aqua regia is foaming

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Jun 2, 2022
new jersey
HI everyone, new to the forum and refining.I have done alot of research on aqua regia but i can not find an answer. So far i did 3 attempts first one was good came out as it should (didnt get really anything but) the last two attempts were a waste. Followed the directions using nitrc acid substitute and muriatic acid, i end up with the waste material from the chip board i trimmed my fingers off of and i get alot of foam rising as the temp goes up. C an some one please help me i got an abbudance of material and i would love to acttualy get something back. Thank You looking foward to some input.


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First, the fumes from those beakers are going to destroy everything in that room. Refining needs to be done in a dedicated space.

Are you putting the circuit board fingers into your AR?
Have you tested the solution for gold with stannous chloride?
Have you done anything to precipitate the gold from the solution?

Nitric acid substitute? What substitute? The green is probably copper and possibly some silver. What material are you starting with and exactly what chemicals did you use?
Welcome to the forum,
I dont want to be rude but I dont think u know about the risks you are dealing with. You could splash solution anytime and maby get it in your eyes or something. Even if you but a beaker down on the table there will be a situation when it will splash up or around you. PLEASE wear goggles, gloves and cover your arms completely at LEAST. Those fumes wont just damage ur cabine but more worse damage ur lungs and eyes. Even if you dont smell somethings some vapors are there and over time they will add up to a desease. Everytime you are around chemicals that will exhibit fumes or/and are toxic/harmfull you should wear protective equipment for your eyes and hand at LEAST. I would also recommend a proper rated gas mask that protects from acid vapors and noX gases if you dont have a fumehood (change frequently and store airtight if used more than once which i would not recommend). I started the same like you but now I have protection equiment on even if i go just check the progress of my solutions (just watching and maby stirring - not even lifting the beakers or something). Im still very new so feel free to correct me.

Edit: As Martijn pointed out a mask should never be a solution. In the last resort if you dont buy a fumehood or a fume scrubber and persist on doing it without (what you should not do). I suggested to use a mask before you use nothing.

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Welcome to the forum,
I dont want to be rude but I dont think u know about the risks you are dealing with. You could splash solution anytime and maby get it in your eyes or something. Even if you but a beaker down on the table there will be a situation when it will splash up or around you. PLEASE wear goggles, gloves and cover your arms completely at LEAST. Those fumes wont just damage ur cabine but more worse damage ur lungs and eyes. Even if you dont smell somethings some vapors are there and over time they will add up to a desease. Everytime you are around chemicals that will exhibit fumes or/and are toxic/harmfull you should wear protective equipment for your eyes and hand at LEAST. I would also recommend a proper rated gas mask that protects from acid vapors and noX gases if you dont have a fumehood (change frequently and store airtight if used more than once which i would not recommend). I started the same like you but now I have protection equiment on even if i go just check the progress of my solutions (just watching and maby stirring - not even lifting the beakers or something). Im still very new so feel free to correct me.

Please do not advice to use any kind of mask. Ever.

Lets start with gloves and goggles.

Put them on and grab all chemical stuf and put that in a safe and well ventilated room. Away from accidental contact by others. Or pets.
Then go study safety, the elements you have combined and the toxic metal compounds you have created.
These toxins penetrate skin very easily and can cause irreversible damage to your organs, accumulating and showing up when its too late to do something about it.
Stay alive.

Please do not advice to use any kind of mask. Ever.

Lets start with gloves and goggles.

Put them on and grab all chemical stuf and put that in a safe and well ventilated room. Away from accidental contact by others. Or pets.
Then go study safety, the elements you have combined and the toxic metal compounds you have created.
These toxins penetrate skin very easily and can cause irreversible damage to your organs, accumulating and showing up when its too late to do something about it.
Stay alive.

Sorry i did not formulate this good enough. A mask is never a good or any kind of solution but most of the new members here won't buy a fumehood or build any kind of scrubber and still want/and will do it. And before you do it without a mask. use a mask.
Thanks for correcting
Yes, you tube makes it look soooo easy. But it's not. Gold fever blinds.
The level of knowledge and skepticism one has had the privilege to obtain in life can be life saving in those first tries.

We all started somewhere, we all underestimated things. We're all human.
Some are extremely lucky for a long time, some can get hurt really bad from one single try.
That's why I refer to this forum in my video's.
Google, Wiki and MSDS sheets are your friends.
Don't guess, don't assume, know by doing research. And follow advice of experienced members.

A good post to put things in perspective is the thread:
First, the fumes from those beakers are going to destroy everything in that room. Refining needs to be done in a dedicated space.

Are you putting the circuit board fingers into your AR?
Have you tested the solution for gold with stannous chloride?
Have you done anything to precipitate the gold from the solution?

Thank you for replying, I do have a fume hood vented outside. Yes I test with stannous chloride and precipitate with smb.
Yes, you tube makes it look soooo easy. But it's not. Gold fever blinds.
The level of knowledge and skepticism one has had the privilege to obtain in life can be life saving in those first tries.

We all started somewhere, we all underestimated things. We're all human.
Some are extremely lucky for a long time, some can get hurt really bad from one single try.
That's why I refer to this forum in my video's.
Google, Wiki and MSDS sheets are your friends.
Don't guess, don't assume, know by doing research. And follow advice of experienced members.

A good post to put things in perspective is the thread:
I do have a couple guys I know that do refining and they been helping me kinda. I am fully aware of what can happen if not using safety measures. I do have a fume hood vented outside, also gloves,glasses,rubber apron(from laballey). I just think I'm missing something.
Sorry i did not formulate this good enough. A mask is never a good or any kind of solution but most of the new members here won't buy a fumehood or build any kind of scrubber and still want/and will do it. And before you do it without a mask. use a mask.
Thanks for correcting
I do have a fume hood I built and is vented outside, the building I have my stuff in I'm the only one that goes in there for many years now.
Nitric acid substitute? What substitute? The green is probably copper and possibly some silver. What material are you starting with and exactly what chemicals did you use?
Material used was trimmed finger boards, chemicals used muretaic acid, nitric acid substitute (from jsb) ans smb (stupout) to precipitate
Based on the title you used, the reason why aqua regia foams when heated is because NOx and chlorine gasses are trying to escape. Therefore the foam is not bad at all it is in fact good don't worry about it all you have to do is if the foam is causing overflow, you can reduce the temperature or stir the beaker. If that doesn't stop the foam and it still going to cause over flow, add a little water with a sprinkler and the foam will go down, and you will see the NOx gasses coming out.
Ok, then our American members can answer your questions.

But regardless of license or not.
Read and understand the safety sections and waste treatment section.
Material used was trimmed finger boards, chemicals used muretaic acid, nitric acid substitute (from jsb) ans smb (stupout) to precipitate
Well 1st, you weren’t at a point where Nitric was called for. Hydrogen peroxide would have been the proper addition to your HCl. And if you use Stumpout to precipitate, it has to be the Bonide brand. That’s the only one that’s SMB. If you actually got everything in solution, what you would have had is mostly copper and a little bit of gold plus probably some dirt junk. Assuming the best case (Bonide Stumpout) you would have precipitated a dirty mixture of copper and gold in elemental form. Worst case (not Bonide) there’s no telling what reacted with what or what state everything is in now. The worst problem is going to be excess Nitric (assuming your substitute is comparable to Nitric). Personally I don’t think I’d put much faith in the substitute. To my mind all I get from the word “substitute” is NOT THE REAL STUFF. At any rate, in general, you’re going to have to rehydrate, then cement everything out on iron and start again. Depending upon how much you have, it may not be worth the expense and effort. To be more specific is impossible without knowing EXACTLY what chemicals you used and in what quantities as well as how much material you were trying to process.

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