1st ever refining try

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New member
Oct 19, 2013
Hi, I'm very new to this & the forum. Really hope someone would like to help or advise.

I have just finished dissolving a scrap pin melt in nitric acid. I have been left with a top blue liquid, mid dark blue/drown liquid followed by cloudy blue/black liquid & black particles or powder. Is this right & normal? Nothing I have read says anything about this or what I should do next. Where is the gold or did my melt not contain any? Thank you.
Sheadas welcome to the form

First things first read hokes its a book that teaches you
Everything about refining precious metals
read the form handbook
Take a tour of lazersteves site
All of these are free downloads found in the signiture
Of many members posts( the part at the end of or at the
bottom of each post)

I hope u have proper saftey gear nitric will kill you
Even tho you can breath it you will still get blood poisen
And once you start to feel the effects its to late

You said melt not good put your pins in first but instead
Of nitric grab a gallon of 32% hcl or muriatic acid and 32 ounces
of hydrogen peroxide .
when you have those and you have read some of the
book and are more familiar with the form you will get help
If needed
People here want to know you are willing to help yourself
also look up stannous chloride or SnCl, it is very necessary to have
put your stuff up for now it won't go anywhere really little
Sorry the last words were supposed to say read a little

O ya just an after thought how much material did you
Start with
1Lb of pretty golden computer pin generally produce
Less then 1gram of gold if your lucky

Good luck hope this helped read read read
steyr223 rob
Sounds like you bought one of those EBay gold drops. For your sake I hope I'm wrong. Take the advise given above, and read as much as you can. There is tons of good information on this site.
The best help we can offer is to ask you to learn by reading Hokes book and the forum so you will understand what mistakes you have already made.
Put everything you have in a plastic bucket with a loose lid that will allow pressure to escape and put it in a very safe place where no one will disturb it and start reading so you will know how not to make any more of these rookie mistakes.
By learning what went wrong, you will also find information on how to fix your mistake. :shock:

PS. Welcome to the best forum for Refining Precious Metals. 8)
Your gold exists as the black dust at the bottom.

That said, you should only have somewhere around a tenth of a gram of gold, worth a whopping $2, assuming you bought one of those crap 40-60g "pin bullion" melts off eBay.
you know, as i sit here, i think back to when the "gold drop" mess hit on Ebay and i said "in a few months we will have many new members asking how to get the gold out of these bars they bought on Ebay". well, here it is. now its up to us to inform them that they were scammed? are we, as a whole, really going to try and explain to each and everyone that they have been duped. i believe that a Global topic should be started by a moderator that starts with something like "if you bought a gold drop" or maybe "gold drops start here". that way it can be explained one time and referred to as needed. trying to tell each person that they bought worthless crap is going to get tiresome. either that or someone needs to figure out a magical way to get gold out of this junk.
I know how to do the pins into a nugget thing
I will sell them to you for half the price of flebay
they look a bit coppery but they have gold
Really :shock:

Just playing not making fun
Think of it this way if that nugget made you
come to this form then its worth every penny
You spent
In fact I would have paid 100 times that to find
A place like this. Honesty, integrity ,Knowledge beyond all others
And basically just good people.
I do not believe a place like that exist on earth other than here
thanks guys steyr223 rob
Thank you for all the supportive replies. Luckily a friend bought the melt some time ago on eBay, but never got round to doing anything. I said I would give it a go as I have been reading about it for a little time online & would be interested! He doesn't care anymore. I have obviously been looking/reading in the wrong places & will start again.

And yes I am being careful, with everything done outside. I know that the gases are very poisonous.

I will try & find the text you are all referring to.

Thank you
Excelent and welcome to the forum.
Here you will learn the right to process that mess but it will take alot of time reading and searching here.

For now, store everything and read the safety section as it will help you with what's there and how to store and then safely dispose of when needed.

That "Blob" of pins does have some PM in it, gold but it's not really worth the effort to do as the gold is now melted and mixed with all the other "base" metals.
In time you will learn how to deal with it and will deside what to do with it.
But first you need to learn what metals are in there and what procedures must be followed to seperate them.

Good luck and happy learning.

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