Aqua Regia + Rain Water

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I had a batch of Aqua Regia Sitting outside my house, I had started dissolving about 30 cpu's, when it was getting late into the day, I left the batch sit over night, before it had gotten dark, I checked to make sure everything was working as it should. It was, the pins were dissolving and the AR was turning a clear yellowish to darker clear green color...

now this is where my problem begins, it had rained that night (I know shoulda checked the weather), and when I woke in the morning, I found that the batch was a dark green color and was no longer clear... I also noted that the amount of rain water in the bucket was almost a 1/4 of a gallon....(which I noted by the raise in liquid level inside the bucket).

I decided to continue anyway, and added Urea to neutralize the nitric in the solution, it fizzed, and then continued to add until it stopped, I proceeded precipitate the gold, and when I did, I got NOTHING from the batch, no brown mud, nothing, just what looks like precipitant left in the bottom of the solution.

any help?

trying not to just waste the batch

use hot plate and pyrex coffee pot evaporate down not boiling,to almost a syrup but not to crystalize, add lil HCl to wet , if nitric left do 3 times, but you added urea to rid nitric, I would still add couple prills of urea to see if foams if does still has nitric, needs either more urea or boil, dilute at least 3 times volume of water back to solution, few drops of sulfuric if you suspect lead, water will usually drop silver if any can check with lil table salt, decant filter liquid containing gold, save solids (I would run them throuh new aqua regia to check for gold)then use your chemical for precipitation ferrous sulfate, sodium metabisufite, SO2, ect of your choice to liquid containing gold should see brown gold powder in 24 hours Auric chloride. dont throw solution away you can get your gold back one way or another, if all else fails can evaporate slowly till powder and start over if changing acids high heat to eliminate prior acid or sulfate ect no need to heat back to metal. others may have another solution many ways to skin cats. green color copper in solution maybe lil nickle . there will be many problems refining its part of the challenge , study principles and youll figure a solution to try , good luck.
it was a whiteish green color, looked like it was a white powder with an off color greenish tint from being in the solution which is a very dark green and non clear. i had figured it was just the precipitant laying on the bottom of the solution. any advice is helpful

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