Well, I read qst42know’s follow-up question (as to PGM concentration vs. silver percentage required to remove it) earlier this evening, and did not reply. Frankly because if I understand what he is asking correctly, I did not know how to answer him properly. Here is why.
Platinum cannot be digested by nitric acid alone, unless it is alloyed with silver. To me that seems to indicate that intimate contact is required between the 2 elements. Now if you use a 15/85 alloy silver/copper, that will not happen efficiently. It will spread out the gold so you get a good sponge gold after nitric removing your base metals, but the PGM removal I think he is asking about is a different animal.
Typically I inquart with cement silver, but have used coin and sterling without having difficulty in PGM reporting in my gold. I lack ICP or XRF so I have never taken this further than proving to myself that what I was doing was effective.
Some may find of value one of the first conversations 4metals and I had on this subject. He “does” have fancy toys to test with. http://goldrefiningforum.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=49&t=5469&p=46906#p46906
In short, if your desire is to alloy down karat gold for a nitric digest, silver is best in terms of nitric consumption. If nitric is cheap for you and no silver is handy, copper will do the job of alloying down your karat gold. If you are concerned about removing PGMs from karat gold I would use cement silver, however I have found that coin and sterling silver perform satisfactorily.
QST, a great question, but you need someone slicker than me to give you ratios or percentages as to how far you can push this.
I would love hearing an actual chemist chime in as to how silver allows Pt to go into nitric.
EDIT; if you have more than 1 part in 10 PGM/silver in your inquart, you very possibly will leave PGM with your gold in an inquart. I would stick with 1 part in 20 to err on the side of caution. Before you ask, this is not a problem using silver with karat gold even if it is white gold. Reuse the same silver more than once without removing the PGM content though, and yes it could be a problem.