Oooh, ooh, ooh, Nixie tubes! Big fetish item. Try to keep that whole board that supports them intact (presumably with the decoding circuitry) and if possible, the tinted plastic window in the front panel, and sell them as one unit on ebay. It's not that the decode circuitry is of great value, what is of value (to the fetishists) is the SOCKETS those Nixies are in (incredibly hard to get) and the fact that they are evenly spaced and pre-mounted on a board that is an easy thing to deal with....mechanically, in terms of mounting them neatly, in a line.
I'm not seeing good pix of the "brown cabinet" you speak of. Throw up some more pix, I probably won't want them/it but maybe I can help you get some more $$ for it/that/them.
People like those Nixie tubes to make clocks out of. I think it's goofy, if you don't have one you can go buy a brand new LED clock with alarm and the buzzer for $8 new, $1-2 from the thrift store, $11 with a radio, and it doesn't need a 100-volt power supply. I kind of like the 'scope clocks that people make, but geez, now you have have a 1000-2000 volt power supply to light the thing up, and it's big, consumes power, and is a breakage hazard. (Google Images: "scope clocks", "nixie clocks") Cool, though.