Catalytic Converter help plz?

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Jul 12, 2008
Hey new here have been reading around for a bit and was wondering if someone could help me out.

I have a about 20 Catalytic Converters I want to sell the materials inside Can someone write me a quick guide to do so or give me a link?

use a hammer to smash out the inside and then what? :) haha. do I need to seperate all the metals through chemical process? or can i ship it to a refinery and get them to do it for me? or what.. thanks for any help!
Your best bet is selling them whole on Ebay.
When you remove the cats guts nobody can
tell from looking at them if they are high grade
or low grade. You need large amounts to send to
a refiner,so that is why Ebay is your best bet,
besides the crazy bidding wars.
thank you very much for your advice!

what do you think about this idea. collect 50+ converters smash out the inside and send that off to a refiner? Does the refiner only take of the 20% after it is refined? how much money do you think is in 50 converters if i send them off? (about)

I really need some ideas on selling these... ebay is about $100 ea it seems but i think if i got a large amount i would get more money with the refiner. (Hate to sound greedy but you guys no what up) :twisted:
I think you need at least a ton of each type (beads/honeycomb)
and then you are responsible for getting it to the refinery. With
Ebay the buyer is paying the shipping. There is no easy way to
jump into the big time with converters.
You'll also have less questions about where you got them from, not that I'm implying anything, but I am thinking something.

Maybe I'm just being paranoid...

You don't sound greedy, just motivated by money. Which is your screen name.
you dont need 5 to 10k per month. I ship directly to a refiner in Canada. I ship up 1,000 at a time. But i collect from many many people. where you located. I ship in over 3,000 packages a month. Your best bet is selling on ebay - but if you want quick cash, take pictures and I will give you top dollar. Only those refining them can offer more.
Ebay is your best bet unless you want to spend the time and money to learn how to refine them yourself.
If that is the case, then I suggest you start reading from the top.
There is alot of people here that will help you, but you will have to educate yourself with the basics.

It's a long and expensive road, not that I am trying to deter you, but , I have found it to be real easy to lose money while trying to learn.

Nothing is easy, or free, in life. :roll:

thanks for comments!

pi2008_com I live in Toronto how much are you willing to buy them for and will you pay shipping?
thanks appreicieate all the help. you guys are a great community i hope soon i will be able to help people here myself :)

could you guys also help me with this question:

pi2008_com said:
you dont need 5 to 10k per month. I ship directly to a refiner in Canada. I ship up 1,000 at a time. But i collect from many many people. where you located. I ship in over 3,000 packages a month. Your best bet is selling on ebay - but if you want quick cash, take pictures and I will give you top dollar. Only those refining them can offer more.

pi2008_com, can you tell me which refiner you use in Canada along with the total percentage they charge, and the payout arrangement that you have with them. Do you test or lab assay all of your individual converters for pgm content before sending them to your refiner, or is it whatever the pgm content the refiner says they recover is what you get paid out. Also, do you sell your refined pgm's to the same refinery, or do you sell to another purchasing source.

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