Another "miracle" chemical!?

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Well-known member
Feb 12, 2010
Lynnwood, WA.
While doing a search on recyclers in my area, I came across this site:
They have "news" of a chemical for "improving better recovery".
Is anyone here familiar with this "secret" chemical. (Reminds me of shor.)

Anti OX Now Available
PDF Attachments
Anti OX Dosing Schedule
Anti Ox Instructions February 2010
Anti Ox MSDS September 2010 In partnership with Dewey Analytical, Hallmark Refining Corporation is now distributing Anti OX. Anti OX is a chemical additive designed for silver recovery units to reduce rust and improve silver recovery efficiency.

I did not read through the web page but just skimmed it.

"Anti Ox is a chemical additive designed for silver recovery units to
Reduce rust and improve silver recovery efficiency.
A formulation of non-toxic, non-hazardous iron sequestering agents
Molecular formula: proprietary
This Non-hazardous formulation is used in food and medical products."

Yep its smells like a shore type secret, food grade chemical. To reduce oxygen in the solution, should be easy to figure out, probably a common chemical used by a the old times for years, but if they can sell them this new and improved chemical (better than that ancient process ole timers used), and I bet they sell this fantastic product real cheap considering their cost in research and development of the product.

I see this with boiler chemicals we use, these chemical companies sell new improved chemicals (special formula's fancy numbered names, and the young new boiler operators and bosses Think this is better than the chemicals the ole timer use, (sales man sells them on it and they will not listen when you try to tell them that they are being taken it is the same chemical with a different name maybe put into a slightly different form instead of powder crystals a solution of water or gel form (or just watered down diluted version of same chemical at higher cost).

Just more of our great modern technology at work
"Yep its smells like a shore type secret,..."

:lol: :lol: :lol: Yeah, & I think one has to first buy the "proper processing equipment" so one can use this secret ingredient.

All I can say is that, with all the FREE information made available thru this Great Forum, we don't need to buy such expensive "secrets".

Again, thank you Gold Refining Forum!!! 8)

Anti Ox? Anti-oxidants? Maybe a good Red Wine :mrgreen: Smack leaves for the corner store...

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