acid clorox leach turns bright yellow

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Well-known member
Dec 24, 2007
Sandspit, Queen Charlotte Islands, BC, Canada
I attempted to leach an ore of unknown values with acid clorox. There is a certain amount of iron in the ore. After everything stopped, the leach went from a golden brown colour to a bright yellow colour.
I saw a vague reference on another site that indicated this yellow colour may be pointing to the presence of some of the lower density PGM's.

Iron in solution appears bright yellow to orange colored.

Stannous chloirde testing is a good starting point as is DMG testing.

Traveller11 said:
I saw a vague reference on another site that indicated this yellow colour may be pointing to the presence of some of the lower density PGM's.
In all seriousness, the presence of a yellow color when processing with acid is evidence of the presence of a yellow color. Not much more. As has been already mentioned, iron also yields a yellow solution, and it's one of the most widespread of elements. It is also the cause of many negative test results in that when it is present, even if you do have the good fortune to have precious metals present, it often cements them from the solution, leaving nothing behind but dissolved iron. Testing indicates a barren solution when, in fact, values me be in the ore.

It is no secret that processing ores with acid is not a good idea.


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