Bull market vs Bear market

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Apr 5, 2009
northeast USA
I know a bear market is going down and a bull market is going up but I am curious as to where the names came from? I have been told stories explaining the origin of each, but I never heard it from anything I would consider an official source.

Any bulls or bears out there willing to offer an explanation?
"Bears on the road" generally mean trouble ahead? And there is that golden bull or calf statue in biblical reference. Bull worship. I think it goes back so far, it will remain a guess.
Curious to hear other input.
Bulls swipe up, bears swipe down.
That is a version of what I’ve heard. If attacked by a bull the bull puts it head and horns under you and throws you up into the air while a bear will stand up tall and come down on you driving you down.

Neither one a pleasant experience from a human perspective.

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