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Gold Refining Forum

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  1. N

    Large Precious Metal Assay

    ...PGMs from the rest will expose you to very toxic salts that can kill or incapacitate you so proper lab safety will be essential including a fume hood and scrubbing plus lab grade glass and chemicals including acids and somewhere to do this without complaints from neighbours. Once you have...
  2. G

    Stannous test on Eco-Goldex

    Even with lowering ph to ~1 with HCL ... stannous does nothing :( Gold must be disolve in a diferent way than in AR Yes , I've build a fume hood outside to play with these. Surprisingly , Lowering the PH of EcoGoldex doesnt seems to do much it them of toxic gase ... But I Cant be sure. Logic...
  3. G


    ...doesn't pay to start up a massive operation, for a few pennies per pound profit, when sold on the open market. PPE's can consist of a fume hood/scrubber (best option), an N-100 particulate respirator, or some other apparatus to capture fumes, to convert into Sulphuric acid. I know you are...
  4. R

    Help! Getting married and trying to refine sentimental family jewellery into weddings bands

    ...heat and let it slowly react overnight outside away from anything you don't want to rust or if as you mentioned you have access do it in a fume hood. Cover the coffee pot top with cling wrap or press and seal to keep the fumes in. The peroxide will help to keep the fumes down also. Add...
  5. C

    Beaker broke, lots of steam, did I just lose 1/2 Ozt? that I finally found a less expensive hobby (sometimes) than flying. Now to it. It's cold out, 18 or so and without a working fume hood I was working outside this evening. A first refine of 1/2 Ozt that was recovered a couple of days ago. Dissolution via Hcl and Sodium...
  6. Martijn

    Are there any mistakes to my method for a first-timer gold recovery and refining?

    Sounds like a plan. Take nickv's advise. Breathing mask is questionable. Aim for fume hood, scrubber and other preventive measures. Heavy duty gloves are not needed imo, except for spills and emergencies. You need to feel what youre doing and not bump things over with clumsy thick gloves...
  7. J

    These metal Processor chips have me stumped! Over 18 lbs of them! to process these, I would be very grateful to hear it. I have all of my acids, glassware, 10 years of experience, a proper workshop, fume hood, etc....I just wasn't expecting this curve ball! Metal chips.....and so so many of them! In the following pics, you can see a yardstick for...
  8. N

    Help With Vacuum Pump then add the line from the vacuum into the Buchner which is sealed on the top with a rubber bung and a line out to your filter flask that should keep most of the corrosive fumes away from your pump, also do not set your pump up inside your hood as the fumes will still wreck it fairly fast .
  9. Gwar

    Starting a new batch

    ...about 140 Roosvelt pre 64' dimes, so that will yield about 10ozt, I am going to utilize my usual coffee pot, pan and hotplate with the exhaust hood, I will chronical all the steps here as I proceed for comments, my main question is how many ml of Nitric acid and Distilled water should I use...
  10. O

    Gold back in solution when washing? separate bottle, and when I am about to process next batch in AR, I use this acid for the start. Then I have three separate beakers in the hood - one for gold "waste" (washings, last traces of powder from second settling etc...), second for silver waste (mainly AgCl from various tests of...
  11. I

    Imalwaysañgie69 moved from Having an issue with Ralph Mathes AKA 'Palladium' / Aquilla Refining make copper pendants in the electrodes also to make gold all the other things are made the everything was done out there also I made a van a hood thing that went outside to make the poisonous gas to go up we have elderly people on both of the way around us which probably got poison too and...
  12. Yggdrasil


    ...solution, but drop it for ordinary use, the filters are expensive and have limited time of use. Keep it close and handy, but get a proper fume hood set up. We have some study material for you right here, links provided until you become self propelled through this wast maze of information ;)...
  13. P

    Nitrogen Dioxide Mess

    ...said I got gold fever and rushed into putting to much nitric on gold plated copper pins in too small of jar and to top it off without fume hood. So that stinky brown gas that I thought was just bad for me showed itself on every piece of metal and electronics in the vicinity. I only noticed...
  14. Liquidau

    Getting the gold out

    Thank you Lads. I do work in an industrial lab and always under a hood. The carcinogenic aspects of Thiourea are well noted and the material is being handled carefully. I won’t ever touch cyanide or use it in processing. The fingers are well trimmed from 10-15 year old boards. So the white...
  15. Yggdrasil

    Scrap Find issue

    You can not refine anything inside a house where people live, unless you have a proper fume hood. Even then it should not be done. The fumes will corrode any and all metal objects and some fumes are toxic and may accumulate in the body of living beings over time. If this is your situation you...
  16. G

    fume scrubber attaching to hood

    ...of brilliant articles on the forum and there has been a lot of brilliant pics of peoples wet scrubbers. i hope you dont mind me using the pictures here. the only thing i was wondering is how these set ups attach to the fume hood itself the pull the fumes from the cabinet through the wet...
  17. Yggdrasil

    HELP! NO GOLD After addition of SMB

    The easiest way out of this is to hang a piece if solid Copper in your solution. This will cement out anything of value in your solution. The take the powder/slime from this and redissolve it again with either if these methods. HCl/Hydrogen-peroxide, HCl/bleach or HCl/pool chlorine. Make sure...
  18. S

    New to GRF (gold refining forum)/ my introduction.

    ...suddenly stop what I was doing because it started snowing and I was doing everything outside (I haven't had the materials to make my own fume hood yet.) So that put a damper on things for a few days. When I came back to everything a number of days later, there appeared to be very heavy...
  19. Yggdrasil

    Newbe For Gold

    ...make sure never to use acids inside, the fumes will destroy any metallics like tools, nails and screws. Do it outside or in a purpose built fume hood. You may keep the mask as an emergency solution. This is what we expect from our new members: 1. Read C.M. Hokes book on refining jewelers...
  20. G

    Help! Getting married and trying to refine sentimental family jewellery into weddings bands

    Thank you Ron, that is very much the approach I was after, cheers!
  21. Q


    SCDC: Just boil your solution after you separate the gold out of it. This will drive off the SO2 gasses that are dissolved. Best done outside or in a fume hood. Using the wafting technique, once you cannot smell "rotten eggs", let cool and then add to stock pot.
  22. Ray Gun

    will this work for a fume hood

    Why are all the fume hoods fundamental? I see them as very limited for space and tough to work in ... never mind the size of a free-standing fume hood. A friend of mine has a son at university doing his PhD in chemistry and his son told me for acid reactions using heat all you need to remove...
  23. Palladium

    Waste treatment system at Gold Refinery

    Quick question i never heard answered. Do you have a fume hood and glassware such as a 2,000ml beaker? I personally, and this is just me, would take the crusted pieces of gold and add some NaOH to the pieces. This will convert the crust to metallic silver. Then wash a couple of times. Then when...
  24. 4metals

    Waste treatment system at Gold Refinery is reduced you can re-dissolve the metallic silver in nitric and filter out the gold. This is one of the things I would recommend doing in a hood. Another option is to melt the reduced silver into a bar and take a dip sample and part an accurately weighed sample to determine the gold...
  25. R

    Is this mask safe?

    I just don't trust any filter type of mask at all. Get yourself a good fume hood and use any mask as a "hope I never need it backup". Here's why. I used to manage a nickel plating operation. made highly specialized parts. The tooling that held the parts in the plating bath would build up...
  26. Shark

    Dead car battery

    ...that will pull it back in your face. You want the wind blowing at a 90* angle to your body, causing it to sweep more fumes away from you. Fume hoods do a great job of protecting you over working out side. I have heated sulfuric acid to 125F and dripped it on to dry wood. The burning effect...
  27. eaglekeeper

    Source of nitric acid. (Ontario, Canada)

    ...put metal in solution. I never used this method, but it is a tool in my toolbox if needed. Caution.... Make sure you have good ventilation/fume hood using this method. A face full of that green chlorine gas at best will put on you knee's, at worst destroy your lungs. Also the gas will corrode...
  28. R

    I’m Douglas from central FL

    ...aside, I now look for how useful turning caustic solutions into saltwater has value- equal or greater than globs of greed. Also safety and fume hoods, works shops open to educate could slow down would be refiners that refuse to meet “Mr.Hoke” . Thank you for being professional and staunch in...
  29. O

    AuPd plated pins processing done by reduction of all CuCl2 to CuCl (obtaining the dark solution). Second reason is I do not have place for the cementation rig in my fume hood - there are multiple reasons why, one of which is that it will sting into eyes of some people, as I am doing it in my work. But I can...