AR nightmare

Gold Refining Forum

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Jul 26, 2012
I bought a starter kit from shor, soaked my CPUs (3lbs) in the ar solution. Removed the CPUs after 2 hours. Checked ph using Urea and precipitated as per directions. Now I have a milky mud in my solution. How can I still recover my gold? Is the milky substance my gold? Please help.
Joshuea said:
I bought a starter kit from shor, soaked my CPUs (3lbs) in the ar solution. Removed the CPUs after 2 hours. Checked ph using Urea and precipitated as per directions. Now I have a milky mud in my solution. How can I still recover my gold? Is the milky substance my gold? Please help.

This isn't the Shor companies tech support, but sometimes it "shor" seems like it.

Please download Hoke's book and study the forum. Your gold will still be where you left it as long as you don't throw anything out.

Hoke's book;

If others are to help you you will have to state what type of processors, and if all the metals were dissolved or not, I doubt they were.

You will need to learn about stannous to test solutions for gold in solution. That is very important.

It was a combo of cpus 1 ceramic and the rest fiber, 1 lb of pins, 1/4 lb of fingers, and 2 lbs of cell phone boards. There was no fizzing when I removed it from the solution.
Joshuea said:
It was a combo of cpus 1 ceramic and the rest fiber, 1 lb of pins, 1/4 lb of fingers, and 2 lbs of cell phone boards. There was no fizzing when I removed it from the solution.

Adding different materials, especially the cell phone boards was a mistake. Items should be processed separately.

Joshuea said:
I tested my solution and it shows no trace of gold.

With what? Shor's testing solution? Stannous goes bad, I don't think I would trust whatever they sell.
You should make your own. The instructions are here on the forum.

My solution is green, but has a milky substance on the bottom. Can I recover any of the gold in the solution?
Joshuea said:
My solution is green, but has a milky substance on the bottom. Can I recover any of the gold in the solution?

How do you know if any gold is in solution? It may have never dissolved, or may have cemented back out. Don't throw anything out until you know what you are doing.

You've come to the right place to find answers to your questions / problems. It's a shame you didn't find us BEFORE you bought from Shor.

We will ask you to put forth some effort before helping. There are no "one size fits all" answers for your situation. It is best to separate materials first since some methods work better for certain items than others.

Your mixture now contains gold, copper, tin, lead, maybe silver, and who knows what else. It's better to remove all but the precious metals first, THEN dissolve them.

Your solution may test negative for several reasons. If there is any metal left undissolved your gold has cemented back out onto it or the bottom of the vessel.

Your testing solution may be bad. You'll need a know gold bearing solution to test your test solution.

Now that you have found us, take some time and read through the forum. Several members' signature lines have a link to C M Hoke's book. Download it and start reading.

Put your materials aside until you have read enough to know where you have already gone wrong. Then read some more of the forum posts and you'll see that every question you will have has already been answered here before.

We'll help you, but you have to show a willingness to put in the work to educate yourself here.

Welcome to the forum!!!
Now that you have tried the simple instructions that you have read from Shor, and have failed to get your gold, you can see that it is not as simple as you thought it would be, by studying you are going to find it even much more complicated to learn recovery and refining than you thought it was, it is not hard to learn, but there is a lot more to it than you think, it takes time to learn, much work and studying, there are many processes to learn and different materials many of which need different processes, Hoke book is the best place to begin your journey, C.M. Hoke's book outlines the basic principles, it will teach you the basics of most all of the recovery and refining principles, and if you follow her getting acquainted experiments, they get you to the point that you will understand how different metals react in acids, and how to deal with the metals that become problems in solutions, she also wrote a very good book on testing, her book will also help you understand much of what you will learn on the forum, it will also help you understand much of what we discuss here, and many of the answers given to those who ask questions here on the forum(most all of those answers are in her book).

Welcome to the forum, we could walk you through this problem, but you would just stumble upon to another problem, and continue to stumble until you understood what has been written in Hoke's book, by studying Hoke's and the forum you will be able to walk on your own without our leading you by the hand, if you do not understand something when studying and learning then we can help.

In the mean time add a bar of copper metal to your solution and put it up in a safe place.

Some other material you may find very interesting is dealing with waste in the safety section.

In general chat see the guide to the forum, and general reaction list, also read the welcome to members.

Check out some of the members web sites, like Laser Steve’s, full of great information and a few supplies used in some of the processes we use, you will find the prices much more reasonable than Shor's prices, in fact although you can get the materials from other sources (or sometimes make your own), you probably will not find them much cheaper.
Thank you all so very much . I'm very interested in learning the art of refining and recovery. I wish I would have found this site before I WASTED my money on shor's products. Now its time for me to study and learn as much as I can. I will be asking a lot of questions, I hope I can gain some knowledge from you senior members. Thanks again.
A lot of the questions you think you will have are covered in Hoke and all the rest have almost certainly been discussed in depth here on the forum many times. Learn to use the search function it will help you get a better understanding of the processes we use, we will be here to help if you just can't get a certain point but be aware we will know if you have done your part and read the suggested books and topics and won't help if your not doing the necessary reading.
Welcome to the forum and good luck on your journey.

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