Cellphones in the thousands

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Active member
Jan 18, 2010
Greetings everyone its been a while,just haverom a question .i have 600 ponds of cellphones,how best can i retrieve and get all meatls from. It
AP comes to mind. that will free the gold foils from the base metals, then hcl/cl or AR the foils.
If I was in your shoes I would, read the forum, and Hokes book, just getting an anwer through a few posts would only give you many more questions that would need answering.
Unless you are really in love with the hobby side of refining I would highly recommend a call to Ocean (he is a board member in great standing) and sell the phones to him. They will be worth quite a pretty penny to you. Take the proceeds and lay your hands on some easy to handle scrap like fingers. That way you get the best of all worlds
I think I would talk to Ocean, he is a member here. He can probably help you out.
Talk to Ocean for sure. The phones may be worth way more than the gold value. He has a great phone buying deal.
yazeed said:
Thank you to everyone for wonderfull advice,keep up the good work guys.email me on [email protected] for more info on my phones and a possible deal on them

I don't think you will find a better deal than whatever Jack "Ocean" offers you. You are almost guaranteed to get better than his price per lb., if you have some newer phones in the mix.

Thanks again will speak to the main cellphone guy,p.s i have actually a solid plan to process these phones my question wasnt meant to sound newbie i asked the question just to hear what the most experienced guys here would say how they would best go ahead with phones if they had them like i do.e.g i would use nitric acid to get rid of base metals then go for the silver and gold and then the pgm according to the best means i have seen and used already,so just bouncing the question off u guys again to see what you would do,az i value everyones comment here very much since i became a member almost two years ago,regards,Yazeed
Yazeed I'd rethink your plan if I was you, like all e scrap boards simple one process methods won't be effective. You need to strip the boards and use AP on any obvious gold and recover the foils, for the components you need to have a good idea which value each contains,stripping in nitric will also dissolve the silver and any palladium present not just base metals and to get a near complete recovery I'm sure crushing and even possibly incineration will be required. The big boys crush incinerate and then smelt the lot to create dore bars which go to the copper refiners for recovery and refining and in honesty I don't think you can refine this lot cost effectively, like all e scrap it's a cherry picking operation and sell the rest on for the best price you can.
Ocean may well give you a better price for the whole lot than you can achieve by cherry picking and then selling what's left over.
Maybe take a few phones and process them see what you get, also taking into account your cost and time, and at same time see what you can sell them for, if you can sell them for more, (which seems very likely), then sell them then you could buy you some other scrap like karat gold to process.
Butcher,i like the idea of trying few boards and seeing what gives also im in communic
ation with ocean will see which will be more cost effective.the reason i went for phones is because research showed them to be more metals rich than normal computer boards and bearing in mind these are ancient phones the very first motorolas that came out those really big ones t

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