Ap process very slow

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New member
Nov 29, 2011
My Ap process seems to be very slow. I mixed the chemicals according to lazersteve's video but my fingers have been in the solution for 48 hrs. & they still have foil on many of them. I have agitated them frequently and I have added more peroxide - then about 12 hrs later added a cup of HCl & 1/2 cup of peroxide.

I just put a heater next to my fume hood so that hopefully that will speed the process up.

I was wondering if it would do any good at all to add a small amount of sodium nitrate to the solution ?

any suggestions would be much appreciated

No! don't add anything. Leave it be and let the AP do it's thing. You got to just be patient. don't add any more peroxide, you'll start dissolving gold.
I've had times when some of the fingers had foils that hung on for days after the rest came off. had to rub them with a piece of plastic.
It dosen't matter if you get your foils today or three days from now.
Don't just add something because you here that little voice saying "may-be I should....?" You don't want to end up with a mess to have to untangle! Did you check out LazerSteve's videos?
Good luck man! post pics
hi and happy new year
i dont chime in too often as im just a newbie myself.but i thought i could help here.

the key is patients i let mine run from sunday to sunday. some people may think im crazy. but i work 6 days a week and sometimes 7. so while im at work the ap is working. during the week i swish it around once in the morning and maybe twice when i come home.

i dont use peroxide. and i dont use a bubbler(i used to use both) but im not in a hurry.

when sunday comes around i filter and wash. if something doesnt come off it goes back into the solution. and show the wife she gets all warm and fuzzy inside.

i have dabbled in hcl and cl to speed it up. but i have no success in this.

happy holidays
buffalo ny
Hi there. I agree with the others about patience not just in your process but with this post as well. Artart has been successful with the AP process and he is still fairly new at it so he can probably easily relate to what you are feeling. As for myself, I am also quit new at this but I can tell you that adding more peroxide is not a good idea. The peroxide should only be used to jump start the process. From what I understand the peroxide acts as an oxidizer on the copper. This oxidized copper will then be acted upon by the HCL to create copper II chloride. The copper II chloride is what continues to etch or leach the copper away. But it cant continue to leach the copper with out the continued addition of oxygen. It doesn't have to be large amounts of oxygen, that is why the fish tank bubbler is a must.

I think that radicals success without the use of peroxide or a bubbler is because he probably runs some what small batches and his continued "swishing" of the solution actually adds the needed oxygen for the reaction to take place.

Just remember, as your solution leaches more copper it gets much faster, untill complete saturation of course. Just be patient and leave the process alone for a week or 2 ( or more if it is out in the cold ).

Remember I'm still new to this hobby my self and I'm very sorry if I left something out or if I was incorrect in my reply. I'm sure a more experienced member than my self will be along shortly. Stay safe and have fun!
If I may add my 2 centavos, the color of the AP can give you a clue if you need more oxigen. When the AP solution is green, you still have an active solution; if the solution turns dark it needs oxigen, & sometimes a bit more HCl. The aquarium bubbler is perfect for adding oxigen.

Take care & be safe!


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