I used AR to process some RAM chips. Since I didn’t know how much gold was there, I added aziotropic nitric acid drop by drop. In total I added about 10 drops, less than 1/2 ml. I filtered the AR and ended up with about 1000 ml after hydration with distilled water. I took a 100 ml sample of the AR and tried to precipitate with SMB but nothing happened except solution turned colorless. Assuming there was excess nitric, I added about 6 spoons of clean gold foils until no more would dissolve. Again, I took 100 ml sample and same results as first try. Upon consulting Hoke, I boiled the AR down to about 150 ml of thick brownish golden liquid. Then, I added HCL to react with any remaining nitric. So here I am now at this point, not sure how to proceed. Solution is in 2 L beaker. I have seen some recommend using sulfamic acid to correct pH I think. What steps are left to get the AR solution ready for SMB?