There is really a lot to the science, art. And skills of recovery and refining, it may seem very simple without understanding these principles, and details, and actually it can be fairly simple, but only when you understand it.
Anybody can see a scientist on you tube do some simple chemistry experiment, and think they could repeat that experiment, but to gain the understanding the scientist has about what he is doing, or to learn the science he has learned, it takes study, to learn the principles, the safety, the chemistry involved.
Anybody can want to be a scientist, but only those, who are dedicated, willing to study and learn can actually learn to become scientist or skilled in the art of recovery and refining of precious metals.
By the way you tube or other sources on the intranet is full of people who show or discuss, or claim to know the art and skill of recovery and refining, but have no clue of what they are doing or talking about, there is an awful lot of misinformation out there, this forum will help debunk that misinformation and help you on your journey to becoming a true scientist with an understanding of this art and science, where you can learn this skill.
It does take time to learn the details, and the basic concepts, what metals react in what acids, and how they react, which metals will cause problems, or even which ones will steal your gold from you, How to recover metals before refining them, how to test for metals in solution, and many other details, Hoke's book is a great source, to get this basic understanding, Her book is written with jewelers waste in mind electronic waste was not popular or as abundant then, although electrical waste was, so she does not directly discuss electronic waste and recovery of the more valuable metals from it, but she does cover everything you will need to understand t work with this waste, and many other materials including the ore.
Her book can help in dealing with these other materials when you understand the concepts, although to work with electronic scrap. You will also need to understand how it is done and why it is done that way, the different methods used, what works and will not work, this is where reading the forum will help.
Spend sometime in the books, and on the forum, then with the small experiments suggested in Hokes book, to get an understanding of reactions, and how to test solutions and metals. Then proceed to an easy metal to begin work on, like just silver, sterling silver, or just gold, karat gold, or if electronic scrap memory fingers, where you only have gold and copper (with solder, or tin not involved).
Learn how to identify and separate the scrap, or the unwanted from the wanted, learn how to prepare the scrap, and pretreat it, learn to remove, or deal with problem causing substances or metals, learn to recover the more valuable metal from the other metals involved, and the then learn to refine these more valuable metals, learn the different processes used, for each step in preparation, recovery and refining...
This is not something that will be easily learned in a few hours or days, it will take time, but by following the suggestions, you can begin the journey into the understanding of recovery and refining of precious metals, this fascinating science and art is something you can spend the rest of your life learning.
You are dealing with extremely dangerous chemicals, acids, bases, and toxic metals and other substances, many of these gases and fumes are very deadly, the chemistry involved can easily make unwanted reactions or even explosives, the toxic gases, waste products, and solutions, need care and an understanding of how to deal with them safely and responsibly, so that you are not poisoning yourself or others, or put yourself in trouble with the authorities, like EPA, DEQ or others...
This is a complicated science that can be great fun to learn, and here on the forum there is a great group of members willing to help you while you study, willing to help you when you do not understand something you may be studying, or run into a problem with, or give ideas and share their experience, ideas, or what they are doing...
Welcome to the forum and your journey into this science.
P.S. Study safety, your life and the life of your family and others is worth much more than a few grams of gold.