55 gal drum of AR

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Nov 9, 2012
i've been helping/watching my "genius" bf try to figure out how to go about dropping the gold from a ridiculous amount of AR, a 55 gal. drum of the stuff. there is definitly gold in the solution, tested positive with stannous chloride test.

the problem is that the solution is a mixture of different batches he tried to run, batches he couldnt drop the gold from, some he already dropped the gold from, just everything. i dont even know except that only chemicals relating to the shor method were used.

anyways the drum has been sitting for 3+ years. my question i guess is does this stuff get old? can gold be lost from it just sitting? should it be stirred before messing with it? should it be ran as "fresh" solution and approached from the beginning? theres already so much liquid there, i want to add to it as little as possible ...
Can you type without using the foul language. I have grandkids that can read these message. So please don't do it.

3 line down in that row. My grandson said why do they have to those bad word. And yes they can read their 5 grade.

So you've been with him for more than three years? Pretty good trick, that. I mean keeping you around for longer than three years, he's at least that clever! It's not every significant other who sticks around, watching failure after failure, and remains content even though a barrel, not of monkies, but of some sort of toxic sludge, rests nearby. I say start over, on both fronts, boyfriend and barrel! And you're right, don't add any more of anything. That could be disastrous. So how full is this barrel?
the barrel is about 2/3 full.and its green in color.

but there is also a fair amount in another container that is light bluish....
jmdlcar said:
3 line down in that row. My grandson said why do they have to those bad word. And yes they can read their 5 grade.


i hesitated even typing what i did so i apologize and will make sure to keep my posts cleaner in the future :)
You have to assume that the liquid is dangerous, so start with safety. Make sure to wear gloves, a face guard, and apparel that can withstand acids. I hope this barrel is in an open area, as you should not breath in any of the fumes. Please note that a respirator will not protect you from these fumes, so take care to not breath them in at all. Truth is, we have a whole section here on safety and you should read it first. Mostly because this barrel could change your life, for the worse, in an instant. Another safety precaution that you should take, and it should always be taken (but because you're dealing with such a large quantity of unknown liquid, it's even more important.), is to have several pitchers of water available in case the solution should end up on your skin. I have no idea if your an attractive man or not, but acid burns never look good, and they feel even worse. That is another reason you should read the safety section first, how to deal with acid on your skin (heaven forbid it should splash in your eye.).

Eventually, you're going to want to have a couple of mason jars of that liquid. They should not be filled more than halfway, to allow room for vigorous action (which could lead to splashing and acid spillage, nothing worse than acid working its way over the top of your jar). An even better idea is to place the half-filled mason jar into a corningware pan. Then if there is breakage of the jar, or spillover, it's contained. That's covered in our safety section. All this talk about safety, just note, I might have missed something. From there, I would place a small piece of copper, pure as the day it was melted, in one jar. It can be the size of a fingernail, well not those really long ones you see in the Guiness Book of World Record, or not even as long as those ladies have plastered to their real nails. Just like a normal thumbnail. You want to see if there is any reaction with the copper. If there is, you have free nitric in your barrel, and here you also want to see how furious that nitric is! And if it continues until the copper has been consumed. Tell me what has happened once you've done all this.

Oh, and other members may correct this whole sequence, you might want to read the safety section first, while they have a chance to review my advice!
before i would give advice, i would ask what kind of chemical background you or your boyfriend might have. from you description, it sounds like he has little knowledge of refining. one good thing about this is he had enough foresight to keep everything. is it being stored indoors or outside? after you have told us a little about what kind of chemical and/or refining knowledge either of you have will determine if and how the members here can help you.

dont be discouraged.if there actually is gold in the solution, it can stay in this state for decades.this has been proven before. if neither of you have the knowledge to extract the precious metals from the solution now, it wont take long to figure it out. the process to extract precious metals from a mixed up soup is fairly easy for someone who has done it before but can be a headache to the beginner. the fact that your boyfriend was able to amass such large quantities of PM bearing solutions and you already know what stannous chloride is lets me know that you have already been working on this for awhile. extracting PM's from this type of mess is one of the first things (behind safety and good work habits of course) a refiner should try to master.
I agree with the other answers, first you need to study and understand how to deal with the waste, the gold can easily be cemented out of solution, but dealing with the waste is the most important part, the safety section is where you and your boy friend need to spend time first, also Hoke's book and the forum, so that you learn how it is done, it is usually best to forget what you think you know, and learn to do it right.

Thank you for cleaning up your language, that shows you do wish to be a part of this group.
i3ai3e143 said:
foul language? what are you even talking about? f apostrophe in? wow...

i made sure not to use foul language so as not to disrespect or offend so if your not gonna help, mind your business.

You **didn't** make sure to not use foul language, otherwise there would have been no basis for the complaint. You clearly DID use foul language, which is not acceptable on this board.

This attitude will get you a one way ticket in a heartbeat. You're lucky I didn't intervene when it was posted, as I take a dim view of ANYONE using such language, so you most likely would have been banned.

I'm going to consider that you have offered an apology for your comment, and now understand that you must be on your best behavior.

My advice to you is to NEVER tell a reader to "mind your own business" when you are called out for something that is not acceptable. Our regular readers tend to speak for the moderators when they may not be available, and reflect that which is expected of those who participate here. This is for your own welfare, as those who offer resistance do not last long here. I see to it.

If, by chance, you find comments not to your liking, send a moderator a PM, describing the issue at hand, and including a link, so he can access the post in question without doing a search. Allow the moderator to handle problems---do not take them on yourself, as you may end up the victim of your own actions, which is often the case.

i3ai3e143 said:
But tell me Harold, if you saw I had already apologized and my language was no longer an issue, why did you feel the need to put me on blast like you did **a whole week** after the fact?
From that comment, I gather that you assume that if something slides for a week, that it, somehow, becomes acceptable?

That is not the case. Nor is it my style to allow readers who break the rules to slide. I confront, and I gauge their position here by their response.

Not that it's any of your business, but my response came on the heels of my reading your post. That it had been in place for a week reflects on my busy schedule---it does not ----not even remotely---reflect on the notion that it has passed some magical test in time.

You are not helping your case by confronting me on this issue. A wise person would understand that I mean business when I confront. I do not do so to intimidate---or to pose threats. I want to feel your pulse, which you allow me to do when you respond. A tone of understanding and cooperation goes a long ways towards my dropping an individual from my radar. A challenge simply intensifies my need to dig further, which I willingly do.

You said of board policy, and i quote, "We expect readers to be on their best behavior, to avoid confrontations that take energy away from the topics at hand...." A simple pm to myself would have sufficed don't you think?
Yes, I do think. And no, I do not agree with you, nor will I. My purpose on this forum is to keep it running smoothly. If a reader does something that isn't acceptable, it is typically done publicly (otherwise how would I know?). I respond in kind. By doing so, an example of something that isn't acceptable is presented, for others to gain knowledge of what is, and what isn't, acceptable here. It also shows that moderators are tending to their responsibilities, which I do. Had you sent me a PM stating your position, I would have responded in kind. However, you chose to make it public, and further aggravated the situation by posting your challenge. That's not the wisest thing you, or any reader, can do when they visit this forum, which is unique to the internet. Here, you can learn to properly refine precious metals, which is not possible elsewhere. For that privilege, you are expected to behave as an adult -----and that doesn't include using barn yard language---not even veiled barn yard language.

Understand one thing. I have nothing to gain by coddling readers. There is nothing on this forum that brings the least benefit to me. It costs me time I can not afford---time I will not waste. I will run the board as I see fit, expecting readers to respect the mandates set forward for all, and to adhere to the simple rules we try to uphold. Wasting my time responding to questions such as this is not a part of that, nor am I going to allow it to become so.

So then, you have two options. You can consider that you got off on a wrong foot, thinking that you can use poor language by disguising it to some degree, and that you were called for doing so-------and reign in your attitude


You can continue this discussion, and I'll see to it that it comes to an end.

The choice is yours.

Do not challenge any of those who operate this forum. It has been in existence for well over five years now, and has operated perfectly well without your council. I expect it will continue to do so whether you are here, or not.

That's it !!!! I have got to hang out with Harold sometime. I love his take on things. And just to make a note to anyone reading this also the new guy here. Some people don't understand Harold's take on things and at first are offended by it. I to once didn't quiet understand his take on things. Looking back now i can understand now what i couldn't see then. Harold speaks with logic and wisdom. Though you may not agree with how it's said you sure can't argue with what he says. A lot of the moderators speak with the same attributes. It's that wisdom that is more valuable than the knowledge one seeks here if that makes any sense. I tell my kids all the time " Son you can be smart as a whip, but still dumb as a box of rocks." There is knowledge and then there is wisdom. It takes that wisdom to know what to do with that knowledge. That wisdom can't be bought or learn from a book. It can only be earned! That ladies and gentlemen is the real value of their words. Chris, Harold, Lou, Steve, 4metals, Butcher. All their knowledge and wisdom represent multitudes of years that span multiple fields of study. Each a specialist in his own right. You can't buy that kind of knowledge let alone who ever heard of it being free for the asking. Such a simple thing to do to open yourself up to endless possibilities, yet the effort people apply is no more than logging on and demanding answers.
I'd like to add one thing to the above.

No, not the "foul language" debate :roll:, but on the chemical processes described.

IMO a major aspect of safety when dealing with "relative" unknowns is to start small - a quarter test tube is more than enough.
Palladian said
" That ladies and gentlemen is the real
value of their words. Chris, Harold, Lou, Steve,
4metals, Butcher. All their knowledge and
wisdom represent multitudes of years that
span multiple fields of study"

Um you forgot me dude!

Ill let it slide this time :shock: :lol:
But you did forget yourself.

I to got off on the wrong foot with harold

Now i wouldn't want to even consider not
Having him around.

I just wish , harold, that you had more time to come
Out and play. :cry:

Steyr223 rob
I guess, I was just lucky not to get fire by Harold :lol: and I prefere to avoid it! He and the other old veterans are absolutely ingenious and since they really only talk, when they have something to say, just listen to them. Don't ever feel offended by them. Read the forum and you know, what I mean.
I agree with you guys, Harold isn't so bad after all :) really, I mean that. My short experience with him thus far has been enlightening to say the least. Thank you, Harold :) since we all agree Harold is awesome, can we get back to the gold now? Lol :)

I've been lagging on doing this but I mean to get some pics up. I'm sure if nothing else, they could be a good example of what NOT to do. You guys will see soon :)
can we get back to the gold now?

Yes, just respond to Geo's and Butcher's posts. I guess I am not the only one, who is curious about the answer and the pics. Make sure to check Hoke's book, safety section and the waste item.

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