to shake the basket, not having to stir it. What do you guys think, any tips or...
  28. VK3NHL

    Buying a fume hood

    Ask Sreetips, aka Kadriver which one NOT to buy… Good luck.
  29. J

    will this work for a fume hood

    Like I tell my wife all the time, You do you, I do me... I personally do not like breathing in acid fumes or, especially sulfur dioxide fumes from the refining process. I will keep my fume hood. If you like to breathe those, feel free my man.