Anyone know any refiners/buyers in uk

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Jul 21, 2019
I have a reasonable lot of dental scrap pfm, pfgs yellow crowns and white crowns.

Does anybody know of any good reputable refiners/ buyers in the UK that will offer a good price for all precious metals AU AG PT PD, without high melt fees and a reasonable turnaround
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Try The Golden Purse, it’s in Birmingham in the jewellery quarter, 0121 236 0072
I’m not sure he will pay on the Pd or Pt unless it’s reasonable quantity but you can phone and ask him, speak to Al.
Thank you nick.
I will give him a try. PT I AM not so bothered about but the PD I would definately need as with goldtraders uk there was over 2x palladium as compared to gold.

Goldtraders uk are definately a good company but royal mail had a mix up last time and they lost my package for a week :roll: . So I would prefer something closer, preferably if I could be involved in the process.
From a quick look at the golden purse they pay for everything but palladium :lol: .

To add that is what I am after most a good price on palladium.

I could do the assay my self so even if somebody could offer me a good homogenous melt.
Golden Purse are currently paying £1.66 per gram more than the other site for Gold.

I'd strongly recommend phoning and asking the question about Pd. You might be surprised at the answer.
Thank you just rang up he said he would provide a full melt and assay and pay on the palladium.

Have you used this company before ?
Thank you he knew what he was talking about. I was asking other places and they was telling me they could not tell me how much the would pay for palladium per gram after a melt and assay because they wouldn't be able to tell me the purity :D bear in mind this is how they earn there living.
Sorry do any of you know if it's trade customers only or is it for the general public also, I would ask them but they have just closed. Just other places have told me they only deal with companies
They don’t advertise to the public but will deal with them if they turn up at the door and as you seem to have parcels to move occasionally you will be deemed trade anyway.
Got the results back today pretty fast.
Melt weight came out about 420g but there was only 1.8% AU and 2% PD
Obviously every melt would be different but I had a melt weight at 900g with GTUK and there was 190g of PD and 85g of AU.

So I am a little bit dubious with this melt especially since 100g of this melt was from yellow gold crowns.

Would it be so hard for me to get a mini smelter and be able to make homogenous bars ? As I could use my friends XRF
You sent 100 grams of gold crowns and got back a settlement less than $1,000??

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I genuinely wouldn't be dubious about anything Al does. You'll have been paid on what was there.

As an alternative take it to Sheffield Assay office, have it melted and assayed there and then sell it to Al. There's very few people I trust in this world with precious metals- he is one of them.
Al had good reviews from you guys so I do believe he is honest and gave me the correct information, there is always a possibility though that the bar wasn't melted correctly ( no copper for a good blend bar not homogenous). 7g of AG from 100g of yellow crowns (even with cement still on crown) is low , that's not including what traces of gold came from the pfgs. Some of the crowns acid tested at 18ct also I might add

I am tempted to buy a small furnace and some copper and try to make a good bar, I am worried though that a small cheap furnace won't melt the palladium good enough
Take Jon’s advice and send the metals to Sheffield assay office and have a melt and assay done, Al won’t be offended as he has a known material to buy and you have a well prepared material ready to sell.
If he’s a trustworthy guy then the sample is your problem. Dental doesn’t sample well unless copper is added.

You really can’t acid test dental either, at least with jewelry karat needles. I’m not sure if you could if you had custom needles made up that better represent the alloys.

Generally, unless you are adding copper, keep your gold colored crowns in a separate melt from your white. Pfm’s can go with gold if they are gold colored.

As to whether you can melt dental in a table top resistive furnace with 3x copper...not sure. Would like to know though.

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I believe the problem was in the melt don't think the person knew how to handle dental. Took 900g the next day (on Saturday to witness the melt ) added shit done of copper came out at 792g 15% AU and 10% palladium , so I would say ali melted never knew how to deal with it saying 2% in each which is just impossible. Might be great for jewellery and stuff but for dental I would definately recommend going to a company that melts dentists and dental lab material.
As Jon suggested and I agreed with send it to Sheffield assay office and get them to melt and assay the material which will tell you definitely what you have, you can then try different buyers to see who will pay the best return.