Another Crazed Alaskan Gold Miner

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Dec 22, 2007
Alaska and Indiana
Hey there everyone,
I've been lurking here for about 2 weeks now, mostly trying to speed read a lot of the material. The preliminary read is pretty much over, and now I'm settling in to re-reading everything and trying to get up to at least entry level here.

Oh, me poor head, she's a hurtin'.

I am an Alaskan gold miner and right now I am wintering-over in Indiana (family considerations) while mining Spring to late Fall just outside Denali (you might call it Mc Kinley) Park.

I've been mining off and on since '66 and in the 'off times' I spent just short of 40 years with the Air Force. Concurrently with all that, I lived in "The Lower 48" and overseas, 'enjoyed' a revolution in Africa (Libya), a war in Saudi Arabia (Desert Storm) and a lot of time training across the US, Europe and South America. Pretty much I've been one of those "Been There, Done That" kind of guys.

For now I'm interested in learning what you folks take for granted. I'm trying to become a small scale miner with a better understanding of leaching, chemical extraction, some refining and even better casting techniques. Long road to go, but I have the rest of my life to get it done.

I'll try to not "Get on Anyone's Wick" as they say in England [not NEW England, Irons :~) ]


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