Can I mix finger falkes and flakes from CPU pins?

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May 1, 2010
Hello guys, very nice place you have here. :)

I am new in recovering and refining, this is my first post but, I already play around with fingers from some old boards using AP and I collected some amount of flakes. This was easy, even for a novice like me. My plan is to process those flakes using pure mans AR... but before that

I want to produce more materials (flakes) from some CPUs. I have some around 50 pieces, (different kind, ceramic and fiber...) so, I will tell you my plan... and I would like to hear does that can be done like I want.

1. First, I think, I need to remove die caps (to break CPUs) and to put them in AP. (Basically I am doing the same as I did with fingers, dissolving base metals. Yes?)

2. After that I will have (I suppose) something similar like flakes from fingers and I can mix those materials together. (I mean new flakes with flakes I already have, from fingers)

3. All those materials can go in pure mans AR.

Am I right?

I would appreciate any help, suggestion, advice. Thank you in advance.
(I apologize for my bad English)
Yes you can add the processed gold flakes together. Make sure you use good washing process once your gold is removed. And you can use HCL/clorox to dislove your gold.
Barren Realms 007 said:
Yes you can add the processed gold flakes together. Make sure you use good washing process once your gold is removed. And you can use HCL/clorox to dislove your gold.

Thanks Barren Realms 007,

Yes, flakes I already have are washed several times, with HCL first and with water after that. It will be the same with new flakes too and probably before I put them in HCL/clorox I will wash them together (when they are mixed) few times.

After dissolving and precipitation (if I understood well) I will get almost pure gold, it will be like sand or dust, and I need to wash them too few times before smelting. Yes?

Thank you for your kind reply.
Don't forget to filter the pregnant solution until it is free of particulate or sediment before precipitating.

lazersteve said:
Don't forget to filter the pregnant solution until it is free of particulate or sediment before precipitating.


Sure, I will not forget filtering. Those flakes I already have are very clean and if I get the same quality from CPUs I believe that two coffee filters will do the job. If I notice something I will repeat filtering.

Thanks for reply and one special "Thank you" for your nice movies.

Best regards
I'm talking about filtering the solution after the foils and flakes have been dissolved.

Coffee filters won't cut the mustard, you should used a Charmin plug if you are on a tight budget or slow paper filter discs and a vacuum pump if you are equipped with such.

lazersteve said:
I'm talking about filtering the solution after the foils and flakes have been dissolved.

Coffee filters won't cut the mustard, you should used a Charmin plug if you are on a tight budget or slow paper filter discs and a vacuum pump if you are equipped with such.


Yes Steve, I know. You talking about filtering "after the foils and flakes have been dissolved" or "before precipitating". That is the same. Yes?

I mentioned that flakes are very clean having in mind just that in this case (if material is clean, free from other metals) it will be (probably) less for filtering.
I left flakes to stay in AP a bit more then needed (half day more than needed), just to be sure that flakes are clean from other metals as much as possible. (I prefer to loose some of gold [if I loose something] but after I finish with them I want to have gold as clean as possible)

Regarding what to use, OK, if you think that coffee filters are not good enough I will use slow paper filter discs. I suppose I can find that filters in drugstore? Do you have some specification of that filter paper?

Thanks for advice.
A charmin plug is very inexpensive and works like a charm (pun intended!). It's much slower than the vacuum set up, but works exceedingly well. With proper packing on the tissue you should get 1-2 drops per second. Any faster will let sediment through the plug, any slower will require several days to filter through.

Another key to getting the plug to filter in a timely manner is to prefilter all of the large debris out of the solution before performing the charmin plug filtration. Test the plug by filling the funnel 1/3 full of water. The water should drip through at 1-2 drops per second after the plug gets saturated with water. If it is too fast or too slow redo the plug until the drip rate is right. Once the drip rate is good, pour out the excess water.

Use unscented Charmin toilet tissue, off brands are very thin and don't have the 'fluff' that Charmin does. One sheet makes a good plug for most funnels, you will find some of the larger plastic funnels will require up to four sheets.

Once you use this technique, you'll see how clear a solution can really be. If you find the filter clogs or lets sediment through, simply repack it.

The used plugs can be added to the burn box so you won't lose any values that may have been trapped in the filter plug.

Great. "1-2 drops per second" is exactly what I needed to know, and now I can compare timing. It's a bit slow but OK, I am not in a hurry. :)

I have some old aquarium equipment (and some filtering experience...)... and I think I will handle that filtering.
If needed, I will repeat filtering until I see crystal clear solution.

Thank you very much for practical advices.

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