Ceramic cpu process

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Jan 16, 2012

I have started the gold recovery process of mine 21 cpu`s. Almost al the pins are dissolved.( see picture
So I filtered the solution, and I added 3 tea spoons SMB but after 24 houres there is no reaction and the SMB is sunk to the bottom. (see picture http://www.flickr.com/photos/77328529@N06/?saved=1
Can anybody help me? I have not tested the solution for gold because I do not have SNCL2 at the moment. I also haven't add the few drops of sulfaric acid as is stated in the video of scrap-n-gold http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hv4CcaTVJqY&NR=1&feature=endscreen for the same reasson.

Thanks in advance,
you didn't dissolve enough gold for you to see in all that mess. if you had dissolved all of it, there might have been a dark layer on the bottom. decant the solution into another beaker without pouring off any solids. then add hot water to dissolve the over abundance of SMB and see if any dark powder can be seen.the next time you try to precipitate from AR solution, dilute with at least 2X water and add only enough SMB to do the job. in this case a half a tsp. in a half cup of water would have been plenty.
i remember my first post and it is funny to see how we all sound the same at the beginning lol

do you know what cementing mean ? a hint (your pins obviously havent fully disolve so your value might not be in solution)
why do you wait for stannous cholride (you have cpu you must have solder to use somewhere)...
dont delete anything and do what Geo said

WELCOME :mrgreen:
I can see your gold. It is on your first picture, in form of brown sludge on processors, pins and that nice metallic bowl where you put everything. It wont by that nice after you finish. Never put AR or treated material in metallic containers.

Always be sure everything is dissolved. You should gave them soak in Nitric before introducing AR in that way you dissolve base metals prior to dissolving gold and don't forget to neutralize Nitric in your AR before you try to precipitate gold.
patnor1011 said:
I can see your gold. It is on your first picture, in form of brown sludge on processors, pins and that nice metallic bowl where you put everything. It wont by that nice after you finish. Never put AR or treated material in metallic containers.

Always be sure everything is dissolved. You should gave them soak in Nitric before introducing AR in that way you dissolve base metals prior to dissolving gold and don't forget to neutralize Nitric in your AR before you try to precipitate gold.
explain how can I neutralize Nitric?
Thank you
lahoop said:
patnor1011 said:
I can see your gold. It is on your first picture, in form of brown sludge on processors, pins and that nice metallic bowl where you put everything. It wont by that nice after you finish. Never put AR or treated material in metallic containers.

Always be sure everything is dissolved. You should gave them soak in Nitric before introducing AR in that way you dissolve base metals prior to dissolving gold and don't forget to neutralize Nitric in your AR before you try to precipitate gold.
explain how can I neutralize Nitric?
Thank you

the best way is to use only the amount needed to complete the reaction by adding nitric acid to the AR in small doses (small increments). add a little and wait for the reaction to stop and then add a little more. if you have excess nitric in your solution: filter solution and remove all solids. heat solution slowly until it comes to a gentle boil and then turn the heat down to the point where the solution no longer boils (just below the boiling point of your solution). do not cover. reduce volume to the point where the solution becomes thick and viscous. remove from heat and allow to cool. add water to bring solution back to the volume you started with. you can repeat this step as many times as needed but usually, only one time is needed.

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