Assisted suicide p1 my AP/CuCl2 way -funny and long -

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Jul 3, 2013
Greeting fellows of this marvellous forum,

after yesterday's night dream, this morning I woke up in ma bed and decided to do some wake and bake - wait, not that kind of wake n' bake, i am talking here of some gold... - but *BEFORE* doing everything I decided to go to my Rebbe, wise old man, and told him so.

Rabbuni, i got this idea in mind. I got to process some gold fingers and some other small boards covered with something that seems gold....
I expected him to pull out the Torah for me, or to quote me by heart some Talmud verses but no he advised me so:

"Jonge zoon, said in a strict Hyddish, you must first be humble and wise. Think that last week you were risking to die because of 5 mins-inhale of NOx and Chlorine, you had also hazmat goym men around you telling that you were going to die, some others that were encouraging you in a nicer and uplifting way for the spirit and then some rest of the crowd ,helpful and neutral, talking about gas masks :)

So mijne zoon, this is the first thing to do. He opened his Kaftan and gave me an old but very big book from a certain C.M. Hoke and said: This shall be to you the guide, mijn zoon, follow also the forum and beware of the even smallest crumble of gold plated board, because geld ist geld, en zaaken zijn zaaken!

I took the book, kissing the rebbe Kaftan and arm and left for my humble house, on my balcony.....

THere, under the wonderful south Italian sun, i started to read the Hoke's book and wow i said, this the Bible! I then had a look to some forum posts, cross-checking them with some Hokes' passages and i said "Abbà, my spirit is ready!

I plan to do the following, and i hope that going step by step as suggested from some members, will get me trough for a first time nice experience; thus i am planning to use AP method, tough lazar is right: H202 should have more the chemical oxydation property, an indeed "mechanic" property: Have u ever disinfected a wound with H2O2? Well, what happens is that germs, dirt, and whatever are oullet out and make a sort of a foam because is indeed the O2 that mechanically acts as a separator from the good and the bad. For reference, when u 'chute urself in hostile zones, u wanna always carry by yourself and small bottle of H202 and the some Betadyne. First make a couple of washes with H2O2, the let it dry, the betadyne. I cn guarrantee that once i medicated a fellow that was cut by a rusty, old and sharp knife form an insurgent this way, and the doc -obviously came 3 hrs later- was quite happy with the result :)

The Chloride method, for the first phase, should be accomplished with a 3:1 ratio of HCl/H2O2. I dont have at the moment an Oxygen bubbler, so I'll keep adding more peroxyde in the days following to increase the O2 in the solution, or "liquor", wonderful word that the almighty Hoke uses in the book :)

- 1 Lt HCl , low grade, i suppose is between 10% and 18%. I got 3 lt of 36% azeotropic HCl but i am saving them for later, for more noble chemical reactions and washes

- 300 ml of H2O2, Hydrogen peroxide, 3% concentration, without stabilizers.

- 1 Plastic basin, 30 cm diameter on top, 20 at the bottom. I've choosen this kinda of basin. Stolen from my lovely mamma. The basin is 10 cm tall. it can contains then, doing some maths 1.9 liters of fluid.
Due to the almost enough base surface, i am planning to fill it half way to prevent any splashes(if any, but i don't think so)

- Plastic tweezers, to pick up the part of the board that remain in the solution. Actually, to avoid the hassle of picking up every single board part, i think that i will just make a small hole in the board part, left on purpose, and then pass a zip-tie trough and hang it on a Alu rod. So i tought that after bathing i could easily inspect the boards or the left overs for sprayin' them or just take them away, zip tie included. According to Hoke's, we should try to contaminate as less a we could the Copper Chloride and whatever solution, because it will already be "contaminated" by copper, etchants and some othe base materials we might don't know.

For the preliminary is fine i guess, lets go on.

In the pic you can see some - i guess they are 4 or 5 cell or mousepad boards - with some chips and solder. I'm just washing them, they will be removed .Other parts u see have not solder on it, are indeed some fingers, some phone boards reduced to the strict necessary with no tin/lead weldings or any circuit or flatpacks.

First off, i am a clean and paranoid person about cleaness.

So as again Hoke's says, i am giving a quick rinse in some normal water as you can see in this picture i made.

I noticed some parts have that damn glue slimy thing so before starting everything what you guys can suggest?
Drop some NaOH in the 1 liter tap water in the basin, stir and then "brush" the golden parts gently with a soft rag?
Just let water and NaOH have their go without brushing parts? (my fave i guess)

This is it for tomorrow, here I am, waiting for impression, with one thing in mind; that now i do know much more than 10 days ago, thanks to Hoke's, and all the guys that commented in my previous, semi-hilarious post.

Ah btw Hazmats are not used as much in the real BNC/CBRN scenarios, expecially if you wanna be quick, stealth and effective.......

Mazal Tov!

Hooah! ;-)


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Better you depopulate the boards first. Save at least the ICs and flatpacks and save the ceramic capacitors. All other components should also be removed, they are a mess having between the goldfoils. Know, the more non-copper metals dissolve,the faster the AP will foul. But should be okay for some reuses.

I guess those few boards will give you one or a few 1/10 g foils. Better you collect them for being refined later with a bigger amount of gold.

Take this touchpad on the left out, scrape it with a knife and look if there is gold plating underneath. This is quite often the case.

Edit: ...and remove those adapter ports, vga, ide and so on!!!

Edit2: ...remember safety equipment like gloves, goggles, clean water near you, safe environment and safe place, read the section about toxic was

Edit3: the forum at least 4 month before you start, let it be your Moses' tour through the dessert - your rabbie forgot to tell you - and don't use the Qabbala, when you research the right numbers of amounts :lol:
Zoon het is goed om Hoke te lezen ( on it is good to read Hoke) , But reading Hoke is not enough it is understanding Hoke that is important.

Solar already gave you some good advice , and I will repeat some of it.

In your bowl you have a nice mix , not that much gold but enough to learn.
when you are refining you should depopulate your boards ( this means that you take everything of ) There are several way you can do that, using a chisel on your cell phones
or using a sandbed with heat ( use search and you will find ) connectors is a no go, take them of and keep the pins for another process ( we will tell you when you can do this part ) the black chips should be removed ( keep them there is gold inside we will tell you later what to do ) the small capacitors take them of and keep them, ( we will also explain later )

the mousepads have a green cover it is called soldermask ( remove the soldermask , you can cook the mousepad with lye lazersteve has a good video about this ) however this is serious dangerous 1 drip in your eye and you will be blind, alternative is cook it for 2 hours in plain water soft boil and you can scrape the soldermask of ) there is lots of gold under the green.

I would also like to suggest that you will cut all the non gold parts of and keep out of your AP , so you only have gold fingers and gold plated parts and not all the other stuff.

wrt you mixing HCL and peroxide, you suggest a 3 part HCL and 1 part Peroxide 3 %, that sounds kind of ok, but then you want to use a 10 to 18 % HCL and you write I suppose ( this means you have no idea what you are working with, do not do that , use your more expensive 36 % or spend a few euro and buy a 30 % bottle , do not make any chemical process on a "i suppose " )
The next thing you should know is that if you use to much Peroxide , your gold will dissolve in your AP and it will be very hard for you to recover it . so go slow with your peroxide It is better to wait a day or two more and have fine gold foils then to have a mess.

The next thing is also important, do not use any METAL tools , you write that you want to hang things from a aluminum rod , this is a no go , if the rod will fall in your AP mix, it will start cooking very very fast and it will spill all over you and make a extreme big mess )

I would suggest that you only use plastic tools

if you are very curious, you can put 3 ml HCL in a glass ( outside ) and put a very small amount ALU in you will see what happens, then you understand that having a Aluminum rod, close is a very bad idea.

Last but not least
We have some rules at the forum and you should keep them
1 we do not discus politics or religion ( also not for fun )
2 we do not use foul language or texting Lingo, it is important that everybody can read and understand the post as it can be dangerous if people do not understand things clearly.

Just to add my 2 cents...
You have started a great and rewarding journey... Follow the paths set before you and learn the complete path before leaping into the depths of the unknowing.
Too much peroxide is bad. Not enough patience is worse.
Search the forum on AP processes and read through them all to see the path before stepping foot.

Also a side note of caution... Be careful what and how you say things here. This is a straight forward forum that many languages try to read so confusing language can be mistaken. The "bar n Grill" section is for other communication. Process and help sections are for straight forward help. No stories and what not.

Confusionist once say... Find feet before stepping on glass...

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