It's a well known fact that sea water contains a minute amount of gold, around 1 mg per ton is an accepted estimate.
This translates to 1 mg per 907.17 kg of sea water.
At 3.5 % average salinity worldwide for sea water this works out as:
907.17 kg (sea water) x 0.035 (3.5% salinity) = 31.75 kg of salt = 1 mg of gold.
Hence, If you wanted to produce a single troy ounce of gold (31,103.5 mg) you would need
31,103.5 mg x 31.75 kg/mg = 987,536.125 kg of sea salt.
I'm not up on the T6 requirements for treatment of the gold bearing salt, but I'd bet that after you factor in the cost of the required T6 to process this 987,536.125 kg or 2,177,144.48 pounds (1,088.6 tons :shock: ) of sea salt, you may not end up with a profit even if you produced the troy ounce with no overhead costs (shipping, storage, processing, melting, labor, etc.) at todays spot price of $742.20.
How much does the salt cost per pound?
Table salt is about 5 cents per pound, which in our example equates to:
0.05 x 2,177,144.48 = $ 108,857.23 for the salt. 8)
How much T6 to process 1,088.6 tons of sea salt?
What's the cost of the required amount of T6?
Some estimates of the gold content of sea water are lower by a factor of 10 (ie.: 0.1 mg per ton of sea water)!
Even if the T6 were free and the gold content were 100 times higher you would go broke buying the salt!!!
Gold in Sea Water
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