First and foremost, I amazed at what you can learn on this website. The moderators and general members are extremely impressive with their knowledge (Harold V, Oz, Butcher, Palladium to name a few). Reminds me of a site I used to visit in college; fta web site. I commend those of you who make a valiant effort to maintain your patience with the newbies and greenhorns, like myself, posting mondain question after question. I have tried to do my due diligence and read as much as possible before posting these questions.
I am 34 and am approaching this field of refining with great respect. I, much like most of you, am not scared to try and fail at something that is difficult as long as the reward is worthwhile. I started a very successful chain of discount dry cleaners in easter north carolina and have recently sold out. Dry cleaning, much like refining, is not easy (if it were, everyone would be doing it not just the Koreans). I am simply too young to retire so i would love to find something to "kill time" and potentially make a few extra bucks on the side without having to report to "the man".
I have a few friends that own jewelry stores and am capable of purchasing scrap gold with ads and online or on fleabay. Meaning, I will only be refining jewelry grade silver, gold and platinum for now. My questions are, I have noticed in the previous posts that almost everyone dislikes ishor or shor due to their chemical scam and porly manufactured machine; although I only saw a few people comment on its true capabilities. I am not scared of the aqua regia method (ive been dealing with perchlorethylene for quite some time). This leads me to the Amrit system or one like it.
It appears that they use a similar method to the aforementioned aqua regia but control their vapors through pumps and tubing. I believe palladium mentioned that you could build their machine for like $4,000. Well, they sell it for $4,800 (If you get the machine you have been working on going Palladium I will be a buyer). Nevertheless, I am not a big fan of messing with Acids that, as mentioned in numerous posts, can kill you on the spot; especially with kids in the house. If i can spend some dough on a machine that conveniently contains these lethal chemicals without me having to continuously handle them, I'm in. Palladium said in a post about the shor system that the technique is good but the equipment is crap (which is why he is making an industrial one I guess). I would just like to buy some scrap gold, silver, platinum etc. and refine it to keep some and resell some. I am also in the process of reading Refining Precious Metal Wastes by C.M. Hoke. I appreciate and welcome all questions, comments and criticisms. I can also be contacted on graff102577@yahoo . If anyone has one of these machines and lives in eastern NC, I would not mind paying you for your time and knowledge.
I am 34 and am approaching this field of refining with great respect. I, much like most of you, am not scared to try and fail at something that is difficult as long as the reward is worthwhile. I started a very successful chain of discount dry cleaners in easter north carolina and have recently sold out. Dry cleaning, much like refining, is not easy (if it were, everyone would be doing it not just the Koreans). I am simply too young to retire so i would love to find something to "kill time" and potentially make a few extra bucks on the side without having to report to "the man".
I have a few friends that own jewelry stores and am capable of purchasing scrap gold with ads and online or on fleabay. Meaning, I will only be refining jewelry grade silver, gold and platinum for now. My questions are, I have noticed in the previous posts that almost everyone dislikes ishor or shor due to their chemical scam and porly manufactured machine; although I only saw a few people comment on its true capabilities. I am not scared of the aqua regia method (ive been dealing with perchlorethylene for quite some time). This leads me to the Amrit system or one like it.
It appears that they use a similar method to the aforementioned aqua regia but control their vapors through pumps and tubing. I believe palladium mentioned that you could build their machine for like $4,000. Well, they sell it for $4,800 (If you get the machine you have been working on going Palladium I will be a buyer). Nevertheless, I am not a big fan of messing with Acids that, as mentioned in numerous posts, can kill you on the spot; especially with kids in the house. If i can spend some dough on a machine that conveniently contains these lethal chemicals without me having to continuously handle them, I'm in. Palladium said in a post about the shor system that the technique is good but the equipment is crap (which is why he is making an industrial one I guess). I would just like to buy some scrap gold, silver, platinum etc. and refine it to keep some and resell some. I am also in the process of reading Refining Precious Metal Wastes by C.M. Hoke. I appreciate and welcome all questions, comments and criticisms. I can also be contacted on graff102577@yahoo . If anyone has one of these machines and lives in eastern NC, I would not mind paying you for your time and knowledge.