beginner looking for some help...

Gold Refining Forum

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I have access to cpu's every day, ones that are to be trashed, so i have been collecting them, and reading up on the forum. here are my concerns

i have been looking at purchaseing the shor international gold refining kit (the one with 'subzero') and doing the refining at home...

1) does anyone have any tips or advice on how to use this kit to refine cpu's

2) is there an easier way?

3) if everything goes according to plan and i extract the gold powder, then melt it with a torch, what do i do with it then? such as getting it apprasied, or sending it to a company to actually get money for it, this last step is where i am really confused.

thank you for your help
any advice is appreciated
I can't see how you have been reading up on the forum and can still ask about the Shor system. I suggest you spend a lot more time reading on the forum.
seems as tho the more reading i do, the more confused i become...haha, just looking for a couple answers, anything would help.

thank you!
1) Try to get refunded for your system.

2) Spend a lot of hours reading and educating yourself through the forum and books (Hoke's & Ammen's books are very good)
i know i'm a newbie to all of this, but i have spent hours searching and trying to find a list of materials needed, chemicals needed, and a procedure, and all i have be able to find is bits and pieces....

i don't mean to make waves, just look for some solid answers...

-thanks again..

ps. i have not yet puchased the shor system, and after reading your posts will not be buy it at all.
Have you watched Lazersteve's videos and read his posts on your subject of interest. You sound sincere. Steve will most probably help you soon or, at least, send you in the right direction.

The most important thing is to understand the system, rather than just follow it in a rote manner. That takes a lot of study.
I was on ebay today looking around, I can not believe the amount of "processes" for sale on there.
The only one that interests me is the amalgam stuff. Most others sound lame. I have seen a few (never purchased) and they are always written by somebody that sounds like they have never refined before.
Between the Forum and Hoke the hobbyist couldn't ask for more. :D
I know, there is so much free information on the net although it does take some effort to put the pieces together. I was so glad to find this forum everything has been made pretty much clear to me through the knowledge and help from people around here.

I even got the basics to work out my own ideas, just for the heck of it.

You should start reading at the Guided Tour Link in my signature line below.

The link contains four others that will get you familiar with the basics of safety and the reactions. You will also find a guide that will pull together the information on the forum into a more simplified format. This dynamic guide evolves as each post is added to the forum so it is constantly up to date.

After exploring the Guided Tour Link. Download Hokes book and read it cover to cover.

Next process a very small sample batch of fingers to get familiar with the colors, testing, and chemicals involved.

If you have questions along the way post them in the Help Needed section and you will get your answer.

I was thinking of getting the Shor system until I started reading this forum. I bought a copy of the Hoke book and all of the jumbled info I had absorbed started to fall into place. Now I see how the process can can be done with a minimum of cash invested. I've done a few batches with AR and I've pulled the gold out most of my old cyanide bombing solution, thanks to the advice I've gotten on this forum and from reading the Hoke book. This is the best forum around, IMHO.
I tried everthing shor had to offer including the simplicity, it now sits in my shop covered up, lost hundreds of dollars doing everthing in the instructions right, never got one thing except a lot of frustration.if I had found this forum first it would have saved me a lot of headaches and dollars. :cry:
Well i'm not familiar with the shor system, but if you haven't thrown anything away, then all shouldn't be lost? There should always be a way to get your valuables out of your messed up solutions?
Interesting enough, while I was investigating and looking for reviews on the Shor system and chemicals, probably half of the first page of google hits led me here :mrgreen:

The rest as they say is history, and needless to say I didn't buy it.... wish more people would investigate hokey sounding things more instead of wasting their hard earned money on garbage
What kind of cpu's do you have?

Do you want to make profit or are you interested in the chemistry? In the first case, just sell them on ebay, - you have a good chance to get nearly its value of gold! In the second case, you should know, it takes about a year +/- of reading and learning and some hundreds of dollars for equipment and chemicals to start things responsible and avoiding most of the beginners mistakes. Then you gain a hobby, that at least will cover it's expenses and in your case surely will give profit one day.

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