Best process to use on these. . .

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New member
Sep 4, 2014
Hello everyone,

I have a couple thousand or so of these RF connectors:
I know the solder contains Tin and Lead, and am thinking the connector is gold plated brass. I'm new to the gold refining world, been doing a lot of reading (on this forum and others, and just started reading Hoke's book). I have lots of questions, and will learn as I go. Obviously, my first question is which initial process in the best/preferred process to remove the gold from the connectors? I think I read somewhere that the Tin will be my biggest problem.

Looking forward to your replies and learning/sharing with the community.

The easiest way for a beginner to process these is to soak them in 50/50 HCL/water to remove the tin, then process them in an HCL/peroxide solution. Be sure and read up on this process before you start.
Hi Barren,

Thanks for your reply. I've read a lot of posts pertaining to HCL/H2O2, but not familiar with the HCL/water prep. Is this the process you advised me to read up on?
If you don't know about the HCL/water prep, do a search on solder and read through until you understand why and how.

After that, the "AP" process will take allot of chemicals to remove copper and other metals so be sure to read up on waste.
Try a search on the elephant in the room. Referring to handling waste before it gets out of hand.

Also maybe take a look at deplating or Cell. Cell will get allot of different posts but in there you can find gold deplating.
Easier, allot less work, and allot less chemical waste to deal with.

Good luck and share what you are doing.

Yeah, as Pantherlikher I would go for a sulfuric cell, open them all up and dip them in AP will take a month to just get rid of BMs while the cell it self will need few minutes each batch and a couple of days to let it sattle and filter.

Read both methods and go the way you feel comfortable but as a general rule, platings end up in cells.
MarcoP said:
Yeah, as Pantherlikher I would go for a sulfuric cell, open them all up and dip them in AP will take a month to just get rid of BMs while the cell it self will need few minutes each batch and a couple of days to let it sattle and filter.

Read both methods and go the way you feel comfortable but as a general rule, platings end up in cells.

A sulfuric cell will not recover all of your gold from this type of material.
I put 5 connectors in a bath of 50/50 HCL/H2O around 10:30, last night. I just checked them and they were all 'silver' in color - no gold to be seen. I haven't had a chance to read the threads on 'solder' in the forum yet, but is the 'silver' color to be expected? Also, how long should they sit in the bath?

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