AP question

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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2011
Ok – I have never used the AP process for eliminating copper (&/or brass) base metals because I get my nitric cheap enough so I use nitric instead.

However – I have an unusual case here (at least unusual for me) I am working on recovering the Pd contact point wire from a Hammond organ

There are several long bus bars that have a Pd wire running the full length of them – that’s the wire you see on the left of the picture – this was easy to remove by putting the bus bars in hot HCL to brake the solder bond

However – on the end (tip) of the “key” contact bus bars – there is also a “very small” Pd wire that is the contact point that makes the contact with the long bus bar when you press a key when playing the organ (the pile of copper points on the left which is about a quarter of the points to be processed)

Now I could just dissolve both copper & Pd in nitric & then precip the Pd from solution – but because the wire is already pure Pd – I would rather just rid the copper – recover the wire & go right to melt along with the wire already recovered from the long bus bars.

So AP seems the process of choice in this situation – however – everything I have read about AP calls for the use of a bubbler & it does not make any sense to go buy a bubbler for this very small batch (4 time what is in the pic) & most likely a one time process for me.

So will AP work with out the bubbler & if so how much peroxide to how much HCL do I use?



  • PGM test 007.jpg
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Excellent information on AP processing.

Take care!

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