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New member
Nov 29, 2011
First of all I want express my sincere thanks to everyone who is taking the time to contribute & answer our questions on this forum.
I currently am processing E-scrap using the Poorman's AR process. I have decided to change from the AR process to the AP process & the HCl/Cl process. I have researched on the forum for the details of both processes but there is still some confusion on my part about these points: 1) How long do I leave the boards in the AP solution ? 2) After I take the boards out of the AP solution I assume that they would need to be rinsed before putting them into the HCl/Cl solution ? 3) How long do I leave the boards in the HCl/Cl solution ? 4) Is there any gold in the the AP solution that I would want to recover & if so, how do I recover it ? 5) Can the AP solution be used again or should I just discard it ? 6) The same question for the HCl/Cl solution ?

Thanks once again for you help,

honestly it sounds to me like you havent studied at all on the subject. the forum is full of post concerning AP as ive written quite a few of them myself. try the search feature, thats what its there for. search keywords AP, acid + peroxide and hcl/cl. also go to www.goldrecovery.us and login using this username and password,

username : gold

password : goldm1ner*

and watch all of lazersteve's videos. he has a few videos that show the whole AP process and hcl/cl process.
Sounds like your trying to do whole circuit boards, that are a very bad idea, you will only cause yourself troubles. Solder, tin and lead will make processing this a nightmare, what little values can get lost in the tin (throughout the process), also other metals like aluminum will also create problems.

Mechanically separate values on boards (separating into types of material), like CPU's, fingers, pins, the best way is to separate these types electronic components of precious metal bearing scrap and process them separately.

Many times each type of material are better processed using one of the several different processing techniques.

Eliminating tin and solder as much as possible, this is best done at the very beginning, through mechanical or chemical means or both.

Eliminate base metals, your goal is to get the gold as clean from other metals as possible, before trying to dissolve it into solution, putting gold into solution with base metals is another way to loose values and cause yourself many headache's.

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