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I would think that it depends on the processor, so there's not a simple answer.

Please lose the "all caps" posting. It's very annoying.

I have seen the gold content of different processors listed in the forum before. I can't remember where, or if it was a link or just a post. Try the search feature at the top of the forum.
I believe Lasersteve has some listings on his website. Look for a posting by him the address is in his signature line.

leng223 please be a little more specific in your questions if you expect a useful answer. Your question is like asking how many coins will it take to make one dollar? :)
viacin said:
I have seen the gold content of different processors listed in the forum before. I can't remember where, or if it was a link or just a post. Try the search feature at the top of the forum.

My point exactly about having user groups, keeping the forum organized.
Whats the point of telling someone ahhh I think it was on the forum but cant remember where I seen it.
gustavus said:
viacin said:
I have seen the gold content of different processors listed in the forum before. I can't remember where, or if it was a link or just a post. Try the search feature at the top of the forum.

My point exactly about having user groups, keeping the forum organized.
Whats the point of telling someone ahhh I think it was on the forum but cant remember where I seen it.

User grops are not the answer, it would not allow me to point him to some obscure list in a offtopic post, or retrain my memory. What is needed is basic information for every new guy coming in, and this has already been created by LazerSteve, but no noob knows this, or chooses to read it. If they would folow the rules, search, and read before posting this would not be a problem.
Part of the problem is that the Search function needs to be improved.

For instance, yesterday I did a search for "Toaster Ovens", I got 13 hits.

So far, so good. I started reading through the first return. When I wanted to read the second on the list I got a 'timed out' message. I then had to go back to the Search and do the whole thing all over again.

I had to repeat the process 13 times. This is unacceptable.

On some keywords ypu can get 100 or more returns. Easily.

Another problem: When I log in, I click on 'View posts since last visit'. Let's say I haven't been on for a couple days and there's 48 (or more) new posts.
Now, if I have the time I'll read through all of them. But what if I don't have the time just then (or I'll have more time later in the day), or I can read just a few and want to leave the rest for later etc; as soon as I log off, the list disappears and the next time it's a new list altogether.

And another problem: On the membership list, you can organize returns in various ways. The problem is accessing the pages. You can click on any of the first 5 pages & any of the last 5 pages, but all the others you can only get to: one page at a time. HELLLP!!!

Shaul, these computers baffle me, this forum is Great, everything can be improved,do you know how these forums work and how they are organized, ect. this would seem to me to be a very daunting task, shoot I dont see how the kind fellers running it can keep up with it,and do such a wonderful job,I can barely keep up with about half of what people write on it, most have jobs and hobbies,other things of life ect, your suggestions may help improve things, seems to me it would be alot of study and work and organizing, to do to get to were it was better, I am amazed at the orgonization of it now, and am sure it is always improving, maybe you can, and know how to,and are willing to devote your time to helping with it.I am new to this and have no idea, although if someone knows if there is a spell check and grammer button that would help me and you guys thannks.
butcher said:
I am new to this and have no idea, although if someone knows if there is a spell check and grammer button that would help me and you guys thannks.

Try Firefox web browser it has a built in spell check, it wont help you with bad grammar LOL.

Same for the Thunderbird email client has a built in spell check, automatically underlines incorrect spelling. If the word underlined is not in the dictionary and your sure of the spelling you can add it.

Not sure of the spelling I use google before adding.

For the search, what I do is search for whatever I need, then open the results in seperate tabs/windows. It will allow you to keep your search results open in one window so that you will not have to search more than once.

I noticed the new topics do that too, so what I do now is go into each catagory and check the posts. It takes longer, but avoids that problem.

As for the member list, you can thank GSP for this one.

goldsilverpro said:

I, too, hated having to go through the members pages, one by one, to see the total members that have at least one post, until I found a shortcut. On the members list, there are 50 per page. Go to the 2nd page and take a look at the end of the URL. It says 50. Go to the 3rd page and it says 100. 4th page - 150. On the first page, there is no number. Therefore, to advance to the 30th page, for example, start at the 2nd page and replace the 50, on the URL, with (30 -1) X 50, or 1450 and hit Enter. You will be on the 30th page. This works no matter how you sort them.

This works the same on a member's posts, except the number of posts per page is 15. Today, for a certain reason, I wanted to go to the 31st page of my posts. I went to the 2nd page and replaced the 15, at the end of the URL, with (31 -1) X 15, or 450.

I just discovered this today. Check the end of the URLs and you will find it works for other things, also.

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