Blue/green precipitate

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New member
Jul 29, 2014
Hi, i'm new here, just started a little while ago with trying to process some ceramic CPUs. I've had a little problem I hope everyone can help me resolve.
The processors were put in AR, the first rare thing that happened is that there was a lot of bubbling, like fizz when you put an alka seltzer in water. The end product was a very dark solution which was filtered and then cooled with ice and added some sulfuric acid for lead and silver precipitation. The filter ended up with a very small amount of precipitate, not what i expected from the buch of videos you see on the internet. Then I added some SMB and ended up with a greenish precipitate and a bluish precipitate instead of the brown one that's supposed to be gold. What am I doing wrong and how can I fix this because the gold has to have ended up somewhere and what is the blueish and green precipitates, are they copper and nickel by any chance?
Have you read Hoke's book? Have you learned about testing with stannous chloride? Are you familiar with the process known as cementing? I read no comment that might indicate to me that you even know if your solution contains gold, or not. I did pick up on the idea that you think it does. That's not acceptable.

I ask these things because if the answer is no, you shouldn't be processing. You should be trying to learn the basics, so you don't have the questions you have posted.

If you have plunged in to this process without an understanding, you're going to wear out your welcome on this board very quickly. There will be no end to the questions you're going to ask, all of which have been asked time and again. We no longer cater to those who don't understand, insisting, instead, that they do their homework and get educated in refining.

The harsh reality is, if you don't understand the basics, there's not much anyone can tell you that will be helpful. Anything you are told will just add confusion to what you think you know, which is likely nothing. Learn the basics, so that isn't true.

Sulfuric acid will not eliminate silver. It is useful for converting lead to lead sulfate, so it can be filtered, or allowed to settle from solution.

Whether you lose the Gold (if there ever was any) or not, is not as important as if you lose your health. Many of the videos on the internet are inaccurate to say the least, but they usually don't go into the dangers of working with the solutions being used. You should really consider looking into some MSDS sheets on the acids used. Read up on safety and please don't try anything inside your home. Too many times people see a supposedly easy way to recover Gold from electronics on the internet and they try it, only to do much more harm than good. :|

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