AP Pin Stripping process went sour

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New member
Jan 6, 2010
I was going to process some connector pins in used AP that I thought I had rejuevenated. When I put the pins in the AP solution, instead of going to a green color as usual.... it went to a yellow/gold color. Did I somehow dissolve the gold? How do I recover it from the AP?

Copper II chloride solutions can appear yellow green.

What does a stannous test show?


First you should understand the process you are using, without this understanding all you will get is troubles and no gold.

The way we get gold is through study and hard work, not by jumping into things we have not learned and hopefully everything will work.

Laser Steve has a web site that has the needed information you can study, this will answer almost all of your questions, he has also explained the process many times on the forum, you can use the search engine on Steve’s web site to easily find answers to questions on the forum, look for a post by Laser Steve, use the link he provides to his web site.

Yellow color sounds to me like one of two things, either you dissolved iron or gold, was the materials you processed magnetic?



Here are some thing's to do that will get you started learning, and it will answer your questions, it will also arm you with the tools you need.

Hoke's book free download (book section), a must read for success.

Safety section, and dealing with waste to protect you and those around you, also situations to avoid.

READ! For future and all members, (Found at the bottom of the basic’s page).

Welcome, to new members (found in general chat), also study the general reaction list.

Guide to the forum (general chat).

Getting the gold pure and shining, (help needed section).

Washing gold powders by Steve (in tutorials).

Also visit Laser Steve’s web site (link in any of his posts) he also has a search engine on his site that is wonderful to find any question you could think of on this forum.

This is just the beginning of the adventure, have fun.

And welcome to the forum

This is the best answer I can give you or anyone here needed an answer to a question, as if I just gave you a simple answer to your question you have at the present time, I would be cheating you out of all of your answer’s you would need to the question to come, by starting with these, you will have all of the answer’s.
I did many pins in many different ways. What I want to say is that doing pins any other way than in reverse electroplating cell is like using hands to clear footpath from snow while shovel is resting in corner.
Yes it can be done but you are going to encounter many different problems. Do you know what is composition of your pins? Are they magnetic? What is the mass/plating ratio? Do you have any pictures?
How much of H2O2 did you had in your AP and what strong?
First, let me say that this group is great, you are all VERY helpful and knowledgeable and very giving with your knowledge and experience.

With that said....I think you have forgotten what it is to be new to a process. Before I touched the first chemical, I have spent well over a year studying this forum and Steve's site, as well as Hokes book. Most of it is still as clear as mud :) . I thought it was time to get my feet wet.

There is such a wealth of information here, that it is hard to search and find what your looking for, even using Steve's search.

I was in panic mode and was seeking to draw on your combined years of experience.

I will do a stannous test and report the results.

Thank You.
Also could there have been iron in original solution?
How much oxidizer (H2O2) was used, and what percentage?

It is hard to keep up with who has been reading, and studying, and I admire you for doing your homework, my response is not just to try and help you, but also to help others who come to the forum to learn, now is the chance to put what we learn to the test, the stannous test that is.
I'm new here, but not new. I have been observing case after case of folks asking for assistance, and it seems like there will be at least one reply that is less assistance than admonishment or just plain ridicule. Thankfully there are many more here that actually try to assist the person, but I would ask those that are so quick to criticize others to consider what this forum is about, and that maybe the other dozens of folks that want to ask a question will hesitate to do so because they are afraid they will get flamed or chastized. The fact that there are folks that know what they are doing and are willing to reach out and help will not prevent some folks from leaving because they do not care to be replied to by those that would rather shake a finger than actually help.
I was about to ask for assistance till I read this thread.

Lazersteve, thanks for your reply and thanks for the great vids, and exlnt product you sent. Mostly thanks for the selfless assistance you provide here so often.

butcher said:

First you should understand the process you are using, without this understanding all you will get is troubles and no gold.

The way we get gold is through study and hard work, not by jumping into things we have not learned and hopefully everything will work.

Laser Steve has a web site that has the needed information you can study, this will answer almost all of your questions, he has also explained the process many times on the forum, you can use the search engine on Steve’s web site to easily find answers to questions on the forum, look for a post by Laser Steve, use the link he provides to his web site.

Yellow color sounds to me like one of two things, either you dissolved iron or gold, was the materials you processed magnetic?



Here are some thing's to do that will get you started learning, and it will answer your questions, it will also arm you with the tools you need.

Hoke's book free download (book section), a must read for success.

Safety section, and dealing with waste to protect you and those around you, also situations to avoid.

READ! For future and all members, (Found at the bottom of the basic’s page).

Welcome, to new members (found in general chat), also study the general reaction list.

Guide to the forum (general chat).

Getting the gold pure and shining, (help needed section).

Washing gold powders by Steve (in tutorials).

Also visit Laser Steve’s web site (link in any of his posts) he also has a search engine on his site that is wonderful to find any question you could think of on this forum.

This is just the beginning of the adventure, have fun.

And welcome to the forum

This is the best answer I can give you or anyone here needed an answer to a question, as if I just gave you a simple answer to your question you have at the present time, I would be cheating you out of all of your answer’s you would need to the question to come, by starting with these, you will have all of the answer’s.
Woodmizer said:
I'm new here, but not new. I have been observing case after case of folks asking for assistance, and it seems like there will be at least one reply that is less assistance than admonishment or just plain ridicule. Thankfully there are many more here that actually try to assist the person, but I would ask those that are so quick to criticize others to consider what this forum is about, and that maybe the other dozens of folks that want to ask a question will hesitate to do so because they are afraid they will get flamed or chastized. The fact that there are folks that know what they are doing and are willing to reach out and help will not prevent some folks from leaving because they do not care to be replied to by those that would rather shake a finger than actually help.
I was about to ask for assistance till I read this thread.

Lazersteve, thanks for your reply and thanks for the great vids, and exlnt product you sent. Mostly thanks for the selfless assistance you provide here so often.

butcher said:

First you should understand the process you are using, without this understanding all you will get is troubles and no gold.

The way we get gold is through study and hard work, not by jumping into things we have not learned and hopefully everything will work.

Laser Steve has a web site that has the needed information you can study, this will answer almost all of your questions, he has also explained the process many times on the forum, you can use the search engine on Steve’s web site to easily find answers to questions on the forum, look for a post by Laser Steve, use the link he provides to his web site.

Yellow color sounds to me like one of two things, either you dissolved iron or gold, was the materials you processed magnetic?



Here are some thing's to do that will get you started learning, and it will answer your questions, it will also arm you with the tools you need.

Hoke's book free download (book section), a must read for success.

Safety section, and dealing with waste to protect you and those around you, also situations to avoid.

READ! For future and all members, (Found at the bottom of the basic’s page).

Welcome, to new members (found in general chat), also study the general reaction list.

Guide to the forum (general chat).

Getting the gold pure and shining, (help needed section).

Washing gold powders by Steve (in tutorials).

Also visit Laser Steve’s web site (link in any of his posts) he also has a search engine on his site that is wonderful to find any question you could think of on this forum.

This is just the beginning of the adventure, have fun.

And welcome to the forum

This is the best answer I can give you or anyone here needed an answer to a question, as if I just gave you a simple answer to your question you have at the present time, I would be cheating you out of all of your answer’s you would need to the question to come, by starting with these, you will have all of the answer’s.

If you were about to touch a hot stove with your bare hands would you want someone to stop you or let you touch it, get burned and learn the lesson the hard way? I have read a post or two where a new person thinks they are being ridiculed or somehow scolded, when in reality they are being helped. Are people really so sensitive today that they are so easily offended by the way the help is being delivered? If someone is afraid to ask a question, it is because they know the answer is here without asking, otherwise there would be no fear.

this is an "at will" forum. normally readers are not invited to join, they come here because they (for one reason other another) want to learn about refining. there is nothing expected from them other than to follow the rules and do their part in their own education.if a member gives you advice, its just that, advice.use it how you will, but remember, you came here looking for knowledge.if its something you think you can use, good, use it. but if its something that you consider not of use to you, you shouldn't make comments about it or the person offering the advice because some time in the future when you decide you do need help from that person it may not be as forthcoming as before.
Allow me to share my views on the subject of those who ask guidance and are offended.

Many come here with what constitutes a hare brained idea that they'll refine gold, not having so much as a clue how that might be accomplished (that sounds like me at the outset, those many years ago). They are then admonished to read Hoke's book, and to read the forum. The questions they ask are not necessarily answered, which, no doubt, irritates the hell out of the individual in question.

Now then, take a look at this issue from my eyes. I have been on this forum from its inception. In fact, I am the first reader and member, not counting our good and faithful founder, Noxx.

Where I have expertise (such as it is), I have answered the same questions time and again, occasionally for the same individual, for this person isn't being told what he *thinks* he should be hearing. He (or she) may have preconceived notions of what they want to be told (they want validation, not information), so they persist in refusing to read, and to hope to find those who will support their notions.

Well, we don't work that way here. What we do, now, is tell the new guy in to read. Especially Hoke, which helps prepare the uninformed in the ways of the forum, and how to refine precious metals in such a way as to ensure success.

Why should I, or any other reader, spend endless time trying to spoon feed anyone when all of the required information is at their disposal on the forum? Further, why should we waste time repeating the same information over an over when it doesn't serve to teach the individual what he/she really needs to know, which is the basics of refining?

I'm to the point on this forum where I refuse to take time to talk with anyone who has not read Hoke's book, and does not have at least a basic understanding of the processes involved. Why should I? If their success means so little to them that they aren't willing to lift a finger, why in hell should it have value to me?

You want help on this forum? Get off your lazy butt and read Hoke---and the balance of the more than wonderful information that has been prepared for you at great cost of time by the very knowledgeable readers of this forum. Do not come here with an entitlement attitude, demanding that you be spoon fed. That doesn't fly here, and is never going to fly here.

In closing, tell me, would you access a forum, asking about an operating procedure (removing an appendix, for example), then expect to be able to perform as a surgeon?

Didn't think so.

Again, I would like to say that reading in this forum has helped me immensely. I appreciate all of people contributing their time and experince to the forum.

The very first line of text a person reads when coming to this forum is... "Gold refiners helping one another, worldwide!".

Harold, taking your surgeon analogy one step further....no, you cant read how to remove an appendix, and then perofrm as a surgeon. You usually have an experienced surgeon standing there offering advice and guidance until you fully understand.

I can appreciate not wanting to answer a question over and over, instead of admonishing the person, maybe point them to an understanding. Telling them to read the forum is like standing on the moon and pointing at the earth saying.....the answer is there dummy.

I did search the forum and Im sure the answer is out there.....among the over 45,000 search results I got.

After reading here for well over a year, I knew better than to ask a question. Tucking my tail between my legs and crawling back into the weeds (probably to never ask a question again)
rfergman said:
Again, I would like to say that reading in this forum has helped me immensely. I appreciate all of people contributing their time and experince to the forum.

The very first line of text a person reads when coming to this forum is... "Gold refiners helping one another, worldwide!".

Harold, taking your surgeon analogy one step further....no, you cant read how to remove an appendix, and then perofrm as a surgeon. You usually have an experienced surgeon standing there offering advice and guidance until you fully understand.

I can appreciate not wanting to answer a question over and over, instead of admonishing the person, maybe point them to an understanding. Telling them to read the forum is like standing on the moon and pointing at the earth saying.....the answer is there dummy.

I did search the forum and Im sure the answer is out there.....among the over 45,000 search results I got.

After reading here for well over a year, I knew better than to ask a question. Tucking my tail between my legs and crawling back into the weeds (probably to never ask a question again)

I think you need some time and re read whole thread. Few people reacted directly to your question and gave you answer or asked for some more info from you.
Harold reacted mainly on some other person who instead of trying to help went on complaining about how poor some people are treated here. If he (Woodmizer) did not chime in and hijacked your thread with his feelings people would not react on his complaints, but focus on your question or problem. I do think you received honest and helpful answers to your question and I do not understand why do you feel offended.

I too got my share of flak when I started here and people who were giving out to me are my best friends now as I got their point.
"Gold refiners helping one another, worldwide!" - yes, help me to help you then.

You emailed me and asked me to help, i told you I would help anyway I can (on open forum),

I was honestly trying to give you the best advice I have, also while I was writing my response I did not see further discussion and that Steve gave you some advice, I also did not look at how long you have been a member, but I did notice just a few posts, so I did not realize you have worked hard studying.

I do apologize if I offended you with my help, it was not my intention to offend, and I still believe anyone taking the advice I gave would be helped. You should feel free to ask questions, and if you do not want my help or opinion please do not ask me for it, because I will try and give my opinion the best I know how, I do not try and demean anyone here, I honestly want to help, and many times just speak my mind, also I am human and can make mistakes in judgment, I do not know all of the answers, and will not try to mislead anyone, I hope you participate in the forum and we can become friends, you will just have to forgive me if I am rough around the edges.


you stated:
and it seems like there will be at least one reply that is less assistance than admonishment or just plain ridicule.

I am very sorry you see things this way, I also believe you are seeing things the wrong way, we try to help everyone here, yes we may warn of dangers, give "admonishment" to try and get them to study there is much to this field and many dangers, and we care enough to try and help.

Nobody ridicules another member on this forum, or they, are not a member here very long, (including me), I do not or will not ridicule another member, and I believe if you knew me better you would see that is not the case here.

Lets quit the tit for tat and get back to helping each other.

rfergman, I will let others help you unless you ask my advice, now pull out that tail, stick it up high in the air and join in on this great forum.
rfergman said:
Harold, taking your surgeon analogy one step further....no, you cant read how to remove an appendix, and then perofrm as a surgeon. You usually have an experienced surgeon standing there offering advice and guidance until you fully understand.
Prior to that, however, one has spent countless numbers of years studying. That's the point. We expect readers to do that, for which they are rewarded with assistance when it's needed. I do not consider that unreasonable.

"Gold refiners helping one another, worldwide!"

Yep. Key, here, is the word *refiners*-----but no mention of gold refiners helping *all comers*, world wide. Please do not misconstrue the meaning. We do not cater to those who refuse to learn the basics. We often bend over backwards for those who have done their best. Please be mindful that copping an attitude on this forum generally results in a very short stay.

rfergman said:
After reading here for well over a year, I knew better than to ask a question. Tucking my tail between my legs and crawling back into the weeds (probably to never ask a question again)
Please understand that I'm not unsympathetic, but we have no way of knowing which of the readers have done their homework, and which have not. We get an overwhelming number of individuals that come here with not the least bit of knowledge, then demand they be told how to do everything, in the mean time not doing so much as lifting a finger, aside from using one to tap out their request (demand).

It is my opinion that if a person that has done due diligence and has hit a wall, that they should state their case exactly as it is. There's no crime in not understanding a process, in particular when it has been given considerable attention. We don't all grasp things equally, with some coming around quickly, while others may stumble along the way. I have been contacted numerous times by PM, requesting guidance. I'm fine with that (time permitting) and gladly help, but I fully expect that the individual in question is trying by reading Hoke, as well as other useful books. Some have asked me to dictate to them, privately, what is already in print. Why they can't read it from Hoke instead of expecting me to re-write her book is hard for me to understand.

So then, if you have hit a wall, please state it in those words, or words of your choosing. Someone will point you in the right direction. Be certain to make mention that you have read Hoke, as well as anything else you can find that pertains to the subject matter, but make damned sure you have done so. It doesn't take long to figure out a guy that is BS'ing his way ---by the questions that are asked.

Want to give it another try? We're not as hard hearted as you may think.

Butcher, I was reluctant to post my question in open forum which is why I PM'd you. Thank you and everyone else for your assistance.

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