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New member
Feb 2, 2015
Hello all.
This is my first post here and I would like to say a big Hello to everyone.
Now for my questions.
1. I had about 40/50 videocards and sound cards (pci and isa), rams, sitting around and gathering dust. I've cut out the fingers and soak them into nitric acid until all the foils remained goldish. After that, cleaned all the fingers and made an AquaRegia solution to dissolve the gold and got a nice looking yellow/sligh reddish clear color solution. Can this somehow used for gold plating ? After getting out the nitric from solution ?

2. In another jar I've (hammer) broken about 40 CPU's (intel and AMD, textolite and ceramic also) and soaked them in Aqua Regia. The problem is that now I have a brown (muddy) solution (from the SMD's on the intel cpu's) . I have boiled it about 40 min and added some concentrated HCl and a thick (7/8mm) brown/reddish sediment fall to the bottom of the jar. What is this ? I know I should treated with nitric first and then in AquaRegia.

Any help would be appreciated
You have a lot more reading and researching this wonderful forum. Put your chemicals away and do some reading. What you have started has been covered a multitude of times. You haven't even used to correct procedures and have made a wonderful mess.

Yeah, I know but its not even wonderful.
I don't want to do this like an income, I just want to experiment.
Nothing is lost but I wanted to ask someone with experience.
Are you saying that with the fingers I haven't done it properly ?
It's good to experiment, but know the procedures first. For fingers you want use acid peroxide (AP) to remove the base metals first. It's easier and cheaper than nitric acid is. You can reuse the AP over and over again, so it's pretty cost effective.

Hi Dan and welcome.

Search some of the threads about recovery, as opposed to refining. What you've done is missed out the recovery process which gets rid of most of the rubbish before you move on to refining.

Good luck out there.

Hello rauldDAN and welcome to the form...

First and foremost... STOP!!!

Stop "experimenting" on anything.
Why guess, make a mess and then try to justify it as an "experiment"?

What you did is the same most of us have done...
Watched hundreds of "Youtubewillhurtyou" videos and thought it is really easy to extract "Pure gold" from E-waste...
Then, as many here, decided gold is gold, you just have to dissolve everything and then gold will be refined and worth money...

Stop please and at the very least, poke around the forum and do some reading. It really is easy, provided you learn how it's done the right way.
Fingers are fingers and are great for the first "experiment" By that, I mean for you to get your hands dirty and get some experience in using Dangerously hazardous chemical compounds that could kill...or get you a very nice fine from the EPA when your neighbor calls the police thinking you're cooking Meth...

If you stay here long enough to catch the gold bug and learn. You will be able to clean up what you did and find gold, silver and other precious metals(PMs).

For now, please lightly cover, not tightly sealed to cause a pressure explosion, and safely hide everything so no "Accidents" and created and waiting to happen.

Do some reading here on the forum starting with the welcome section. Boring sounding yes, but it's the right place to begin and will lead you toward what you seek.

We're all here to help guide you and help you "learn" not just "give the simple process to get my gold"... Many have tried to get that magically simple process and it simply does Not exist. "Youtubewillhurtyou" videos leave allot of the most important steps and processes.

Good luck and hope you stick around a while.


Read this (first) :arrow:

Then download & read Hokes book :arrow:

And read this :arrow:

And then read all you can about safety & waste treatment


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